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Salary Planner/ Budget Development. Objectives. At the end of today’s session, you will: Understand the purpose of the Salary Planner/Budget Development process Understand the steps to ensure your staff are set up properly in Salary Planner Be able to perform these steps
Objectives At the end of today’s session, you will: • Understand the purpose of the Salary Planner/Budget Development process • Understand the steps to ensure your staff are set up properly in Salary Planner • Be able to perform these steps • Be familiar with the timeline for FY12 and • Know where to go for help
Agenda Course Overview • Why are we here? • Overview of the FY12 Process • Overview of Steps • Salary Planner (Reappointment and Budget) • List by Employee (Slides 13-26) • Reporting for List by Employee (Slides 27-38) • List by Position (Slides 39-56) • Budget Development (Slides 57-84) • Budget Reporting (Slides 85-87) • Contacts & Lab Sessions
Process Overview I II Salary Planner Budget Development (Budgeting Operations) List by Employee *Reappointment Side (NBAJOBS) List by Position *Budget Side (NBAPBUD) Reappoint Only (purple) X X Reappoint & Budget (green) X X X Budget Only (salmon) X X FY Non-Tenure/Ext (goldenrod) X X X
Special Case: BZ Adjuncts I II Salary Planner Budget Development (Benefits & Operations) List by Employee *Reappointment Side (NBAJOBS) List by Position *Budget Side (NBAPBUD) BZ Adjuncts (pink) X X X • Why Special? • Extended Deadlines for List by Employee (Reappointment). • Complete List by Position (Budget) first
FY12 Salary Planner/ Budget Development Timeline • May 10th to 12th – Salary Planner/Budget Development Training • Extenuating Circumstances • Budget from the state has been received later than normal • Once the budget is finalized, proposal for changes to tuition must be reviewed and approved/denied by the Board of Regents • Without knowing these factors, the Budget Office cannot make allocations, which means… • We are not ready to budget • The latest we can CLOSE Salary Planner/Budget Development is June 13th
Accessing Salary PlannerFrom MSU homepage, click on MyInfo link
Don’t forget to download the spreadsheet to double check for accuracy. See the section titled “Reporting and Analysis” labor
Frequently Asked Question • If you do not plan on reappointing an employee for the fall, but the employee will be returning in the spring, follow the steps in the next three slides. • To hire the employee back in the spring use a PTF/LoA. • If your employee is not to be reappointed and is not returning, please submit a terminating EPAF.
Frequently Asked Question When I am in the Job Detail section of “List by Employee”, what is the difference between the Current, Base, and Proposed records?
Frequently Asked Questions What do I do if my employee has a stipend? What about my tenured faculty who are receiving a promotion?
Stipend Employees • Stipends are ONLY Budgeted they are NOT reappointed. • Stipend information is provide to Human Resources from the Provost office and manually entered. • If Stipend is included in the employees “Base” salary the employee WILL be over paid. Tenured Promotions • Tenured Promotions are ONLY Budgeted they are NOT reappointed. • Promotion information is provide to Human Resources from the Provost office and manually entered with an October 1st effective date. • If Promotion amounts are included in the employees “Base” salary the employee WILL be over paid effective July or August 1st.
Reporting and Analysis Using Salary Planner to extract data and verify accuracy
Look for Exceptions and Inconsistent Data Position types and start dates • 4A positions - Academic Year (AY) Faculty - begin Aug. 1 • 4B positions - Fiscal Year (FY) Faculty – reappointed July 1 • 4C positions - Professional positions • Look for PY employee class – begin Aug. 1 or Aug. 16 depending on the Contract or Letter of Appointment • Other 4C positions - reappointed July 1 • 4E positions - Executives most are reappointed July 1 • 4M positions - Classified Salaried – Reappointed July 1 • 4N positions - Classified Hourly– Reappointed July 1
Look for exceptions and inconsistent data- FTE and Hrs Per Pay • FTE should be consistent with hours per pay and number of pay • 4A 9 month positions at 1FTE = 173.33 hrs • 4A 10 month positions at 1FTE = 156 hrs • 4B,4C,4E at 1FTE = 173.33 hrs • 4M, 4N at 1FTE = 174 hrs • % FTE x Hrs for 1FTE = hrs per pay
Look for exceptions and inconsistent data- FTE and Hrs Per Pay • FTE should be consistent with hours per pay and number of pay EXAMPLES: • 4A position 9 month at .75 FTE • .75 X 173.33 = 130 hrs per pay • 4A Position- 10 month at .5 FTE • .5 X 156 = 78 hrs per pay • 4M position at .8 FTE • .8 X 174 = 139.2 hrs per pay
List by Position *Budget Side (NBAPBUD)
Copy Estimated Budget to Budget If you click “Copy Estimated Budget to Budget” first, this will automatically populate the change amount and Proposed Budget based upon the rate and # of pays for employee that was entered in “List by Employee”. You can see the amount that will populate under the column, “Estimated Fiscal Year Budget” This will usually save you time, but you will need to make additional changes to positions with associated longevity, positions with stipends or promotion/merit, vacant positions, and pooled positions. Only click ONCE. If you click it again after you have made other changes it will overwrite them. **Hit the “Save” button OFTEN
Using Salary Projections to Help The amount that has been allocated for that specific position by the budget office. What budget should be based on the associated FTE.
Projected Budget and Allocation are different • If the projected budget is more than the allocation, you must take the excess from elsewhere in a state index or split funded. • If the projected budget is less than the allocation, the excess can be used elsewhere in a state index.
Other Manual Changes Changes to budget can be entered in the Change Amount field. You will want to enter the ENTIRE budget amount (including longevity, promotion/merit, and stipends and TAB out. If necessary, you can type in changes to the Proposed FTE and TAB out. Please use 4 decimal places. To change the BUDGET distribution, click on the link. **Hit the “Save” button OFTEN
Position Distribution Changes These can be made in List by Position, but NOT List by Employee Current NBAPBUD Distribution New Distribution Click the “Percent” link to make changes to that index. You may also “Add a new record”. The total must always equal 100.00
If you had to add a new record, type in the Index and then click the “Default from Index” button. Manually enter the account that is associated with the position. Enter the percent that is associated with the Index that you just filled in and TAB out. This will automatically fill in the Amount. If you need to remove distribution from a particular index enter 0.00 Click “Save” after each entry. Complete as many entries as necessary to Total 100%.
Frequently Asked Question How do I budget for a position that is split funded between state money and “soft” money (IDCs or Grants)? Example: A position is 60% funded by a grant and 40% funded by a state fund.
Change the FTE to match whichever portion of the budget will be covered by state funds. So, from the example, .4000 for 40%. TAB out and click the “Save” button. The distribution will need to be changed, so click on “Distribution” under links.
The percent distribution for the state index (or whichever index is not the grant/IDC) should equal 100%. If it is not 100%, use the steps outlined in presentation to make changes.