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UNIVERSE AND MAN. Let us gather together to study the Words of God and his Final Revelation , i n the Name of the most Compassionate, the Merciful, the Lord of the universe . Let us take a moment to bring His Energy among ourselves and be One with Him .
Let us gather together tostudytheWords of Godand his Final Revelation, in the Name of the most Compassionate, the Merciful, the Lord of the universe. Let us take a moment tobring His Energyamongourselvesand be OnewithHim. AllThanksToHimandAlltheGlory is His! Sal-Om.
Construction of theUniverse Structure of Man RelationshipbetweentheIndividualandExternalWorld Infinite Range LastPoint Conclusion Question - Answer Outline
“The book, Universe And Man, explains the construction of the universe and its relationship with the structure of man. Man is created in the image of the universe (God). Introduction
PhysicalWorld PranicWorld LowerMentalWorld HigherMentalWorld BeyondMind Complete Control of the Mind(Savikalpa) Withdrawal (Satayaloka) Construction of theuniverse Lokas (Worlds)
PhyicalWorld • “The manifested universe is nothing more than consciousness crudified with the power of the tama guna. • Through this crudifying process (centripetal force), the five elementsarecreated: • Etherealfactor • Aerialfactor • Luminousfactor • Liquidfactor • Solidfactor • The manifested universe consists of these five elements.”
PranicWorld • The second world is the prana (mutative force, raja guna) in the universe, or the life-force (the breath of life). • Through prana (mutative force), all activities are done and the coordination (through the satvaguna, intelligence) in the universe is achieved. Without prana, there would be no life and no activities. • The prana is everywhere in the universe in many different forms. It is mixed with ether and functions through it. The ether in the universe is the memory of the universe or the Akashic Records.
LowerMentalWorld • The mundane decisions for the external world are made in this part of the Universal Mind, which are the collective lower thoughts of the individual plus the lower thoughts for maintenance of the manifested universe. • In this third layer, the raja (mutative) and satva (sentient) forces are active, but are under the influence of the tama guna (external world).
HigherMentalWorld • In the universe, this can be called the supramental world. The origin of noble thoughts and ideals occurs with this part, the unconscious mind.
BeyondMind • This state in the universe is also the state of "All is He," the beginning of the shattering of ignorance. It is the collective joy of those who have realized this state.
Complete Control of theMind • This state in the universe is known as savikalpa • Or the state of closeness to objectless-ness.
This state in the universe is that of sat and the world in this state is called satayaloka. It is the absolute state, Pure Consciousness. • Thelast two states are described as indescribable. Withdrawal
Koshas & Chakras • The chakrasandkoshasweredevisedtoexplaintwoaspects of humanexistence. • Soulortheunitconsciousness in itsordinarystate is unaware of itsdivinity, thechakras, orthelayers of themind (koshas) in the body. • But throughmeditation, orforanyotherreason, thelatentspiritualawarenesswhich is called "kundalini" (sleepingserpent in thefirstchakra) might be awakened.. Structure of man
The messagereceivedfromanychakraandthelevel of theawareness of thepersoncreatesthesheath of themind (kosha) orthelayer he is in. • Soactuallythelayers of themindandthefirstfivechakrasare, in a sense, thesame. Itdepends on howtheSoulrespondstothemessagesreceivedfromthechakras. • The relationshipbetweenlokas (worlds), koshas (layers of themind), andchakras (spiritualcenters in thehuman body) should be understood as not beingseparatethings but parts of a wholeinter-relatedsystem. Koshas & Chakras
The firstenergycenter (chakra) controlssolidfactor. • The propensities in thischakraare: physicallonging (physiologicalandsafetyneeds), psychiclonging (desiretoknow), psycho-spirituallonging (desiretoknowtheunknown -- unconsciousmind), andspirituallonging (desiretoknowGod). • The firstchakra is completelydominatedby Tama Gunaand is relatedtothefirstsheathorkosha. FirstChakra
PhysicalKosha • The crudestsheath is thephysical body, as thecrudestworld is themanifestedworld. • The human body orthegrossestlayers of humanexistenceconsist of thesamefiveelementsthatare in theUniverse. • Eachcell in the body is an independententity, existing in a collectiveeffortforthewell-being of thewhole of the body andSoul.
SecondChakra • The secondchakracontrolsliquidfactor. • The secondchakra is relatedtopranicfunctions in the body. Sexualactivity is a bodilypranicfunction. That is whythischakra is sopowerful. It usesprana (rajaguna, Grace) directedtowardtheexternalworld (absence of The DivineLogic). • The influence of thischakraresults in heedlessactionsandexcesssexualdesires. • Somepropensities in thischakraaredistrust, proudfulness, overindulgence, pitilessness, ormercilessness, andfear of annihilation. • Thischakra is undertheinfluence of therajagunaandrelatedtothePranicKosha.
