Home Sleep Test http://www.sleepcentermd.com/
When a patient needs to get tested for OSA, which is obstructive sleep apnea, the home sleep test has to be done. This is has to be certified by the board of physicians. To get this test done, one has to wear a device. This device collects all information regarding the sleep berthing pattern of the affected. The testing equipment should be set up by the patient. The testing devices are available in various patterns with various sensors. The breathing and the oxygen levels are measured by all the devices in common. The rate of heart beat is also measured by few of the devices. Before getting into the details of the test processes and result, it is important to know when one needs to take the test, and when the test is not required.
In case, the physician suspects of OSA or other relevant disorder, the test would be prescribed. • The test may not be needed if the risk of OSA is not higher, or if you have other type of sleeping disorder, or if the affected suffers from heart diseases and nervous disorders.
When you need to take the test, you need to pick up the monitor from the lab, and you get an appointment with the technician for 40 minutes, to get to know how to use the monitor, and how to set it up. • The equipment you get is light, small and it comes in a carrying case. So you need not be worried about transporting it. Most of the times, setting up the device has no problems, but you can call the lab when you find issues at back home. • You would never feel the monitor an obstacle to fall asleep, and you need to keep the monitor attached to you, throughout the night.
When you use the monitor, you need not stop any medications you use. But, it is advised to check with the doctor if your medications affect the sleep patterns and the sleep study. • Women, who wear nail polish need to remove it, because the clip gets better sensor signals when the nails are not covered with nail polish. When you have decided to take the home sleep test, do not take a nap on the day. • You should also refrain from taking alcohol, caffeine, and chocolates when you have decided to take the home sleep test on the specific day. Also, do not smoke when you wear the device.
Always, you would be required to wait for a fortnight to get the results. • Most of the times, the sleep technician discusses and imitate the treatment after a study on the very next day, most probably when you return the device. • You may require a CPAP therapy, which can even last a life time, but it has to be determined by your physician.