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Introduction to QC. People Development Dept. What is QUALITY CONTROL ?. QUALITY CONTROL (QC) is a tool / concept for objectively determining , analyzing and solving quality problem and for maintaining better quality. QC has two main activities :.
Introduction to QC People Development Dept What isQUALITY CONTROL? • QUALITY CONTROL(QC) is a tool / concept for • objectively determining , analyzing and solving • quality problem and for maintaining better quality. QChas two main activities : Maintenance activities : Keep current quality level • Improvement activities : Raise the quality level
Introduction to QC People Development Dept 2.Definition ofQCin JIS QCis the system of means whereby the qualities of products or services are produced economically to meet the requirements of the purchaser. 3.QUALITY CONTROLdo not consist of only inspection.
Introduction to QC People Development Dept QC = Meeting customer’s requirements In order to implement the QC activities effectively and economically,it is important to use the fundamental ideas and tools for QC. This text introduces 7 QC concepts for Seiko Epson Group. The objectives of QC activities is to meet our customers’ requirement. So this idea is most important for QC. We have to use this idea every time.
Introduction to QC People Development Dept Contents Page Basic Quality Control --- an introduction 2 1 Customers First 4 2 “ Actual Facts “ 7 3 Plan - Do - Check - Act Cycle 10 4 Big Problems First 15 5 Variation 18 6 Problem Prevention 22 7 Process Control 25 TQC : QC at Every Stage 28 P1 QCDMS --- the rewards of quality control 30
Introduction to QC People Development Dept QUALITY POLICY 品质方针 The Quality Policy of SINGAPORE EPSON INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD is based on 3 principles: 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE 品质保证 We build quality into our product in every process by all the staff performing to their maximum capacity. 2. CUSTOMER FIRST 顾客第一 Customer satisfaction is our first priority in our activity and we always constantly improve to achieve it. 3. FACT CONTROL 实况管理 We act on the decision from3 realities principle: “Go to the real location, look at the real thing and consider the real circumstances.”
Introduction to QC People Development Dept QUALITY POLICY 品质方针 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE 品质保证 The Quality Policy of SINGAPORE EPSON INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD is based on 3 principles: We build quality into our product in every process by all the staff performing to their maximum capacity.
Introduction to QC People Development Dept QUALITY POLICY 品质方针 2. CUSTOMER FIRST 顾客第一 The Quality Policy of SINGAPORE EPSON INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD is based on 3 principles:
Introduction to QC People Development Dept QUALITY POLICY 品质方针 3. FACT CONTROL 实况管理 The Quality Policy of SINGAPORE EPSON INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD is based on 3 principles: We act on the decision from 3 realities principle: “Go to the real location, look at the real thing and consider the real circumstances.”
Introduction to QC People Development Dept Basic Quality Control Recently a very successful greengrocer from Tokyo was on television. Until 10 years ago, he always bought his oranges at the market, but suddenly all the tasty oranges seemed to disappear. He decided to try and find out why. He discovered that each farmer took their oranges to the Farmers Union, where all the oranges became mixed together. Then the oranges were divided into 36 classes--6 sizes (SSS,SS,S,M,L,LL) and six grades of shape and appearance. But the most important “quality factor” for oranges is taste. At the Farmers Union there was no taste test or taste classification. Basic Quality Control , Page 2
Introduction to QC People Development Dept Basic Quality Control After discovering this, the greengrocer from Tokyo started buying directly from the farmers. Recently, he has started going to the farms and sometimes even trims the trees! The greengrocer has never studied QC or TQC, but he has put his customer first, investigated the cause of the problem, and change his methods to improve his product. QC is basic good business sense. Basic Quality Control , Page 2
Introduction to QC People Development Dept 1 Customers First ‘It tastes good to me’ The owner of a cake shop is over 60 years old. He tastes the cakes and adjusts the flavour until he thinks it is best. Most of the shop’s customers are between 15 and 20 years old. How can an old man know what flavour young people like ? Many companies have a policy of “customers first” but some only use it for the final customer ~ the person who buys the final product or service. Basic Quality Control , Page 3
Introduction to QC People Development Dept Here are some examples : Job Customers Teacher Students Telephone operator Callers Salary calculation All employees Vegetable washer Chefs (Internal customers) Eaters (External customers) 1 Customers First In QC we treat the people who receive the results of our work as our customers. Sometimes this is called ‘ the next process is our customer’, but ’process’ doesn’t only mean a manufacturing process. Basic Quality Control , Page 3
Introduction to QC People Development Dept To satisfy our customers we must know what the customers want and expected. Good communication with the next processes” is very important. Of course, the “processes” before your work will want to communicate with you because you are their customer. To satisfy our customers we must be responsible for our own work, and assure the quality of our work. Basic Quality Control , Page 3
