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Working with Field Data in ArcGIS ArcMap

Join Rob Sippel, a Geospatial & Numeric Data Librarian, for an in-depth workshop covering data theory, map data formatting, ArcMap essentials, and hands-on data manipulation. Learn about datums, projections, vectors vs. rasters, and more.

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Working with Field Data in ArcGIS ArcMap

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  1. Working with Field DatainArcGIS ArcMap March 2019

  2. Who’s that guy at the front of the room? • Rob Sippel • Geospatial & Numeric Data Librarian • Office: Room No. 408, Evans Library • e-mail: rsippel@fit.edu • Phone: 321-674-7585

  3. Our Agenda Start with a brief lecture, covering: • Some Theory: Datums and Projections • Ways to Map Data: Vectors vs. Rasters • Requirements for Formatting Coordinates (longitude/latitude) • ArcMap Layout • The Map • Table of Contents window • Catalog window • Adjusting your map view • Zooming • Panning • Changing Map Scale • Going back to previous views • Working with Map Layers • Turning layers on and off • Moving layers up and down in the menu • Zooming to layers • Opening and closing Attribute Tables and Layer Properties • Identifying and selecting features • Adding data

  4. Our Agenda (continued) Continue with a hands-on demonstration, including: • Examine data • Open ArcMap with Table of Contents and Catalog windows • Create a File Geodatabase • Add data to Table of Contents • Plot data (longitude and latitude) • Manipulate data points (spatial and tabular)

  5. The Basic Theory

  6. Datums & Projections Datum (3D frame of reference for measuring locations relative to the center of the earth) (converted to) Projection (2D representation of the earth)

  7. Projections Various types of projections are used to represent the 3-dimensional earth on a flat (2-dimensional) surface. • typically tailored to a particular purpose or geographic area. • Try to minimize distortion in Shape, Area, Distance or Direction (SADD) • Examples: State plane projections used to represent various U.S. states.

  8. Ways to Map Data

  9. Forms of Geospatial Data • Data mapped using GIS takes one of two basic forms: • Vectors • Rasters The Nature of Geographic Information. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2015, from https://www.e-education.psu.edu/natureofgeoinfo/

  10. Vector vs. Raster Data Vectors Rasters Surface of map is divided into a gridwork of square cells, each of which is assigned a data value reflecting the characteristics of that particular square. Smaller cells result in a more detailed map, but also greater disk storage requirements. Work well for Representing continuous data. Avoiding the need for multiple feature types (points, lines and polygons) Supporting rapid computations and multi-variate data. • Can take the form of • Points • Lines (e.g. roads) • Polygons (e.g. areas or regions) • Work well for • Accurately representing the size and shape of entities such as buildings, political jurisdictions, real estate boundaries, roads, etc. • Non-continuous data. • Reduced disk storage space requirements

  11. Formatting Coordinates Data

  12. For example, the Digital Scholarship Lab is located at: • Longitude = -80.623192 • Latitude = 28.065724 • Express coordinates in decimal degrees. • Longitude is: • referred to as the “X” axis • Positive in the Eastern Hemisphere, Negative in the Western Hemisphere • Latitude is: • Referred to as the “Y” axis • Positive north of the Equator, Negative south of the Equator. Obtained from ESRI Support, http://support.esri.com/technical-article/000012745

  13. ArcMap Layout

  14. Use pushpin to secure window Use “x” to remove window Use pull-down menu to show windows. Table of Contents window Catalog window Map

  15. Adjusting your map view Previous Extent Zoom Change Map Scale Hover over the icons to see descriptions Panning

  16. Working with Map Layers

  17. Viewing Data Layers • Data is displayed in layers on the map, which are listed in the Table of Contents • Top layer on the map is at the top of the list in the Table of Contents. • Check layer to view features. or • Uncheck layer box to not view features.

  18. Moving Layers • To change a layers position in the “stack” of layers on the map, click on its name in the Table of Contents and drag it up or down in the list. (Table of Contents must be displayed as List by Drawing Order in order to move layers up and down)

  19. Attribute Tables and Layer Properties Right-clicking on a layer name in the Table of Contents is a quick way to: • Open the layer’s Attribute Table • Zoom to the Layer on the map • Export the data in the layer • Access the layer’s Properties. All of these are commonly performed functions.

