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Condensed-matter & materials physics. ~ 50 academics, ~ 40 post-docs, ~ 100 PhD students ~ £25M new funding 2009 – 2011 (EPSRC, Royal Society) ~ 300 publications 2009- 2011. CMMP. PHOTONICS light-matter interaction, quantum photonics. ENERGY/PHOTONICS photovoltaics , solid-state
Condensed-matter & materials physics ~ 50 academics, ~ 40 post-docs, ~ 100 PhD students ~ £25M new funding 2009 – 2011 (EPSRC, Royal Society) ~ 300 publications 2009- 2011 CMMP PHOTONICS light-matter interaction, quantum photonics ENERGY/PHOTONICS photovoltaics, solid-state lighting, fuel cells superconductors, cryo-STM, semiconductors, quantum matter, topological insulators, magnetics, spintronics, spin-ice, TEM, SEM, correlated electrons, ferroelectrics, quantum info. PaLS soft condensed-matter
CMMP overview • StA & Edi: atomic resolution spectroscopy • Correlated electrons: heavy fermion state, quantum criticality, topological insulators etc.... • ‘Visualizing novel electronic matter’ • Soft-condensed matter • HWU: solid-state at single quantum level • quantum information science, mesoscopic physics, solid-state quantum optics • Gla/Str: Characterization + novel materials • SuperSTEM, MagTEM, SEM based techniques, • magnetic ions/spintronics in wide-band-gap hosts, ferroelectrics and nanoparticles, solid-state lighting, photovoltaics CM - DTC
CMMP Strategy Sub-theme 1: Quantum matter & technologies Grand challenges: 1. Understanding & “taming” solid-state quantum decoherence 2. Achieving scalability • Strategy 1: coherence in correlated electron systems • Topological protection and non-equilibrium states (Mackenzie et al, St. Andrews & Huxley, Edinburgh) • Novel ground states in thin-film artificial materials (Lee, St. A) • ~ £10M funding over the next 5 years • Strategy 2: coherence in solid-state “atomic-like” systems • Quantum optics with single spins in quantum dots (Gerardot, HWU) • Integrated quantum optical circuits (Hadfield, HWU) • ~ £4M funding over the next 5 years
CMMP Strategy Sub-theme 2: Novel materials physics and characterization tools Grand 1. rapid & reliable defect identification Challenges: 2. improved spatial & temporal resolution 3. 3D reconstruction of atomic/nano structures Strategy 1 (Strathclyde): Produce step-change in electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and electron channelling contrast (ECCI). Integrate / apply advances to III-nitride films. Strategy 2 (Glasgow): Further develop and apply world-leading electron microscopy tools for static & dynamic high-res imaging. Apply to thin-films fabricated in-house establish international leadership in Functional and Ferroic Materials.
CMMP Strategy: building on SUPA 2 St. A: Peter Wahl Lead new SUPA2 Scanning Probe Laboratory; ~ £2M ultra-low vibration lab to be built in 2013; 3 world-class STM instruments on permanent loan from Max Planck Society Phil King (proleptic, 100% by 2014): electronic structure and properties of emerging materials, including topological insulators; complements/enhances strengths of ARPES group F. Baumberger: Chair at Cologne, retain 20% St. A. appt. HWU: new nano-fab fully operational • already underpins ~ £2M EPSRC grants • centre-piece of new HWU cleanroom (summer 2012)
CMMP Strategy: building on SUPA 2 Edinburgh: interviews for 2 CMMP academic positions Glasgow: new academic positions advertised to offset Loos (departing) and Long (retirement). Glasgow SUPA2 MagTEM update Key Capabilities: JEOL ARM-200cF • aberration-corrected probe • 80 pm STEM resolution • <1nm Lorentz resolution (ie. world leading) • ~0.3eV energy resolution • atomic column-by-column chemical mapping • high-speed EELS & EDS (30 pixel/s combined) • bespoke detectors for magnetic imaging • test-site status for next-generation instrumentation • special low-energy (60keV) modes • 2 July 2012 – OPENING (invitations to follow)