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Local Agenda 21 in territorial planning in energy and waste management. Permits for power plants for electricity production by renewable energy sources. Torino 29 th January 2013. Alberto Cucatto – Quality Air Service and Energy Resources of the Province of Turin. Energy plants permissions.
Local Agenda 21 in territorial planning in energy and waste management Permits for power plants for electricity production by renewable energy sources Torino 29th January 2013 Alberto Cucatto – Quality Air Service and Energy Resources of the Province of Turin
Energy plants permissions • It is not the production of electrical energy that must be authorized but the construction and operation of the production plant, according to: • Emissions to the atmosphere for thermoelectric plants (> 3 MW for gaseous fuels> 1 MW for liquid and solid fuels) • Hydroelectric derivations • Waste treatment (in case of energy recovery from waste) • Permissions for the construction of structures • Permissions for specific constraints existing on the project site 2
Energy plants permissions • Verification phase of VIA (L.R. 40/1998) • Power hydroelectric plants > 100 kW and derivation of flow> 260 l / s • Thermal plants with total combustion power> 50 MW (Environmental Integrated Authorization) • Power wind and photovoltaic plants > 1 MW, excluding PV on buildings and those on the ground in industrial areas (as classified by PRGC) • Thermoelectric power plants> 300 MW • Unique process of national competence, including environmental impact assessment (April 9, 2002 Law No. 55.) 3
Authorizing procedures semplification The Leg. Decree 387/2003 provides a unique license for plants producing electricity from renewable sources. • Issued by the competent Authority (delegated Regions or Provinces) in accordance with local regulations concerning the protection of the environment, the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage. • Within 90 days from the filing of the petition. • It is entitled to build and to operate the plant in accordance with the approved design and, if it is necessary, the declaration of public, unpostponability and urgency. • It represents, whenever necessary, the variant planning instrument
Guidelinesapprovedby the L.D.September 10, 2010 Finalities • Standardize the process • Ensure a proper integration of the plants, especially with regard to wind plants. • Plants placement in the landscape and in the territory: general criteria • Good plant design, proven with adhesion of the designer to quality and environmental management systems • Exploitation of the potential energy of the various renewable resources in the area and their ability to replace fossil fuels • Design criteria in order to get the lowest possible consumption of land, making the most of available energy resources • Rehabilitation of areas already degraded by past activities or currently in activity (brown field), including industrial sites, quarries, landfills, etc. ... 5
Planning related to the area specificities, especially in agricultural areas the integration in the context of agricultural traditions and local rural landscape. Research and development of design solutions and innovative technologies Involvement of citizens (preliminary information/training staff and future workers) Effective exploitation of the recovery of thermal energy produced in the process of cogeneration in biomass fueled plants. Unsuitableareas There is the possibility that the Regions indicate areas and sites unsuitable for the installation of specific types of plants according to criteria established by the guidelines themselves. Guaranties: costs for divestment plant at the end of its life and recovery sites Preliminary charges: Max 0.03% of the investment in favor of the previous administration 6
Table A addedfrom L. 24 December 2007 n. 244 to D. Lgs. 387/2003 Source Threshold Biomass 200 kW Biogas 250 kW Solar photovoltaic 20 kW Wind 60 kW Hydraulic 100 kW Plantsliabletouniqueauthorization ex art. 12 L. D. 387/2003 Forplantswith a lower production itisprovided the semplifiedcertifying procedure (PAS) ex art. 6 D. Lgs. 28/2011 (municipalcompetence) 7
Unique Authorization Contents • In addition to what is accepted in the art. 12 of Legislative Decree no. 387/03: • It includes all acts of authorization, rating, opinion, consent expressed or tacit consent however provided by the single regulations and made by the authorities occurred in Conference • It include any requirements to which the construction and the running plants are subordinate • It provides a deadline for the start and conclusion of works, after which it loses its effectiveness, unless extension is provided • Can be defined conference services any compensating measures for municipalities of environmental and territorial nature and not only financial ones. 8
Photovoltaic plant of about 2.800 kW on a hazardous waste landfill - BARRICALLA - Collegno
Wood biomass cogeneration plant: characteristics • Biomass fueled steam generator of 49 MW from the heat source • Combustion in kiln with moving grating • Production of 50 t/h of steam at 60 bar and 460 ° C • Steam turbine of nominal electrical power 13.5 MW with tapping for cogeneration (6 MW) • Water-cooled condenser through 3 evaporative towers • Line treatment and ejection fumes • Storage systems and supply of biomass to the boiler • Demineralized water production system • System recovery and storage ashes • Plant connection to the grid • Exchangers for heat providing for industrial adjacent plant
Biogas plant produced with agricultural products and zootechnic refluents of 800 kW
Cogenerator with vegetable oil in an industrial site • Sectionofelectricalcogeneration in soundproof container: • Thermalpower input: 2,500 kW electricalpower: 998 kW • Thermalrecovery system (800 kW approx): • Steamgeneratorbyfumesrecovery: 200 kW • Heatexchangerfor hot water byfumes: 280 kW • Heatexchangerwithcoolingenginefluids (around 300 kW) • Treatment fumes System: • Oxidative catalyzer for CO and unburnt • Urea injection SCR or ammonia for reducing NOx • No. 2 chimneys (bypass and GVR)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION http://www.provincia.torino.it/ambiente/energia/fonti_rinnovabili/index alberto.cucatto@provincia.torino.it