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Vaishnav Jan toh taynay kahyeeyejey, Peerh paraayee janney ray, Par dukkhey upkar karey to yey, Man abhimaan na anney ray. Sakal lokma sahuney vandey, Ninda na karey kainee ray Vaach kaach, man nischal raakhey, Dhan-dhan jananee tainee ray. Samdristhi nay trishna tyagee, Par-stree jaynay mat ray Jivaah thaki asatya na bolay, Par-dhan nav jhaley haath ray. God’s child is one Who knows another’s pain Who uplifts the sorrowful And pride does disdain Who salutes all beings And criticizes none Of pure talk and action Such a One’s mother is blessed Who looks on all as the same Honors woman as mother Who does not utter untruth Even when the tongue has tired And never covets another’s wealth VAISHNAV JAN TOH VAISHNAV JAN TOH
International Student from India 19 years old University College, London Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Student of Law
International Student from India Fascinated by THE NEW TESTAMENT “Turn the other cheek”
NRI in South Africa Early daysJohannesburg practice
Teri Awaaz pe koi naa aaye, to phir chal akela re If no one heeds your call, then go on alone
Phir chal akela, chal akela, chal akela, chal akela re Go on alone, go on alone, go on alone, Go on alone
Yadi koi bhi na boley If no one speaks up
Orey orey O Obhaage, Koi bhi na boley O Unfortunate One, if no one speaks up
Yadi sabhi mukh mod rahe, Sab dara karein If all have turned their face away and are fearful
Tab darey bina, O tu mukt kanth apni baath, Keh akela re Then, open your heart, and speak your mind on your own
Yadi laut jayien sabhi If all are leaving you
Orey orey O Obhaage, laut jayien sabhi O Unfortunate One, if all are leaving you
Yadi gahan dagar chale dekhein, Mudh ke na koi As they leave, if no one even glances back
Tab kantakon ko, O tu rakt range charan tale, Dal akela re Then with blood-soaked feet, trample the thorns & move on
Orey orey O Obhaage, Deep na jale O Unfortunate one, if the flame does not hold
Yadi jhara aandhi raat mein, ghar band sab karein If on a stormy night, all have shut their doors to you
Tab vajra skihka, se tu apni asthi jalaa aur jal akela re Then, let the lightning set your breastbone ablaze & shine on alone
Phir chal akela, chal akela, chal akela, chal akela re Go on alone, go on alone, go on alone, Go on alone
Leadership Lessons http://www.historytalking.com/britishraj.htm
Close the doors for prayer at 4:05 am. If anyone is late, he will be marked absent. This will be considered an instance of indiscipline. Leadership Lessons http://www.historytalking.com/britishraj.htm
4 feet of yarn must be spun by all inmates everyday, on time. Missing work will be considered indiscipline. Leadership Lessons http://www.historytalking.com/britishraj.htm
2 instances of indiscipline will be forgiven. At the third instance, the inmate will be asked to leave the ashram. Leadership Lessons http://www.historytalking.com/britishraj.htm
Inmates of the ashram were stunned Leadership Lessons http://www.historytalking.com/britishraj.htm
Many requested Gandhi to relax the rules Leadership Lessons http://www.historytalking.com/britishraj.htm
He refused Leadership Lessons http://www.historytalking.com/britishraj.htm
With just 78 volunteers, the Dandi March changed the course of Indian history Leadership Lessons http://www.historytalking.com/britishraj.htm
Gandhi’s Weapon against Poverty Micro-entrepreneurship
Gandhi’s Weapon against Poverty Micro-entrepreneurship SELF RELIANCE
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar “Mr. Gandhi does not wish to hurt the propertied class. He is even more opposed to a campaign against them. He has no passsion for economic equality. Referring to the propertied class Mr. Gandhi has quite recently said that he does not wish to destroy the hen that lays the golden egg. His solution for the economic conflict between the owners and the workers, between the rich and the poor, between the landlords and the tenants, and between the employers and the employees is very simple. The owners need not deprive themselves of their property. All that they need to do is to declare themselves Trustees for the poor. Of course, the Trust is to be a voluntary one carrying only a spiritual obligation.” (p. 293) From Gandhism: The Doom of the Untouchables
“A person of steady wisdom sees no difference between a learned scholar, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a pariah.” Bhagvad Gita Verse 5.1
If I have to be reborn, I should be born an untouchable, so that I may share their sorrows, sufferings and the affronts levelled at them, in order that I endeavor to free myself and them from that miserable condition. -Mahatma Gandhi
Film Screening SCAVENGING FREEDOM This presentation: http://hindu.stanford.edu/gandhi/gj2006.ppt