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Due This Week: Promotion Project Due Thursday! Unit 6 TEST Friday!. Week March 31, 2014 – April 4, 2014. Marketing.
Due This Week: Promotion Project Due Thursday! Unit 6 TEST Friday! Week March 31, 2014 – April 4, 2014 Marketing DECA NEWS:Are you Officer Material? Fill out your Officer Intent form and turn in! Senior? Fill out your Senior Scholarship form and turn in! What do you want to see your DECA Chapter focus on for next year? Fill out the Pink Card!
Early Work: What would happen if a business did not promote their products? • Today’s Objective: Promoting Products and Services • Activities • Vocabulary – This should be all done! • Work on your Project! • How is your commercial? • How is your print ad? • What else are you planning? • Homework: Project due Thursday & Test Friday ☞Point of the Day: A promotional budget considers not only the cost for developing and placing advertising but also the cost of staffing the department or campaign. Everyday, I will live my life according to my priorities. Monday, march 31, 2014 Magic Monday Morning – Manners Moment
Evaluate Priorities Daily. • Early Work: What is the purpose of Public Relations? • Today’s Objective: Promoting Products and Services • Activities • Work on your project with your team! • Questions??? • Homework: Project due Thursday & Test Friday ☞Point of the Day: Print media includes newspapers, magazines, direct mail, signs, and billboards. Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Tough Tuesday – Name that Company
Plan your time carefully. • Early Work: What promotional loyalty programs do you participate in? • Today’s Objective: Promoting Products and Services • Activities • Work on your project with your team! • Questions??? • Homework: Project due Thursday & Test Friday ☞Point of the Day: Broadcast media includes radio and television. Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Wicked Work Wear Wednesday & Role Play Day!
Early Work: Newspaper Day – The Free Lance Star What memorable visual displays have you seen in stores? • Today’s Objective: Promoting Products and Services • Activities • Project Presentations • Show us what you did • Turn in all work • Turn in Peer Grading Sheet • Homework: Test Tomorrow – Unit 6! ☞Point of the Day: Specialty media are useful items featuring the advertiser’s name or logo – pens, hats, etc.. Follow your plan. Thursday, april 3, 2014 Thundering Thursday – Share a Weird Fact today!
Early Work: What is your favorite form of Promotion? • Today’s Objective: Promoting Products and Services • Activities • Unit 6 TEST • Complete & Turn in • Journal – “My Promotions Project Team Experience – here is what I liked and what I didn’t like” • Homework: None for this weekend! Enjoy! ☞Point of the Day: Promotion is any form of communication a business uses to inform, persuade, or remind people about its products or image. Delegate whenever possible. Friday, april 4, 2014 Foxes Friday - The Week’s Wrap-Up & Good News!
Vocabulary • Make sure all vocabulary and reviews from Chapter 17, 18, 19 & 20 are complete and checked off! • Be sure you have completed all of your journals • Promotion Project is due 4/3/14– no exceptions, no late presentations. If you have team members missing, grade them accordingly on the peer grading sheet. All parts must be turned in on time for credit.
Examine the concept of promotional mix. Identify the promotional mix of an existing product or service. Describe the technological tools and methods used to market goods and services. Compare the benefits of various types of promotional media. Identify components of print ads. Prepare an advertisement that encompasses knowledge of the marketing mix. Explain the concept of visual merchandising. Explain advertising campaigns. Create a press release and related media materials. Explain the concepts of push and pull as they apply to an existing product or service. Describe ethical issues related to promotion. CTE Competencies Linked to SOLs Objectives for the week – TSWBAT:
The Authentic Problem: “The Marketing Classes at King George High School have just received an interesting challenge! The Fredericksburg Expo and Convention Center has been chosen as a possible host for the 2014 International Franchise Trade Show. This Trade Show is expected to generate up to 5,000 room-night bookings in area hotels and bring Franchise Opportunities to many perspective entrepreneurs in the Fredericksburg Region. The Center hopes this show would promote business in the Region, bringing more retail and service businesses to our growing area. This trade show of franchise opportunities would provide for regional business people and entrepreneurs to investigate and open new businesses. Because of the growth in the region, new business ventures in a variety of areas are in great demand by the growing population. By bringing all of these opportunities to one location, it would provide a “smorgasbord of possibilities” for the entrepreneurs. The Marketing students have been asked by the Center to design the advertising campaign that will be used to promote the trade show. The Marketing students have also been asked to develop the advertising campaigns for the other shows on the Center’s calendar. What an exciting opportunity! Let’s get started!” Resources: http://www.ifeinfo.comhttp://www.fredericksburgexpocenter.com/http://www.entrepreneur.com/franchise500/index.htmlhttp://www.fredericksburg.com/ Making it Real – Your weekly Activity
R-E-S-P-E-C-T EVERYTHING!!! • Your supplies – bring your stuff every-day! Bring your book every-day! Bring your notebook & composition book every-day! Bring pen/paper/thinking cap/open mind ever-day! • Place all bags on the floor under your table! • Wait for Teacher instruction before beginning activity! • Passes out of Class - No Exit First 10/Last 10 • One person out of room at a time • Pass Board – USE IT! • Keep it short! • Stay in your seat until you are dismissed from class – the bell tells Teacher when class is over; Teacher then dismisses you. • No talking while Teacher or others have the floor. • Watch your language and mind your manners, please. • All School Rules will be followed without question. Classroom Proceduresthings you have to do!