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Things You Can do About Pest Control Under Your Solar Panels

Things You Can do About Pest Control Under Your Solar Panels:<br><br> Set up Bird Mesh<br><br>Install Roof Spikes<br><br>Invest in Plastic Predators<br><br>Maintain Your Home Solar Panels

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Things You Can do About Pest Control Under Your Solar Panels

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  1. Things You Can do About Pest Control Under Your Solar Panels

  2. Set up Bird Mesh One of the most effective bird-proofing choices for household solar systems is bird mesh. Bird mesh clamps directly to the panels and runs around the borders of the entire array to seal the region beneath your solar panels. While it doesn’t technically “seal off” your panels from the house – air can still move through – it does make it difficult for birds to build nests beneath the panels.

  3. Install Roof Spikes Spikes aren't the most appealing way to keep birds at bay, but they do the job. Spikes deter birds from roosting on or near your solar panels for long enough to build a nest or make a major mess by making it difficult for them to do so. While they aren't particularly beneficial on their own, they can be used in conjunction with roof netting or other methods to keep roofs net-free and solar panels clean.

  4. Invest in Plastic Predators Plastic birds of prey may appear out of date, but they do the job. A fake owl with a head that swivels in the breeze can scare birds away if you buy one with a head that swivels in the breeze. They're a great option for Solar Panel Pest Control. You can even install high-tech, automated birds of prey on your roof, which will keep pigeons and other birds away for years. To ensure a comprehensive and effective strategy, combine these measures with bird netting and other tactics.

  5. Maintain Your Home Solar Panels Maintaining your solar panel system is critical, and maintaining it in good working order will make it less vulnerable to bird nests and droppings. Cleaning your panels regularly, repairing any cracks or mounting issues, and having them professionally serviced are all essential to ensure long-term functionality.

  6. Contact Us To know more about our services, contact us today! info@nomorebirds.com.au 0415 136 090 nomorebirds.com.au Disclaimer : This is a generic Information & post; content about the services can be changed from time to time as per your requirements and contract. To get the latest and updated information, contact us today or visit our website.

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