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Scott Perryman Jordan W illiams. NP-Completeness. What is NP-Completeness?. NP-completeness is a class of unsolved decision problems in Computer Science. A decision problem is a YES or NO answer to an algorithm that has two possible outputs.( ie Is this path optimal?)
Scott Perryman Jordan Williams NP-Completeness
What is NP-Completeness? • NP-completeness is a class of unsolved decision problems in Computer Science. • A decision problem is a YES or NO answer to an algorithm that has two possible outputs.(ie Is this path optimal?) • NP is NOT Non-Polynomial, it is Non-deterministic Polynomial. • A decision problem is NP-complete if it is classified as both NP and NP-Hard. • They can be verified quickly in polynomial time (P), but can take years to solve as their data sets grow.
History • Was introduced by Stephen Cook in 1971 at the 3rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing • His paper, The complexity of theorem-proving procedures, started the debate whether NP-Complete problem could be solved in polynomial time on a deterministic Turing machine. • This debate has led to a $1 million reward from the Clay Mathematics Institute for proving that NP-Complete problems can be solved in polynomial time so that P=NP or disproving it thus P≠NP.
Methods for “Solving” NP-Complete Problems • Approximation: Find the most optimal solution…almost. • Heuristic: An algorithm that works in many cases, but there is no proof that it is both always fast and always has a correct answer. • Parameterization: If certain parameters of the input are constant, you can usually find a faster algorithm. • Restriction: By reducing the structure of the input to be less complex, faster algorithms are usually possible. • Randomization: Use randomness to reduce the average running time, and allow some small possibility of failure.
Traveling Salesman(TS) • Using a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities find the shortest route by going to each city and returning to the original. • The decision version of the problem, when given a tour length L, decide whether the graph has any tour shorter than L, is NP-complete. • Optimal solution would be to travel to each city only once without any big “jumps” • Brute force runtime = O(n!)
Traveling Salesman Algorithm • Heuristic algorithm • Starting node could be random or same every time • Finds the node with the least weight from the starting node and goes there • Repeats from that node until back to start • Not guaranteed to be the best solution but runs relatively quickly • Runtime of O(n2)
Starting Map Best Solution found
TS Algorithm Pseudocode • Initialization • c← 0 • Cost ← 0 • visits ← 0 • e = 1 /* pointer of the visited city */ • For 1 ≤ r ≤ n • Do { • Choose pointer j with minimum = c (e, j) = min{c (e, k); • visits (k) = 0 and 1 ≤ k ≤ n } • cost ← cost + minimum - cost • e = j • C(r) ← j • C(n) = 1 • cost = cost + c (e, 1)
Knapsack Problem • Given a set of items with a weight and a value, determine which items you should pick that will maximize the value while staying within the weight limit of your knapsack (a backpack). • The optimal solution is the highest value that will “fit” in the knapsack • Brute force runtime = O(2n)
Knapsack Algorithm • Starts with the last item in the list and removes it if over capacity • Recurses through every item and adds to knapsack based on Value and if there is still room • Works for item duplicates • Runtime = O(kn) where k is capacity
Knapsack Example INTEGER-KNAPSACK(Weight,Value,Item,Capacity) { If Item = 0 then return 0 else if (Capacity – Weight[Item] < 0) return INTEGER-KNAPSACK(Weight,Value,Item-1,Capacity) else a = INTEGER-KNAPSACK(Weight,Value,Item-1,Capacity) b = INTEGER-KNAPSACK(Weight,Value,Item-1,Capacity) return max(a,b) }
Subset Sum • Given a set of integers, does this set contain a non-empty subset which has a sum of zero • Given this set • Would be true because • A variation would be for the subset sum to equal some integer n • Brute force runtime = O(2nn)
Subset Sum Algorithm • Algorithm trims itself down to remain running in polynomial time • Set for finding a certain sum • A list U consists of numbers lists T and S have in common • Return True if list S has a number that is both smaller than total sum but grater than the total negative sum
Subset Sum Pseudocode a list S contains one element 0. for i = 1 to N T =a list of xi + y, for all y in S U = T ⋃ S sort [U] //sorts where U[0] is smallest delete S[] y = U[0] S.push(y) for z = 0 to U.size() //eliminate numbers close to one another //and throw out elements greater than s if (y+ cs/N < z ≤ s) y= z S.push(z) if S contains a number between (1 − c)s and s return true Else returnfalse
Why is NP-Completeness Important • NP-complete problems are pushing the limits of our computing power • The limits of NP-completeness are set based on the question of whether P=NP or P≠NP • If one problem can be solved quickly then they all can be solved quickly.
What if P=NP? • Some areas of cryptography, such as public key cryptography, which rely on being hard, would be broken easily • The other six millennial problems could instantly be solved. • Transportation become more efficient thanks to easy path finding. • Operations research and protein structures in biology would be easy to solve • Any yes/no question could be answered by machine, not by a person, as long as the polynomial constant factor of the algorithms is low, not, for example, n1000
What if P≠NP? • Currently believed to be true, based on years of research and the lack of an effective algorithm • Hard problems couldn’t be solved efficiently , so Computer Scientists would be focused on developing only partial solutions. • This result still leaves open the average case complexity of hard problems in NP.
Questions? http://xkcd.com/399/
Refrences • http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/Compgeometry/MyCG/CG-Applets/TSP/notspcli.htm • http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2009/9/38904-the-status-of-the-p-versus-np-problem/fulltext • http://clipper.cs.ship.edu/~tbriggs/dynamic/index.html • http://www.mathreference.com/lan-cx-np,intro.html • http://web.mst.edu/~ercal/253/Papers/NP_Completeness.pdf • http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~ped/teachadmin/COMP202/annotated_np.html • Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness. New York: W.H. Freeman. ISBN 0-7167-1045-5 • http://www.seas.gwu.edu/~ayoussef/cs212/npcomplete.html