PranicKosha • This sheath, which is prana (life-force), is thecoordinatorandcontroller of thecontactsbetweendifferentorgansandthewhole body tothemind. • The prana, which is outgoingenergy of theSoul (rajaguna), has no knowledgeorpower of decision-making, but followstheordersgivenfromtheintelligentpart of themind (satvaguna). • That is why it can be usedormisusedaccordingtothelevel of consciousness of theuser. It is thelife-force in thehuman. • The outgoingprana (life-force) fromtheSoulbecomesheedlessdesire (passion). The ingoingpranatotheSoulbecomeswill (controller of desires).
ThirdChakra • The thirdchakracontrolsluminousfactor (heat in the body which is mostlygeneratedfromthedigestivesystem). • The creativeenergy of themind is directedtowardthemundaneexternalworld. General longing is togaincontroloverothersbymisuse of power. • Some of thepropensities of thischakraare: backbiting, slanderingorbetraying, over-attachmenteventhoughthepersonknows it is not good, melancholy, cruelty, lethargy, jealousy, fear, aversionandhatred, shame, andbashfulness.
SubconsciousKosha • The mentalsphere in man is thebeginning of theinternalpart of man. • The firstlevel is thesubconsciousmindorsubconscioussheath. It is thepartwhichinternalizestheexternalworld. • Whatever is in theexternalworldwill be created in thispartandstoredawayto be usedlater. • In thislowerpart of themind, thedesirestowardtheexternalworldreside. In otherwords, theenergy (prana) is directedoutward (desires). Sowe can say it is thepartthatthe "beast" (Rev. 13:1), whichsymbolizesdesire, arisesfrom.
SubconsciousKosha • Thisthirdkosha is themostimportantlayerto be understood, because it is in thisstatethatindividualsusetheirintelligencetomanipulatetheexternalworldforsatisfaction of theirgrossdesires. • That is alsowhythis is thecenterwherelongingforwealth, possession, andpowertosatisfyone'sselfishdesires (twofirstchakras) is located. • Therefore, control of thischakraorlayer of themind (kosha) is veryimportantbyindividualsandsociety in general.
FourthChakra • The fourthchakracontrolstheaerialfactor (lungs). • The energystartstoflowupwardwhenthekundalinireachesthischakra. That is whytheunconditionalLove is experienced in thischakraforthefirst time. • The healingpoweralsostartswhenenergybeginstoflowupwardtothefourthchakraandhigher. • Some of thepropensities in thischakraare: sense of possessiveness, anxiety, arroganceandvanity, covetousness, hypocrisy, indecision (being in thecrossroads of fallingbacktothelowernatureorprogressingfurther), unnecessaryargument, regretandmisery, endeavor, discriminationbetweenrightandwrong, andhope.
HigherThougthsKosha • In thissheath in thehuman, thenobleorhigherthoughtsreside. It is deeper in manandtheorigin of thethoughtsare not fromtheexternalworld but fromtheinternal. • The prana (energy) is directedinternallyand not externally. Sothehigherthoughtsariseandpranabecomeswillpowerandimagination (creativemind) instead of heedlessdesires. • The life of theperson in thissheathbecomesmoreunder his controland he strivesforthingshigherthanonlymundanesatisfactions ("Mandoes not livebybreadalone"). • It is thebeginning of spiritualfeelingsandjoy. • It is theplace of unconditionalLove.
FifthChakra • The fifthchakracontrolsetherealfactor. • A blissfulstate of mindwill be experienced in thislevel. • The ethericrealityandthepurpose of thismanifestedcreationwillbecomecleartotheperson. • Peoplewhofeeltheyare in touchwithsomeetherealbeing(s) are in thislevel. Theyusuallyandstronglyfeeltheyare a channelforthis (these) being(s).
BeyondMindKosha • This is thestatewhen it is realizedthatall is Mindorall is God. It is thestate of thebeginning of freedom. • It is thestatewhere a greatjoy (Ananda) is experienced. • The personcomes in contactwiththeetherealworld. • Alltheactivitiesandtheirpurposes in theexternalworld (spirituallogic) becomecleartohim. • However, stilltheperson is in bondageand has not yet mastered his mind.
SixthChakra • It is in thesixthchakrathatallillusion of separation (koshas) fromGod is shatteredand no trap remains. Thensuch a personbecomes a purechannelfromtheMostHigh (directfromGodwith no intermediary). • Such a person is a trueLightWorker (Paravipra). • This is theHighestachievement on earth!