  20. Identifying and Selecting Features Use the “Select Features” tool to select one or more features on the map Use the “Identify” tool to pull up information on one or more features on the map

  21. Adding Data Two ways to load data into ArcMap: • Click on the Add Data icon at the top of the page (looks like a plus (+) sign superimposed on a yellow diamond). or • Click-and-drag files from the ArcCatalog window into the map area or Table of Contents.

  22. Adding Data Using the Add Data icon

  23. Adding Data Using the Catalog window Expand the directory containing the data. Click-and-drag the desired data from the Catalog window to either the map area (in the center of the screen) or the Table of Contents (on the left side of the screen)

  24. Hands-on Demonstration

  25. Use data extracted from the North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database 2.0 • Compiled by the Department of the Interior. • Database contains data from 465 surveys conducted between 1973 and 2002. • We are using data from the year 1980.

  26. Supplementary Exercise

  27. Hands-on ExercisePart 1: Examine Data

  28. View Data in CSV • Open the data file located at: C:\GIS_field_data\public_housing.csv • Expand the columns to see all the data • Things to notice: • Separate columns for Latitude and Longitude • There is a single header row – every column has a name • There are no spaces in the column names – use underscores • None of the column names starts with a number • There are no merged cells or elaborate formatting • Close the CSV file. **Very important

  29. Hands-on ExercisePart 2: Open ArcMap with Table of Contents and Catalog windows

  30. Open ArcMap • ArcMap is the primary component of ArcGIS for making maps • Click on the Windows Start icon • Click on All Programs • Expand the listing for ArcGIS and click on ArcMap • Click “Cancel” on the “Getting Started” window. • If you had pre-existing map documents (MXDs) or worked with templates, you would select appropriately here. We just want an empty map to work in today.

  31. Table of Contents and Catalog Windows • If not already open, open the Table of Contents and/or Catalog windows. • Hint: use the “Windows” pull-down menu. • Connect the Catalog window to your working directory. • At the top of the Catalog window, click on the Connect to Folder icon (looks like a folder with a plus (“+”) sign on it). • Expand the Computer list and navigate to C:\GIS_field_data. • Click on “GIS_field_data” and then on “OK”

  32. Hands-on ExercisePart 3: Create a File Geodatabase

  33. Create a Geodatabase • In the Catalog window, navigate to the C:\GIS_field_data folder and right-click. • Select “New” and “File Geodatabase” • Name the geodatabase “Public_Housing” • If you initially name the new geodatabase “New File Geodatabase.gdb” (as below), right-click on it and select “Rename” to correct the name. • You now have a storage place for your data.

  34. Hands-on ExercisePart 4: Add data to Table of Contents

  35. Adding your Data Click on the Add Data icon. Navigate to your working directory (C:\GIS_field_data) Select your CSV file Click on “Add”.

  36. Alternate Method to Load Data In the Catalog window on the right side, Expand the C:\GIS_field_data folder Click-and-drag public_housing.csv to either the map area (in the center of the screen) or the Table of Contents (on the left side of the screen) Why can’t we see the public_housing data on the map? • The public_housing data is in a .csv (comma-separated values) file rather than a shape file or feature class. • Therefore, data is not displayed on the map automatically. • You will plot these points in the next step.

  37. Hands-on ExercisePart 5: Plot data

  38. View the Data Table • Open the Attribute table for the Public Housing data to verify the fields containing the longitude and latitude of each point. • To open the data table, • Right-click on public_housing.csv in the Table of Contents • Select “Open” • Inspect the contents of the table • The coordinates are in columns named “longitude” and “latitude”. • You are looking at the same data you viewed in Windows Explorer, but here we are going to use the data to plot points. • Close the table • Before using data, you have to know the coordinate system used when the data was collected. • In this case, the coordinate system is “WGS 1984”.

