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Using Digital Microscopes in the Science Classroom. Grades: 9-12 Subject Area: Biology Designed By: Katy Tincher Time Frame: 1-2 90-Minute Blocks per activity within context of other class activities School: Batesville High School. 3 Lesson Plans Using Digital Microscopes.
Using Digital Microscopes in the Science Classroom • Grades: 9-12 • Subject Area: Biology • Designed By: Katy Tincher • Time Frame: 1-2 90-Minute Blocks • per activity • within context of other class activities • School: Batesville High School
3 Lesson Plans Using Digital Microscopes • What Does Mitosis Really Do? • Observing zebrafish eggs to embryos • Mark & Recapture of Grasshoppers • A study of population dynamics • DNA Extraction • Modeling the process of DNA extraction from peas
State & National StandardsMitosis and Zebrafish Eggs • B.1.8 Understand and describe that all growth and development is a consequence of an increase in cell number, cell size, and/or cell products. Explain that cellular differentiation results from gene expression and/or environmental influence. Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis. • B.1.11 Describe that through biogenesis all organisms begin their life cycles as a single cell and that in multi-cellular organisms, successive generations of embryonic cells form by cell division.
State & National StandardsGrasshopper Mark & Recapture • B.1.41 Recognize that and describe how human beings are part of Earth’s ecosystems. Note that human activities can, deliberately or inadvertently, alter the equilibrium in ecosystems • B.1.45 Recognize that and describe how the physical or chemical environment may influence the rate, extent, and nature of the way organisms develop within ecosystems
State & National StandardsDNA Extraction • B.1.21 Understand and explain that the information passed from parents to offspring is transmitted by means of genes which are coded in DNA molecules
Understandings • The process of mitosis is a complex one however you can observe its process in some species such as zebrafish. • Populations of species change regularly and mark and recapture methods are a good indicator of the overall population in an area. • Genetic information is passed from parents to offspring through genes that are found in our DNA, which can be extracted from various living things.
Essential Questions • Can you identify the stages of a developing zebrafish egg to embryo? • How can capturing grasshoppers on two separate days tell us how many are in the population? • What exactly does DNA look like with the naked eye and with a microscope?
Skills Required • Be able to: • Read and follow a lab procedure. • Do field work RESPONSIBLY. • Keep good records of data collected using equations if necessary. • Analyze the data collected. • Draw conclusions from that data. • Collect information and put into a lab report. • Ask questions when you need help.
Knowledge Required • Know: • Introductory use of digital microscopes • Basic steps of mitosis (PMAT) • What does a grasshopper look like • Basic DNA structure (double helix)
Performance Tasks • Use the digital microscopes to present information learned through three labs. • Put the stages of development of zebrafish eggs into order. • Calculate the estimated population of grasshoppers in a given field plot. • Extract and observe the DNA strands from pea plants
Activities & WebQuest • Students will perform a lab for each of the three topics discussed: Mitosis, population dynamics, and DNA extraction. • In addition to the DNA extraction, students will also do a WebQuest about genetics.
Student Projects • Each activity will produce a formal lab report. • Zebrafish mitosis study will also have an I-movie of the order that development occurs in the growth of an egg to an embryo. • Grasshopper population study will include a collage of digital pictures taken during field work. • DNA extraction lab will include digital pictures taken of the DNA strands extracted during the lab.
Assessments & Criteria • Formal Lab Report Rubric for all activities • Behavior/On Task Rubric for all activities • Use of Technology Rubric for all activities • Test over Mitosis will include questions about this lab activity. • Test over Ecology will include questions about this lab activity. • Test over DNA and genetics will include questions about this lab activity.