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8. What are its costs & benefits?. 9. How do we evaluate it?. 5. How does it change?. 6. How does it change us?. 7. How do we change it?. 1. What is it?. 2. Why do we use it?. 3. Where does it come from?. 4. How does it work?. 0. Introduction. You are here.
8. What are its costs & benefits? 9. How do we evaluate it? 5. How does it change? 6. How does it change us? 7. How do we change it? 1. What is it? 2. Why do we use it? 3. Where does it come from? 4. How does it work? 0. Introduction You are here
The Scale of Things – Nanometers and More Ant ~ 5 mm Dust mite 200 mm Fly ash ~ 10-20 mm Things Natural Things Manmade 1 cm 10 mm 10-2 m Head of a pin 1-2 mm The Challenge 1,000,000 nanometers = 10-3 m 1 millimeter (mm) MicroElectroMechanical (MEMS) devices 10 -100 mm wide Microwave 0.1 mm 100 mm 10-4 m Human hair ~ 60-120 mm wide Microworld 0.01 mm 10 mm 10-5 m Pollen grain Red blood cells Infrared Red blood cells with white cell ~ 2-5 mm Zone plate x-ray “lens”Outer ring spacing ~35 nm 1,000 nanometers = 10-6 m 1 micrometer (mm) Visible Fabricate and combine nanoscale building blocks to make useful devices, e.g., a photosynthetic reaction center with integral semiconductor storage. 0.1 mm 100 nm 10-7 m Ultraviolet Self-assembled, Nature-inspired structureMany 10s of nm Nanoworld 0.01 mm 10 nm 10-8 m ~10 nm diameter Nanotube electrode ATP synthase 10-9 m 1 nanometer (nm) Carbon buckyball ~1 nm diameter Soft x-ray Carbon nanotube ~1.3 nm diameter DNA ~2-1/2 nm diameter 10-10 m 0.1 nm Quantum corral of 48 iron atoms on copper surface positioned one at a time with an STM tip Corral diameter 14 nm Atoms of silicon spacing ~tenths of nm Office of Basic Energy Sciences Office of Science, U.S. DOE Version 10-07-03, pmd
4 stages of response to any new & revolutionary development: (1) It’s crazy! (2) It may be possible—so what? (3) I said it was a good idea all along. (4) I thought of it first. – Arthur C. Clarke
What is nanotechnology? • Nanopowders and nanomaterials (pants, sunscreen) • Molecular precision (solar cells, light emitting diodes) • Nanoscale machines (none yet) • Matter compilers (read Diamond Age) • Self-replicating robots (read Prey)
Nanopowders & nanomaterials Grain size = 1 ~ 100 nm (usually in all 3 dimensions) Surface area matters: nano-particle gold is red, not yellow Applications: paint, insulation, magnets, video displays Used > millennium, butunderstood < 50 years Terminal velocity:1 m sphere of water = 738 mph0.1 mm sphere of water = 0.6 mph Maya Blue
Molecular precision • Placing individual molecules (or even atoms) where we want them. • Placing an atom where you want it is very slow(e.g. STM to place xenon atoms, A pound of carbon has 2.3 x 1025 atoms) • Encouraging atoms canbe done on a mass scale
Matter compilers • Theoretical and some say impossible • Living cells are special case proof of concept
Self-replicating robots • “Nanobots” theoretical, may be impossible • Powerful and maynot be controllable • Use “telomeres” toprevent “cancer”?
More than You See Nanobot Techniquesfor use Software Wireless network Energysources Liabilityagreements Maintenanceinfrastructure Intellectual property law Environmental regulations
Valuable Information Consumer products: ¢ Design information: $$$$ Matter compilers: $