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A Brief Overview of the History of Branding. Ancient marketplace. Since the ancient marketplace, there have been trademarks, symbols, signs or posters, pictorial signs, and hawkers. Invention of the Gutenberg printing press (1448 A.D.) made printed information abound.
Ancient marketplace • Since the ancient marketplace, there have been trademarks, symbols, signs or posters, pictorial signs, and hawkers. • Invention of the Gutenberg printing press (1448 A.D.) made printed information abound. • Around 1480, a handbill was printed, which one could consider the first advertisement.
The Industrial Revolution • IR had great impact on the future of branding and advertising. • The mass manufacturing and marketing of the Industrial Revolution spurred the growth of visual identification and trademarks. • It pointed out the importance and value of visual identification systems and trademarks. Lowell Textile Advertising Logo
U.S. Civil War • The U.S. Civil War-time economy created a ripe climate for technological advances and for the start of a “packaged goods” society.
Promotion with growth of more brands • As competition increased, for the first time companies had to find ways to promote their “brand names” through more earnest visual identities, attractive packaging, and advertising.
Role of “brand identity” • The role of the brand name’s brand mark, label, packaging, and advertising designers was to stimulate sales and make the brand desirable. • Corporate executives and owners recognized importance of the role of visual communications to the success of their business — driving consumers to use their brands, and to create a loyal customer base.
Rise of brands • The rise of mass media in industrialized countries contributed greatly to the rise of a “brand world” and the desire for brands. Proctor & Gamble logo is one Of the oldest logo marks In the US (1837).
Corporate “identity” • The identification systems for corporations that set certain standards for the creation of all identification systems, comprehensive programs that went far beyond the design of a logo or trademark. • A cohesive image created by a unified, consistent professional visual communications program was the goal. • Visual identity or corporate identity programs could give a corporation a “look,” a style, an image, a personality.
Integration of experiences • Branding made all realize how effective an integrated branding experience can be. • Since the ancient marketplace when people created goods to trade or sell, or as far back in time as people owned cattle, there have been trademarks, symbols, signs or posters, pictorial signs and hawkers. • It was the invention of the printing press that spurred the easier distribution of printed information.