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Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Members of the Organizing Committees

Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Members of the Organizing Committees

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Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Members of the Organizing Committees

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  1. Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Members of the Organizing Committees The following members of ASIP Committees involved in planning this educational activity disclosed a relationship that could be perceived by some as a real or apparent conflict of interest. The disclosures have been reviewed and conflicts of interest resolved or managed. No other members of the Committees disclosed a relevant financial relationship. Sean Colgan, PhD Satdarshan P. S. Monga, MD AperioBristol Myers Squibb Consulting/Other Consulting/Other Andrew Neish, MD Dannon Company Consulting/Other

  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Invited Speakers The following speakers disclosed a relationship that could be perceived by some as a real or apparent conflict of interest. The disclosures have been reviewed and conflicts of interest resolved or managed. No other faculty disclosed a relevant financial relationship. Thomas Wayne Gilbert, PhD Acell, Inc. Stocks/Bonds Employment Peter R. Shepherd, PhD Pathway Therapeutics Stock/Bonds Angela F. Haczku, PhD, MD Roche Research Grants

  3. Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Invited Speakers Bethany B. Moore, PhD Takeda Consulting/Other Centecor Other – Contractor - Tested therapeutics for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Charles N. Serhan, PhD Resolvyx Pharmaceuticals Owner/Partner

  4. Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Invited Speakers Gregory J. Tsongalis, PhD, HCLD Abbott-Vysis Research Grants Consulting Other ChromaCode Scientific Advisory Board Sarah Bruneau, PhD Pfizer Research Grants

  5. Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Invited Speakers Jon Paul Dobson, PhD NanoTherics Shareholder MICA BioSystems Shareholder John Todd Schiller, PhD Merck, GlaxoSmith Kline and Sanofi Pasteur Royalties (US government owned patents that have been licensed to Merck, GlaxoSmith Kline and Sanofi Pasteur) Martina Chiu, MA EUSApahrma Receipt of research products

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