  39. Display XY Data • Right-click on public_housing.csv in the Table of Contents. • Select “Display XY Data…” • In the Display XY Data window, • Set the pull-down menus for “X Field:” and “Y Field:” to the appropriate column headings in the data table • “X Field:” is used for the longitude, while “Y Field:” is used for the latitude. • ArcMap will often “guess” at the correct column headings if the headers are labeled appropriately. • You have to assign the coordinate system for the data. • Click on “Edit…” to open a Spatial Reference Properties window (for entering the correct coordinate system) • In the upper part of the window, expand the “Geographic Coordinate Systems” list • Expand the “World” list • Select “WGS 1984” • Confirm that GCS_WGS_1984 is displayed in the “Current coordinate system:” window. • Click on “OK” • In the Display XY Data Window, click on “OK”. • If you get a “Table Does Not Have Object-ID Field” message, click on “OK”

  40. Viewing the Housing data • The ArcMap Table of Contents should now have a new layer: public_housing.csv Events. • Note the “Events” at the end of the layer name. • The layer indicates the symbol associated with the points plotted on the map. • An Events layer is only temporary and cannot be used outside this specific GIS model file. • To save the layer permanently: • Right-click the Events layer • Select Data  Export Data • In the Export Data window, click on the browse button. • Navigate to your C:\GIS_field_data folder. • Set “Save as type:” to “File and Personal Geodatabse feature class” • Double Click on Public_Housing.gdb • Be sure the “Look In:” field looks like this • Change the name to “Public_Housing” • Select Save, followed by OK • When asked if you want to add the exported data to the map as a layer, select “Yes”. • You will then see the new “Public Housing” layer in the Table of Contents. Be sure you use an Underscore in the name: Public_Housing

  41. Let’s add a background map When displaying data, having a map in the background helps place the data in context. • Click on the pull-down menu to the right of the “Add Data” icon (plus sign on top of a yellow diamond). • Choose “Add Basemap…” • Choose a basemap. • Try adding the Light Gray Canvasbasemap. • Click “Add”.

  42. View the data The data displayed on the map is contained in Attribute Tables. Try this: • Right-click on “Public_Housing” and select Open Attribute Table. • This is the data table that was used to create the points and populate the “Identify” table in the next slide. • Close the Attribute table.

  43. Hands-on ExercisePart 6: Edit data points

  44. What is that? • Right-click Public_Housing and Zoom to Layer. • Select the “Identify” tool (circle with an “i” in it) • Using the Identify tool, click-and-drag a box around the points to the SE of Hawaii. • The Identify box gives you information on the 4 points. Where should these points actually be? • You are going to move the points to the correct general area.

  45. Getting ready…. • Close the “Identify” box. • Add the “GuamArea” Shapefile to your map. (C:\GIS_field_data) • Add the “World Street Map” as a Basemap and uncheck the Light Gray Base Map • “Zoom to Layer” on the World Street Map. • In the Table of Contents, change the symbology of the “Guam Area” so there is no fill and the outline line is thicker. (Double click the symbol to access the “Symbol Selector” • Uncheck or right-click and remove the “Events” layer.

  46. Move the points to Guam • Right-click in the general blank area at the top of the screen in order to access the toolbars. • Select Editor • From the drop-down menu on the left side of the Editor toolbar, select “Start Editing.”

  47. Editing • Select “Public_Housing” to edit and then “OK”. • Using the Edit tool on the Editor toolbar, draw a box around the points that are incorrectly located to the SE of Hawaii. • Click-and-drag the highlighted points with the X to the far right of your map where the “Guam Area” is shown as a box. The points will ‘snap’ to the box.

  48. General Editing… • You just moved 4 points to the general area of Guam. • Select the Magnifier and draw a box around the Guam Area so you zoom in closer.

  49. More Editing….. • Notice that your points are probably along the edge of the “GuamArea” shapefile because of a “Snapping” Setting that helps with Editing. • On the Editor Tool, click on the “Edit Tool” icon again and then move each point individually to the Guam island.

  50. Attribute Editing • Since we have moved the points, the Latitude and Longitude in the attribute table are no longer valid. We need to remove those values from the attribute table. • For this exercise, Click on the “Attribute” icon on the Editor Toolbar. You will select each point individually and delete the values in the Latitude and Longitude fields. (You could also edit in the attribute table by accessing it in the Table of Contents.)

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