Introduction to QC People Development Dept A famous QC professor was trying to reduce the number of defective steel plates at a factory when he had the following conversation. Professor : Why don’t you invite the workers from the next and previous processes to help investigate this problem? Process Chief : Professor! Do you mean we should invite the enemy into our workplace? Professor : Hey! Wait a minute. The next processes should be your customers, not your enemies! You should go to the next process and ask ”were the steel plates that we delivered today satisfactory?” That should improve relations with them. Process Chief : Professor, we could never do that. If we go to the next process they will think we are spies! We will be chased away. Basic Quality Control , Page 4
Introduction to QC People Development Dept Do you think your next processes are your enemies? If the people working in the process before your come and ask you questions about your work, do you think they are spies? Who are YOUR customers? Explain who is the customer in Customer First ? End-users and next processes are our customers. End-users: The person who buys or uses our products or services. Next process : The person who in next processes will receive the results of our works or services. Basic Quality Control , Page 4
Introduction to QC People Development Dept 1. Verify who are our customers. 3. Checkwhether the results of our work meet customers’ requirements before handing it to our customers. We must implement following steps for Customers First: 2. Determine our customers’ requirements clearly. It is important to determine what our customers expect so that we can satisfy them. To do this , we must communicatewith our customers. Basic Quality Control , Page 4
Introduction to QC People Development Dept 2 “ACTUAL FACTS” Are your facts“ACTUAL FACTS”? On a very dark night, 3 men meet an elephant but they don’t know what it is. One man touches the nose, “It feels like a fat snake.” The next man touches an ear, ”No, it feels like a large leaf. ”The last man touches the elephant’s large teeth, ”No, it is hard like a stone, and pointed like an arrow.” Basic Quality Control , Page 5
Introduction to QC People Development Dept Actual Fact
Introduction to QC People Development Dept 2 “ACTUAL FACTS” Each man believes his description is true and complete. If you try to improve quality withoutall the “actual facts”, you will be like the 3 men on the dark night. ACTUAL FACTS Basic Quality Control , Page 5
Always remember the 3 REALITIES PRINCIPLE!! 3. FACT CONTROL 实况管理 We act on the decision from 3 realities principle: “Go to the real location, look at the real thing and consider the real circumstances.”
Introduction to QC People Development Dept Experience and Facts Experience is important when making decisions ; but facts are also important.You should base your actions on experience AND facts. The Three Actualities Principle helps us to collect facts scientifically. The Three Actualities Principle Go to the ACTUAL location look at the ACTUAL thing and consider the ACTUAL circumstances “ACTUAL location ” means the workshop, office, warehouse or wherever the problem is. “ACTUAL thing” means actual products, services, machines etc. “ACTUAL circumstances” means the real situation. Look at the problem objectively and without preconceptions. Basic Quality Control , Page 6
Introduction to QC People Development Dept • When we tackle quality problem, we must objectively observe • it by collecting actual facts. • It is very dangerous to make a judgment based on only • our experience. • 2. We not deny our experience, but we should determine problems based on Actual Facts and Experience to observe quality problem objectively and to reach • the correct conclusion. When a quality problem has occurred, we should not stay in meeting a room to discuss the problem, but go to the place where the problem occurred. We should objectively observethe products, services, machines etc. whichever having the problem without preconceptions. Basic Quality Control , Page 6
Introduction to QC People Development Dept A P CT LAN C D O HECK 3 Plan-Do-Check-Act • PDCA Cycle is very • important in the • following activities: • maintenance • improvement We turn the PDCA wheel and follow each step: PLAN, DO, CHECK,ACT. Basic Quality Control , Page 7
Introduction to QC People Development Dept 4 Act Was the improvement successful? If not, take further measures Don’t forget this step!! 3 Check Check the effects of the improvement. (collect data And compare with data before improvement.) 2 Do Training and education. Explain the plan to everyone implementing the plan. (ie.”do” ) 3 Plan-Do-Check-Act 1 Plan Decide your target or objective. Decide how to reach your target Basic Quality Control , Page 7
Introduction to QC People Development Dept A P C D Check Do result What to do THEME IMPROVEMENT How to do ∞ Permanent action & prevention Theme & Target plan Detailed plan how to achieve the theme or target Temporarily emergency action A P C D Evaluate Do result Education & Training Do according to the detailed plan Measure Do result
Introduction to QC People Development Dept The PDCA cycle is based on the “Deming Cycle”. Dr. Deming introduced QC to Japan from the US after World War 2. The Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) invited Dr. Deming to Japan in July 1950. He held a series of lectures and seminars during which he taught the basic principles of statistical quality control to executives, managers and engineers of Japanese industries. His teachings made a deep impression on the participants' minds and provided great impetus in implementing quality control in Japan. Basic Quality Control , Page 7
Japanese achieved quality not by an inspection system that spots the defects on an assembly line, but by a concerted effort to“get it right the first time”. This lesson was taught to the receptive Japanese in 1950 by a then little-known American business management expert, W. Edwards Deming, who died at age 93. Until 10 days before his death, Deming was still conducting seminars for American companies, belatedly eager for his advice. Corporate America, after World War II, told Deming to get lost and he did, in Japan.
