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A  Region Based Stereo Matching Algorithm Using Cooperative Optimization

A  Region Based Stereo Matching Algorithm Using Cooperative Optimization. Zeng-Fu Wang , Zhi-Gang Zheng University of Science and Technology of China Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. O utline. Introduction Algorithmn Experimental Results Conclusion. Introduction.

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A  Region Based Stereo Matching Algorithm Using Cooperative Optimization

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  1. A Region BasedStereoMatching Algorithm Using Cooperative Optimization Zeng-Fu Wang , Zhi-Gang Zheng University of Science and Technology of China Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008

  2. Outline • Introduction • Algorithmn • Experimental Results • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • The stereo correspondence problem is a key point in computer vision. • Goal : Find a more reasonable disparity map that closes to the ground truth data.

  4. Outline • Introduction • Algorithmn • Experimental Results • Conclusion

  5. Algorithmn

  6. Algorithmn

  7. Mean-shift algorithm [19] • No assumptions about probability distributions. • Find local maxima • clusters close in space and range correspond to classes. [19] D. Comanicu, P. Meer: “Mean shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis”, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., May 2002.

  8. Mean-shift algorithm [19] [19] D. Comanicu, P. Meer: “Mean shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis”, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., May 2002.

  9. Algorithmn

  10. Window stereo matching

  11. Adaptive correlation window stereo matching algorithm[16] • Assumption : depth discontinuities occur at colour boundaries • Reduce the outliers wieght • A variation window sizes on the recurrsive moving average implementation [16] Mark Gerrits and Philippe Bekaert. “Local Stereo Matching with Segmentation-based Outlier Rejection . ” Third Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, June 2006.

  12. Adaptive correlation window stereo matching algorithm[16] [16] Mark Gerrits and Philippe Bekaert. “Local Stereo Matching with Segmentation-based Outlier Rejection . ” Third Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, June 2006.

  13. Algorithmn

  14. Disparity plane fitting • The disparity plane corresponding to a segmented region function : • : image coordinates • : plane parameters • RANSC (RANdom Sample Consensus) • Voting

  15. Disparity plane fitting algorithmbased on voting • Disparity plane: • For a pair of points on a line along 𝑥-axis belonging to the region, we can obtain an estimation of the plane parameter 𝑎 by calculating .

  16. Disparity plane fitting algorithmbased on voting (parameter a)

  17. Disparity plane fitting algorithm comparison The comparison of the plane fitting results based on the RANSAC algorithm(blue)and the voting algorithm(red).

  18. Disparity plane fitting algorithmbased on voting The disparities obtained by the plane fitting algorithm based on voting

  19. Algorithmn

  20. The cooperative optimization • Goal :To optimize the disparity plane parameters of each region such that the disparity plane parameters of the adjacent regions keep consistent. • The total energy function E(x) of all regions is defined as E(x) = E1(x)+ E2(x) + ... + En(x) • Ei(x) : the energy function of the ith region

  21. The cooperative optimization The sketch map for optimization of sub-targets

  22. Energy functional of each region

  23. Energy functional of each region • = • : the visible pixel set on the current region of the left image • : the visible pixel set on the current region of the right image • : matching pixels ( is a projection pixel of p)

  24. Energy functional of each region

  25. Energy functional of each region • : the number of pixels of the left occlusion area • : the number of pixels of the right occlusion area • : the penalty constant for occlusion

  26. Energy functional of each region • : the set of the border pixels on the current region • : the smooth penalty constant • : the neighborhood of p • : the corresponding disparities , if , otherwise

  27. The cooperative optimization • Where 0 ≤ ≤ 1 , 0 ≤ ≤ 1 are the corresponding weights. • Ej(x) is the energy functional of the jth region Rj • For each region i, use the Powell’s method to minimize the at each iteration. • The disparity plane parameters of each region could be optimized. • The optimized parameters will be regarded as the initial estimation in the next iteration.

  28. The cooperative optimization • The optimization is carried out until the algorithm converges or the number of iteration is reached.

  29. The cooperative optimization

  30. The cooperative optimization

  31. Algorithmn

  32. Outline • Introduction • Algorithmn • Experimental Results • Conclusion

  33. Experimental Results • Device:A notebook with CPU of PM1.6G • Settingsparameters: 𝜆𝑖 = 0.5, 𝜆𝑠 = 0.5, 𝜆𝑜𝑐𝑐 = 0.5 𝑤𝑖𝑗are set according to [17] • Source : Middlebury http://vision.middlebury.edu/stereo/ • Time:20s ( 4 iterations ) • Segmentation:8s [17] Xiaofei Huang. “Cooperative Optimization for Energy Minimization: A Case Study of Stereo Matching”, cs.CV/0701057, Jan 2007. http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/X.Huang,

  34. Experimental Results

  35. Experimental Results Black : occluded border regions  White : discontinuities

  36. Experimental Results

  37. Experimental Results

  38. Outline • Introduction • Algorithmn • Experimental Results • Conclusion

  39. Conclusion • Contributions • Combine some known techniques to obtain the high quality disparity map. • The algorithm only requests the initial estimation of disparities is roughly correct. • Futureworks • Improve the plane fitting by introducing B-spline fitting technique. • Develop a more efficient segmentation algorithm.

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