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RAS NPS Conference ITEP 26.11.2007. Physics and Detectors at International Linear Collider ( ILC). М ichael Danilov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Moscow. New era starts in 2008 – the LHC era.
RAS NPS Conference ITEP 26.11.2007 Physics and Detectors at International Linear Collider (ILC) Мichael Danilov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Moscow
New era starts in 2008 – the LHC era. The HEP community is eager to see exciting discoveries at LHC However already now a large group works hard to develop the next world project– The International Linear Collider Accelerator design is done within GDE (this will be discussed by A.Skrinsky) Physics and detector studies are organized within the World Wide Study on Physics and Detectors for ILC which combines 3 regional activities in America, Asia, and Europe. WWS is to a large extent a self-organized activity Coordination is performed by WWS OC (representatives from each region) WWS OC organizes working groups and promotes joint R&D efforts Results are annually discussed at LCWS organized by WWS OC and regional WSs I’ll give a short review of the work done by several hundred physicists Many figures (and even slides) are borrowed from the LCWS talks => many thanks to many people in particular to Y.Okada
Why do we need both LHC & ILC? • Two machines have different characters. • Advantages of lepton colliders: e+ and e- are elementary particles (well-defined kinematics). Less background than in LHC experiments. Whole energy is available for new phenomena (only ~1/6Etot in LHC, but still more than in ILC) Beam polarization, energy scan. g - g, e- g, e- e- options, Z pole option. LHC ILC
Hadron and electron colliders provided complementary information in the past e+e-colliders Ψ particle Tau lepton Gluon Hadron accelerators J particle Beauty W,Z We hope this will continue in the future
Coupling measurements at ILC (Ecm>700 GeV) LHC: (10)% for ratios of coupling constants ILC: a few % determination Higgs self-coupling mH=120 GeV, Ecm=300-500 GeV.L=500fb-1
SUSY particle masses, quantum numbers, couplings, mixing angles can be determined with high accuracy at ILC
Precise determination of SUSY parameters at ILC and LHC allows to achieve accuracy in SUSY Dark Matter density comparable to the accuracy of Planck measurements
SUSY Dark matter at ILC SUSY mass and coupling measurements => Identification of dark matter
Detector Concepts • Four detector concepts are being investigated • GLD (Global Large Detector) • LDC (Large Detector Concept) • SiD (Silicon Detector) • 4th concept • Summer 2006: Detector Outline Documents (DOD) evolving documents, detailed description • Summer 2007: Detector Concept Reports (DCR) comprehensive detector descriptions, go along with machine RDR 2010: EDR for only 2 detectors. WWSOC proposed the roadmap: first step – democratic merging . GLD and LDC already merged into ILD If it does not work – a special committee (IDAG)
Requirements for Vertex and Track reconstruction • Vertex detector – best flavour tagging • goal impact parameter resolution σrφ≈σz≈ 5 10/(p sinΘ3/2) µm 3 times better than SLD • small (R~1.5cm), low mass (~0.1X0) pixel detectors, • various technologies under study with pixels ~20×20 µm2 (~109 pixels) • Tracking: • superb momentum resolution to select clean Higgs samples • ideally limited only by ГZ → Δ(1/pT) = 5∙10-5 /GeV (whole tracking system) 3 times better than CMS Options considered: • Large silicon trackers • Time Projection Chamber with ≈ 100 µm point resolution (complemented by Si–strip devices)
TPC Tracker for LC Detector(Worldwide collaboration) S1 140m S2 S1/S2 ~ Eamplif / Edrift GEM: Two copper foils separated by kapton, multiplication takes place in holes, uses 2 or 3 stages Micromegas: micromesh sustained by 50μm pillars, multiplication between anode and mesh, one stage Established technique but with novel Micropattern Readout 256x256 pixel chip with Preamp, Discriminator, DAC, 14-bit counter,… Micromegas can be produced directly on chip GEM can be also used TimePix chip gives first 3d results Individual e- are seen!
