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Work and Power

Work and Power. Practice calculations. Which is more work? Pushing against a building that doesn’t move with 1000 N of force OR Pushing against a table with 100 N of force and making it move 3 meters Which one feels like more work?. SUMMARY OF IDEAS (Work):.

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Work and Power

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  1. Work and Power

  2. Practice calculations • Which is more work? • Pushing against a building that doesn’t move with 1000 N of force OR • Pushing against a table with 100 N of force and making it move 3 meters • Which one feels like more work?

  3. SUMMARY OF IDEAS(Work): • Do not confuse getting tired with doing work. • You can get tired even when not doing work. • -If there is no movement from point a to point b, there is no work • -External work (physics) vs. • -Internal work (the effort in your body= biology) • -example: holding a book for a long time

  4. Practice calculations • Which is more work? • A: Using a 2 meter ladder (your force is about 600 N) OR • B: Walking 6 meters up stairs (your force is about 200 N)

  5. BUT HOW DOES IT FEEL? • Which one feels like more work? Ladder OR Stairs • Something to think about: • Would you put a ladder in your grandma’s house?

  6. SUMMARY OF IDEAS(Work): Would you put a ladder in your grandma’s house? -Power (amount of work done in a certain amount of time) -ladder is faster =more power -more power is more difficult for humans

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