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Property Rights. Wednesday, Feb. 1. Property Rights. Bundle of entitlements defining the owner’s rights, privileges, and limitations for use of a resource (Tietenberg)
Property Rights Wednesday, Feb. 1
Property Rights • Bundle of entitlements defining the owner’s rights, privileges, and limitations for use of a resource (Tietenberg) • Rules that specify both the proper relationships among people with respect to the use of things and the penalties for violating those proper relationships (Randall)
Non-attenuated property rights are: • Completely specified • Exclusive • Transferable • Enforceable and enforced
How is property held?Who has rights of use? • Private property • Common property • Public property • Open access (res nullius)
Coase Theorem: • When property rights are fully specified, assigned, transferable, divisible, secure and transaction costs are zero • Trade eliminates the pareto relevant externality • Resource allocation is invariant to the initial assignment of resources
A quick review… $ Consumer surplus P MB q Q
$ MC P Producer surplus q Q
Total welfare = PS + CS $ S P D Q q
Two roommates: Jose wants to study, Ben wants to watch TV $ Ben MB of sound Q sound
$ Jose MB of quiet Q quiet
What Ben is willing to accept to turn down the TV tells you how much he values sound • What Jose is willing to accept to turn up the TV tells you how much he values quiet • So • MB of sound to Ben = MC of quiet to Jose • MB of quiet to Jose = MC of sound to Ben
$ $ Ben MB of sound Jose MB of quiet Q quiet Q Sound
Jose: MB of quiet = MC of quiet Ben: MB of sound = MC of sound Efficiency $ $ Jose MB of quiet Ben MB of sound Q sound Q quiet
What if: Jose lived there first, so Ben has to bribe him in order to watch TV at an agreed upon volume $ MC of sound P MB of sound q Q sound
What if: Ben lived there first, so Jose has to bribe him in order to keep the TV at low volume $ MC of sound P MB of sound q Q sound
MB and MC curves drawn as linear for simplification $ MC of sound P MB of sound q Q sound
This is the Coase Theorem • When property rights are fully specified, assigned, transferable, divisible, secure and transaction costs are zero (and zero income effect) • Trade eliminates the externality • Final resource allocation is invariant to initial assignment of resources/rights sound
Ben doesn’t speak Spanish, Jose doesn’t speak EnglishJose has to bribe but the marginal benefit of each additional amount of quiet is lower. $ Jose MB of quiet MB’ Q quiet
$ $ Jose MB quiet p0 Ben MB of sound q0 q1 Q sound Q quiet
Ben doesn’t speak Spanish, Jose doesn’t speak English Ben has to bribe, but the marginal benefit of the same volume is lower. $ MB of sound MC of sound MB’ P q1 q0 Q sound
$ MC Jose has to pay Ben, transaction costs are smaller MC’ p0 MB q0 q1 Q sound $ Ben has to pay Jose, transaction costs are higher MB MC MB’ q0 = q0 q1 > q1 p0 Jose bears lower transaction costs so “gives up” less than Ben. q1 q0 Q sound