LC Physics goals require DEJ/√EJ~30% This can be achieved with Particle Flow Method (PFM): Use calorimeter only for measurement of K,n, and g Substitute charged track showers with measurements in tracker LC detector architecture is based on PFM, which is tested mainly with MC Experimental tests of PFM are extremely important We are building now a prototype of scintillator tile calorimeter to test PFM
Tile size in cm2 Tile size in cm2 (2 layers combined) (2 layers combined) Distance =10cm Distance =15cm Very high granularity is required for Particle Flow Method It can be achieved with novel photo-detectors - Silicon Photo Multipliers (SiPM)
The HCAL prototype comprises 38 planes of scintillating detectors with 216 tiles in first 30 planes and 145 tiles in 8 last ones. LAL 18 ch. SiPM FE chip Light from a tile is read out via WLS fiber and SiPM SiPM 3х3 cm2 tile withSiPM
32m 24m pixel h Al R 50 Depletion Region 2 m Substrate Ubias SiPM (MEPhI-Pulsar) main characteristics • 1156 pixels of 32x32mm2 (actvive area 24x24) • Working point: VBias = Vbreakdown + DV ~ 50-60 V • DV ~ 3V above breakdown voltage • Each pixel behaves as a Geiger counter with • Qpixel = DV Cpixel with Cpixel~50fF Qpixel~150fC=106e • - Noise at 0.5 p.e. ~ 2MHz • - Optical inter-pixel cross -talk: • due to photons from Geiger discharge initiated by one electron and collected on adjacent pixels • Xtalk grows with ΔV. Typical value ~20%. • PDE ~15% for Y11 spectrum Resistor Rn=400 k -20M Insensitive to magnetic field (tested up to 4Tesla) Very short Geiger discharge development < 500 ps Pixel recovery time = (Cpixel Rpixel) ~ 20 ns (for small R) Dynamic range ~ number of pixels (1156) saturation
Radiation damage measurements Dark current increases linearly with flux Φ as in other Si devices: Δ I=αΦ Veff Gain, where α=6x10-17A/cm Veff ~ 0.004mm3determined from observed ΔI looks a bit too high (since it includes SiPM efficiency) but not completely unreasonable Since initial SiPM resolution of ~0.15 p.e. is much better than in other Si detectors it suffers sooner: After Φ~1010 individual p.e. signals are smeared out However MIP signal are seen even after Φ~1011/cm2 At ILC neutron flux is much smaller than 1010/cm2 except a small area (R<30cm) around beam pipe ITEP Synchrotron Protons E=200MeV (preliminary) → Radiation hardness of SiPM is sufficient for HCAL
CALICE – Si/W Electromagnetic Calorimeter Tungsten: ITEP Wafers: Russia/MSU and Prague PCB: LAL design, production – Korea/KNU New design for ECal active gap. Reduction from 3.4mm to 1.75mm, Rm = 1.4cm High resolution plane at about 3X0 Real 640 m PCB exists
HCAL, ECAL, and TC have been tested in 2007 at CERN HCAL TCMT ECAL Common DAQ 18’000 ch SiW ECAL 1cm2 pads, 30 layers Sintillator HCAL, SiPM readout 38 layers ECAL HCAL Set-up at SPS H6b Tail catcher 16 scintillator strip layers with SiPM readout
Hadron event >4 MIP >1.8MIP & <4MIP >0.5MIP & <1.8MP
Event with 2 hadrons after reconstruction. Two showers separated in depth are visible
Scintillator tile calorimeter with WLSF and SiPM readout is a viable option for ILC HCAL but industrialization is needed for several hundred times larger system New types of SiPMs are being developed by many firms. Final choice of the photodetector depends on overall optimization Comparison with Digital Calorimeter will be made using beam test data Scintillator strips with WLSF and SiPM readout can be used for ILC muon system Tests of 2 m long strip at ITEP Cosmics Position along strip can be determined from time measurements: Achieved time resolutionΔT~2ns leads to ΔX~25cm More experience will be gained from TCMT tests N pixels =20 Thin scint. strips with WLSF+SiPM readout provide sufficient light and uniformity (~6%) for last layers of EM calorimeter (approach is extensively tested by Japanese groups) ITEP Uniformity measurements for 3x10x45 mm3 strip with WLSF and SiPM readout The same technique can be used for 3 detector systems
Conclusions Physics at ILC will be very rich and exciting Detectors are challenging but feasible ILC gets a lot of momentum. Accelerator EDR and two Detector EDR will be ready in 2010 It is the right time to join the effort!
The International Linear Collider • 2006: Baseline Configuration Document • February 2007: • Reference Design Report presented at Beijing ACFA ILC Meeting • Layout of the machine: • 2 × 250 GeV upgradable to 2 × 500 GeV • 1 interaction region • 2 detectors (push-pull) • 14 mrad crossing angle • Cost estimate: 4.87 G$ shared components + 1.78 G$ site-dependent = 6.65 G$ (= 5.52 G€) + 13000 person years
GDE RDR / R&D Organization FALC ICFA FALC Resource Board ILCSC GDE Directorate WWS OC GDE Executive Committee GDE R & D Board GDE Change Control Board GDE Design Cost Board Global R&D Program RDR Design Matrix ILC Design Effort ILC R&D Program
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design Effort Project Baseline configuration Reference Design Internationl Linear Collider Timeline Technical Design ILC R&D Program Expression of Interest to Host International Mgmt