“I am He” • The sixthstate in man is beyondanysheath. No kosha (sheath, layer of themind) is leftandthepersonexperiencesinfinity, greatpowers, andknowledge. • He realizesthat "I am He," orthat he is godalsoand can enterintoPureConsciousnessandreturn, because a thinthread is stillleftbetweenhimandHim. • He becomesthemaster of his mind (threegunas). • He becomes a son of God. • But he stillmaintains a small "i" tokeephim in the body. Such a person is called a Satguruorperfectmaster (man-god).
SeventhChakra • Intheseventhchakra, theSoulquietsitsthreegunasandbecomespureintuition. • Inboththesixthandseventhlevels, a unitconsciousness is in thestate of PureConsciousness. • Inthesixth he usesthethreegunastohelpothersand he feelstheinfinity, • Intheseventh he is in PureConsciousnesswithoutmaintaining a physical body.
Perfect Rest • The seventh is thestate of completemastering of theillusion of separation. • The onlythingleft is willandthecreativemind. There is no separationbetween "I am" and "I AM." • However, throughwill, he can returnto his individualnature as an Avatar. • There is no heedlessdesireleft but a willtohelpothersreachthegoalalso. • The direction of prana is completelyinternalized.
In The Greatest Sign, the first sign () is also the last one ( ). • The firstsign is theawakening of thespiritualforces (kundalini). • The kundaliniresides in thefirstchakrabefore it arisestohigherones. When it reachestheseventhchakra a person is in PureConsciousness. • Thisprocess can be achievedbyfollowingspiritualpracticessuch as meditation, breathing, chanting, etc. • The rest of The GreatestSign, however, not onlywillhelptheKingdom Of Heavento be established on Earth, but alsowillacceleratetheprocesses of reachingPureConsciousness.
The SelforSoulorAtman ("I am") is thecontroller of thethreelevels of theunitmind: The threegunas. SatvaGuna (Mahatatva) RajaGuna (Ahamtatva) Tama Guna (Chitta) Relationship
Chittaorprojectivepart is a protoplasmic (etheric) form which is affectedbythemessagesreceivedfromthesenses. • Throughthisscreen, theprojection of theobject of thesensestothemindoccurs. • It is thenrecognizedbytherajapart (Ahamtattva) anddecisionsaremadebythesatvagunapart (Mahatattva). DecisionMaking
The crudestpart of themind (Chitta), orfineether, is directlyconnectedtotheethereal body (astral body) whichcontainsthefirstfivechakras in thehuman body (thereare seven chakras in the body). • The decision-makingpart of themindreceivesmessagesfromthesechakras on howtoreacttothesituation. • Throughspiritualprogress, as thepersondevelopstohighercenters (highersheaths), thedecisionsbecomemoreuniversallyorientedandless self-centered (not fromfearorpassionorselfishness). DecisionMaking
Whenreasoning is self-centered, theaction is gross, anddesiresarisefrom self-gratificationandsensualsatisfaction, orotherdesiresfromthelowernature, thenman is drawntowardMayaand he will be lost in theillusion of beingseparate. • So he goesto“hell." • That is whenthereasoningbecomesgrossandactionscreatebondage.This in turncreatesdesiresandattachments, andthemindbecomes "false ego" orunspiritualized. DecisionMaking
The nervoussystemandthebrainareentirelydifferentthanthemind. • The nervescarrythemessagesfromtheexternalworldandinternalorganstotheChitta, withthehelp of thePanchatatwa. • The brain is a storageunitwhichcontainsexperiencesandlearning of thepresentlifetime, and it willdegenerateafterdeath. BrainandNervousSystem
The elements in the manifested universe, in a broad and general way, are divided intoseven categories: the consciousness, three gunas, ethereal factor, aerial factor, luminous factor, liquid factor, and solid factor. • However, there is not a clear-cut way to separate each category from the following or the previous ones. • There are also infinite stages which can be found in each category and overlap to thenext or with the previous one. • So we have to create this ability not to see everything in black and white but always as an infinite spectrum of possibilities, and still these infinite ranges are changing in time (I-Ching). Infinite range in theuniverse
Although the universe or its worlds are divided into seven levels, in the spiritual Hierarchy (Hierarchy in the Kingdom Of Heaven), there are two more states. • In the sixth and seventh stages, a man becomes a son of God (god). But before man was created there were two beings in this state. • The eighth state is the state of the First Begotten Son, • The ninth is the state of the Father. LastPoint
The topics in the “UniverseandMan” bookareverydetailedandveryintricate. • Therefore this is intended to present the main logic and general information in this book as simplyas possible. • Those who would like to find out more details will be best served by reading, studying and contemplating on the “Universe and Man” book itself. • This will allow a searcher to gain a better grasp of the information presented and see the interconnectedness of this book with the rest of The Holiest Of The Holies (THOTH), The Last Testament. Conclusion
Sal-Om. All Thanks To GOd!