Deming advised the Japanese, who sought him out, not to copy the American-style inspection system, but to incorporate quality control principles into the manufacturing process. He was rejected by the American managers because of the belief that poor quality products resulted mostly from management’s failures, not from worker ineptness. Japanese companies, however, were all ears. When Deming first arrived in Tokyo, the top men in the Companies didn’t send just their engineers for an Eight-day seminar --- they came themselves!!
The Philosophy of the Control of Quality: The Deming Cycle Redesign After-sales service & 设计 Planning and design market surveys 售后服务与 市场调查 计划与设计 Move forward 前进 Production 生产 / 制造 Concern for quality 与品质的关系 Marketing
Introduction to QC People Development Dept In Seiko Epson we emphasize the “check” step to take more effective action and draw the PDCA cycle like this (right). When you have arrived at the ACT step, don’t stop.You should return to the PLAN stage and plan more improvements. Act Plan Do Check It is important to find the root of a problem. It is not good enough to only stop the problem, you must find the cause of the problem and remove that (see Section 6, Problem Prevention for more details). Basic Quality Control , Page 8
Introduction to QC People Development Dept Target : To reduce the office heating costs by 30% in 3 months. After investigation, we found that people open the windows in the winter because it is too hot. We explained how to use the thermostats to all staff. We also asked all staff not to open the windows when the heating is switched on. Rotate the PDCA cycle Again. Everyone knows how to use the thermostats. The windows are not opened when the heater is on. We calculated that heating costs were reduced by 20% in 3 months. 2. Do Standardization : Check every 3 months that all staff can still use the thermostats. Train all new staff. We have not reached our target by 10%, so repeat the PDCA cycle again. 3. Check 4. Act Example of a QC circle using the PDCA cycle: “Reducing the cooling costs in our office.” 1. Plan Basic Quality Control , Page 8
Introduction to QC People Development Dept PDCA Cycle for MAINTENANCE : When we keep current quality level, we rotate this cycle as following : Plan : Decide on a work procedure to keep current quality level. Do : Work according to the work standard. Check : Check whether the quality level is maintained or not. Act : Take corrective action depending on the results of check. If it has been maintained, we rotate the same PDCA Cycle again. If it has not been maintained, causes of the problem should be investigated and found out. Then we must take countermeasuresagainst the important causes. We should rotate new PDCA Cycle.
Introduction to QC People Development Dept How are improvement activities performed according to PDCA cycle? For IMPROVEMENT : When we want to raise the quality level, we rotate this cycle as following : Plan : Decide on a new higher target and decide how to reach it. Do : Carry out the plan. Check : Check theresults(compare against the set target) Act : Take corrective action depending on the result of check. If the target is achieved, then rotate the PDCA cycle for maintenance. Else, investigate the causes of the problem and take countermeasures against the significant root causes and rotate the new PDCA cycle for improvement.
Introduction to QC People Development Dept 3. Plan-Do-Check-Act (计划-实践-检证-对策) Poor QC No. 1 拙劣的品管(一) No Maintenance 没有维持 品质水平 品质水平 Quality level Quality level 革新 (一) 革新 (二) 革新 (三) Improvement 1 Improvement 2 Improvement 3 time Poor QC No. 2 拙劣的品管(二) No Improvement 没有革新 维持 Maintenance time
Introduction to QC People Development Dept 3. Plan-Do-Check-Act (计划-实践-检证-对策) Good QC 优良的品质管理 Is our job and responsibilities A P C D A P 这是我们的工作与责任 C D Improvement 革新 Maintenance A P 维 持 A P C D C D Improvement Maintenance 维 持 革新 time 时日 Quality level 品质水平
Introduction to QC People Development Dept 理想 劣 What should be BAD (Standard) 标准 No Maintenance 没有维持 Innovation 革新 实况 Actual Situation Time 时间
Introduction to QC People Development Dept Successful 成 功 Maintenance 维 持 Improvement 改善 工 程 标 准 Engineering Standard 工序标 准 Process Standard 规 格 标 准 Specification Business Facilities 业 务 设 施 Failure 知识管 理 失 败 Management Facilities GOOD 良 Working 工 作 P D C A