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The Orthodox Youth of Argentina. Our Youth is responsible of the christian education of our children . We meet once a year sharing experiences and learning how to improve our job . Meeting in 2008. Meeting in 2010. Meeting in 2011. Meeting in 2012.
OurYouthisresponsible of thechristianeducation of ourchildren. Wemeet once a yearsharingexperiences and learninghowtoimproveourjob.
They prepared the first book for children in our Archdiocese
TheOrthodoxYouth in Salta 20 hoursby car from Buenos Aires Twochurches: one in Salta and otherone in Tartagal. OnePriest.
Three times a yeartheycollectclothes and foodtogiveforpoorpeoplearoundthecity
TheOrthodoxYouth in Tucumán 16 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. ThreeChurches: one in the Capital city, one in Villa Mariano Moreno and otherone in Lastenia. OnlyonePriest
Theygivebreakfast and lunch for 100 poorchildrenfromMondayto Friday in a smallMisionoutsidethecity
TheOrthodoxYouth in Córdoba 8 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. OneChurch and oneSchoolwith more than 700 students. OnePriestwhois 74 yearsold and a new Priestwhojustarrivedfrom Lebanon
Theyimitatethesistem of christianeducationthattheChurchdeveloped in theMiddle East
Theywelcomed a new Priestwhocamefrom Lebanon toservetheChurch and tohelptheParishPriestwhois 74 yearsold.
TheOrthodoxYouth in Junín 4 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. OneChurch, oneSchool, onehouseforchildrenwhosseparents are in prison. OnePriest.
OnePriest (65 yearsold) and hiswife: theyworkfromMondaytoMonday!
TheOrthodoxYouth in Pergamino 3 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. OneChurch, oneSchool, onePriestfromtheCathedralwhoservesthem once a month.
TheParishPriestslept in the Lord threeyearsagobuttheystillworkeveryweekforthechildren!
TheOrthodoxYouth in Mendoza 10 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. OneChurch and anothercommunity 4 hoursfarfromthe capital city. OnePriestwhois 76 yearsold.
30 children in SundaySchool and 15 in theYouth. TheParishPriest (76) and hiswifeworkeverySaturdaywithall of them
Rightnowthey are working in collectingfoodforhungrypeoplewhogototheChurchtoaskforhelp
TheOrthodoxYouth in Santiago 12 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. OneChurch and one kindergarten underconstruction
250 children in SundaySchool. 30 peopleworking forthem. OnlyonePriest.
A verybusycommunity, they are workingtohavetheirown kindergarten inordertogettheenoughmoneytosustaintheChurch
30 people in theYouth. Theyhavetotakecare of every single work in theParish.
TheOrthodoxYouth in Santa Fe FiveChurches, OneSchool , onlyOnePriest.
ThePriest has totakecare of theSchool (600 students) and 5 parishes. 10 people in theYouth. TheygoeverywherewiththePriest and chant in everyLiturgy