Designing a Linear Collider Superconducting RF Main Linac
Восстановление технологии производства чистого Nb в России Полученный в лаборатории ниобий существенно превосходит западные образцы Примеси [mg/g] DESY ИТЭФ-ГИРЕДМЕТ Ta 500 2.2 W 70 6 Mo 50 <1 Ti 50 <0.03 N 10 3 C 10 3 RRR 300 ~1000 Градиент ~35 МВ/м
Strip to strip uniformity measured for 149 strips RMS =15% mean Test of ~150 strips with MRS APD 1000x40x10 mm3 coated with TiO2 white paint Ø1.2 mm Kuraray Y11 WLS fiber glued into a groove Strip efficiency and noise vs threshold Efficiency Threshold, pixels ILC 2006 workshop Valencia 6-10 November E.Tarkovsky ITEP
SUSY relation SUSY predicts characteristic relations among superpartner’s interactions. Right-handed selectron production M.M.Nojiri, K.Fujii, and T.Tsukamoto
Radion-Higgs mixing in extra-dim model The triple Higgs coupling in 2HDM in the electroweak baryogenesis scenario HEPAP report Little Higgs model with T parity S.Kanemura, Y. Okada, E.Senaha Deviation to 5-10 % level can be distinguished at ILC C.-R.Chen, K.Tobe, C.-P. Yuan
5 MH(GeV) Higgs boson search at LHC Higgs boson discovery at LHC SM Higgs boson branching ratio
Z’ and e+e-->ff processes e f Z’ e f Z’ coupling determination at ILC Even if ILC at 500 GeV cannot produce a new Z’ particle kinematically,we can determine left-handed and right-handed couplings from ee-> ff processes. This will give important information to identify the correct theory. LHC=> mass ILC => coupling m z’ =2TeV,Ecm=500 GeV, L=1ab-1 with and w/o beam polarization S.Godfrey, P.Kalyniak, A.Tomkins
New physics effects in Higgs boson couplings • In many new physics models, the Higgs sector is extended and /or involves new interactions. The Higgs boson coupling can have sizable deviation from the SM prediction. The heavy Higgs boson mass in the MSSM SUSY correction to Yukawa couplings B(h->WW)/B(h->tt) B(h->bb)/B(h->tt) LC LHC LC ACFA report J.Guasch, W.Hollik,S.Penaranda
LHC может открыть SUSY с массой до ~1ТэВ Однако определить все свойства этих частиц будет сложно Для этого планируется создать е+е- коллайдер- ILC c энергией 0.5-1ТэВ Частица Тёмной Материи
Dark matter and collider physics • Energy composition of the Universe Dark energy 73% Dark matter 23% Baryon4% • Dark matter candidate WIMP (weakly interacting massive particle) a stable, neutral particle • WIMP candidates Neutralino (SUSY) KK-photon (UED) Heavy photon (Little Higgs with T parity)…
MINICAL tests with electron beam Measurement of electron energy with HADRON CALORIMETER resolution modest • Very good agreement between SiPM, MAPMT, APD(not shown) and MC in the whole range 1 - 6 GeV • SIPM non-linearity can be corrected even for dense e/m showers for each tile and does not deteriorate resolution • Possibility to observe peaks for different number of p.e. crucial for calibration • Low sensitivity to constant term due to limited energy range
Detector Concepts • GLD - TPC tracking large radius - particle flow calorimeter - 3 Tesla solenoid - scint. fibre µ detector • LDC - TPC tracking smaller radius - particle flow calorimeter - 4 Tesla solenoid - µ detection: RPC or others
Detector Concepts 6.45 m 6.45 m CMS • SiD - silicon tracking - smaller radius - high field solenoid (5 Tesla) - scint. fibre / RPC µ detector • Silicon tracker • Magnet - high field - but smaller volume
The Particle Flow Concept What is the best way to measure the energy of a jet? Classical: purely calorimetric typically 30% e.m. and 70% had. energy for E/E(em) = 10%/E and E/E(had) = 50%/E E/E(jet) ~ 45%/E PFlow: combine tracking and calorimetry typically 60% charged, 30% em(neut), 10% had(neut) need to separate charged from neutral in calorimeter! momentum resolution negligible at ILC energies E/E(jet) ~ 20%/E in principle (for ideal separation) E/E(jet) ~ 30%/E as a realistic goal PFlow has further advantages: tau reconstruction leptons in jets multi-jet separation (jet algorithms…) talk by S. Yamashita
Vertex Detector • space point resolution < 5 µm; pixel size ~20×20 µm2(~1/30? wrt LHC) • smallest possible inner radius ri≈ 15 mm ( ~1/5 wrt LHC) • transparency: ≈ 0.1% X0 per layer = 100 µm of silicon (~1/30? wrt LHC) • stand alone tracking capability • full coverage |cos Θ| < 0.98 • modest power consumption < 100 W • five layers of pixel detectors plus forward disks (~109 channels)
Vertex Detector • Critical issue is readout speed: • Inner layer can afford O(1) hit per mm2 (pattern recognition) • once per bunch = 300 ns per frame too fast • once per train ≈ 100 hits/mm2 too slow • 20 times per train ≈ 5 hits/mm2 might work 50 µs per frame of 109 pixels! → readout during bunch train (20 times) or store data on chip and readout in between trains e.g. ISIS: In-situ Storage Image Sensor • Many different (sensor)-technologies under study CPCCD, MAPS, DEPFET, CAPS/FAPS, SOI/3-D, SCCD, FPCCD, Chronopixel, ISIS, … → Linear Collider Flavour Identification (LCFI) R&D collaboration • Below a few examples • Note: many R&D issues independent of Si-technology (mechanics, cooling, …)