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Crop Molecular Genetics Lab Department of Plant Sciences Barley and Oat Breeding Program Crop Development Centre. Dr. Graham Scoles Dr. Brian Rossnagel. Personnel Dr. Aaron Beattie Dr. Tajinder Grewal Donna Hay Peter Eckstein. Research Objectives.
Crop Molecular Genetics Lab Department of Plant Sciences Barley and Oat Breeding Program Crop Development Centre Dr. Graham Scoles Dr. Brian Rossnagel Personnel Dr. Aaron Beattie Dr. Tajinder Grewal Donna Hay Peter Eckstein
Research Objectives Marker Discovery, Development and Implementation • Oat (and Barley) • Traditional polymorphism screen using a variety of fingerprinting methods and linkage analysis • usually for simply inherited traits • usually using bi-parental populations • polymorphisms developed for ease of use in MMAS • implement/adapt markers developed by other programs Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection Marker implementation in breeding materials on a routine basis - lower cost - increased accuracy - shortened breeding cycle Oat markers include/d; Pg16, loose smut, Pc94, Pc68 Genomics • EST Isolation • SSR marker development • TILLING collaboration • DArT Consortium • QTL analysis, association mapping/linkage dis-equilibrium
Marker-Assisted Selection PCR based markers - 2 primer allele-specific or SCAR - 96 lane agarose gel electrophoresis Rapid and crude DNA preparation - sodium hydroxide based - germinated seed - 96 samples PCR ready in 45 minutes Where to Next ?? Too many samples for a research lab Too few for a dedicated high-throughput facility Critical Mass – need more marked traits - need quality markers - have barley Un8, Cov. Smut, Yd2, Pc11, Rh2, Rh13, Rpg1, Net Blotch, low-protein, LOX1 - have lost Pc68, Rh2, Pc11, chr. 3 scald R.
SNP Markers Variety of ways to implement and analyse Barley CAP leading the way - great for genotyping, ease marker discovery - markers from the shelf - too poor - pick a SNP - too far - pick a SNP - not poly - pick a different one - wrong marker type - select SNP from region Oat - perhaps a little behind barley Real-Time PCR - Cybergreen or TaqMan