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Library of Congress Classification

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Library of Congress Classification

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  1. Library of Congress Classification

  2. Descriptive cataloging Provides us with a tool for identifying and describing a specific book. Provide access via the title, person(s) or corporate body responsible for the intellectual content, and the series.

  3. Subject cataloging Allows us to create access points through subject headings describing what the book is about Does not give an address for a book on the shelf

  4. Provides access via discipline through the call number • Allows browsing by collocating books by discipline on the shelves • Facilitates rapid retrieval and re-shelving Classification BF Psychology QD Chemistry

  5. Collocation by discipline LCC Philosophy/ Religion Education Math/ Science College of Arts & Humanities College of Education College of Natural Sciences UH

  6. Subject: Railroads • Railroad engineering • TF 200 • Railroad economics • HE 2613 • Railroad law • KF 2773

  7. Classification terminology • Scheme—the intellectual breakdown of knowledge into disciplines such as history, science, and all their subdivisions • Notation—the actual numbers and letters that are used; the notation is actually the scheme in code

  8. System of notation The classification scheme in code Fun with Integral Calculus Fun with Integral Calculus Fun with Science Fun with Math Science Science Math Science Math Integral Calculus QA 308

  9. System of notation The classification scheme in code Q Science QA Mathematics QA300 General works, treatises, and textbooks QA 308 Integral Calculus Fun with Integral Calculus QA 308

  10. Types of notation • Pure notation—only letters or only numbers • Dewey—numbers only • Mixed notation—both letters and numbers • LCC—letters and numbers

  11. Library of Congress (1) • 1800 – President John Adams approved legislation allocating $5,000 to establish a library for the use of Congress in the city of Washington • 1801 – Books arrived (740 volumes and three maps) • Organization system – by size

  12. Organizing by size

  13. Library of Congress (2) • 1808 – Second organization system – form and size • 1814 – Washington burned by British soldiers • Thomas Jefferson sells his library (6,487 volumes) to Library of Congress for $23,950

  14. Jefferson’s classification scheme (1)

  15. Jefferson’s classification scheme (2) • 44 chapters with subdivisions • Each book marked with chapter and book number Chapter 4 American history Baker Carlton Adams Brown ? 4/2a 4/1 4/2 4/3 . . .

  16. Choices • Use existing scheme • Dewey Decimal System • Charles Ammi Cutter’s Expansive Classification System • Halle Schema • Build their own

  17. LC Classification SB457.55 • Mixed notation • Not all letters used – room for future expansion • Letters don’t stand for anything • Subject specialists developed each class schedule G H J K BS ?

  18. 2 Approaches Classification of knowledge • Classification of entire body of knowledge • Philosophical in nature • Looks for similar universal concepts; tries to group them in anticipation of need • Dewey

  19. Classification of books • Literary warrant • Put like books together • Library of Congress

  20. Library of Congress Classes (A – H) A General works B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion C Auxiliary sciences of history D History (General) and History of Europe E History: America F History: America [U.S. local & other countries] G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation H Social Sciences

  21. Library of Congress Classes (J – P) J Political Science K Law L Education M Music and Books on Music N Fine Arts P Language and Literature

  22. Library of Congress Classes (Q – Z) Q Science R Medicine S Agriculture T Technology U Military Science V Naval Science Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources (General)

  23. Class B – Philosophy. Psychology. Religion Subclass B Philosophy (General) Subclass BC Logic Subclass BD Speculative philosophy Subclass BF Psychology Subclass BH Aesthetics Subclass BJ Ethics . . . Two-letter subclass

  24. Class B – Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (cont.) Subclass BL Religions. Mythology. Rationalism Subclass BM Judaism Subclass BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc. Subclass BQ Buddhism Subclass BR Christianity . . .

  25. Class K – Law Subclass K Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence Subclass KBR History of canon law Subclass KBU Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See Subclass United Kingdom and KD-KDK Ireland Subclass KDZ America. North America . . . Three-letter subclass


  27. LC CLASSIFICATION OUTLINE GENERAL WORKS A For works too general or comprehensive to be classed with any particular subject, however broad AC Collections. Series. Collected works 1-195 Collections of monographs, essays, etc.

  28. LC CLASSIFICATION OUTLINE B PHILOSOPHY. PSYCHOLOGY. RELIGION B Philosophy (General) For general philosophical treatises, see BD10-41 69-5739 History and systems Including individual philosophers and schools of philosophy BC Logic BD Speculative philosophy 10-41 General philosophical works 95-131 Metaphysics

  29. LC CLASSIFICATION OUTLINE S AGRICULTURE S Agriculture (General) 69-5739 Farm management. Farm economics 583-589 Agricultural chemistry and physics 590-599 Soils 605-621 Reclamation and irrigation of farm land Including organic farming SB Plant culture 110-112 Methods for special areas


  31. Schedule contents • Preface • Broad outline or synopsis listing subclasses • Detailed outline • Schedule itself • Any auxiliary tables • Detailed index


  33. AGRICULTURE OUTLINE S AGRICULTURE (GENERAL) 403 Agricultural missions, voyages, etc. 520-559 Agricultural education 539.5-542 Research. Experimentation 544-545 Agricultural extension work 548-548.6 Historic farms . . . Range of numbers for agricultural education

  34. Warning… Never class from the outline!

  35. AGRICULTURE S AGRICULTURE (GENERAL) S Periodicals. By language of publication For works about societies and serial publications of societies, see S21+ For general yearbooks, see S414 1 English (American) 3 English 5 French Class letter

  36. AGRICULTURE S AGRICULTURE (GENERAL) S Periodicals. By language of publication For works about societies and serial publications of societies, see S21+ For general yearbooks, see S414 1 English (American) 3 English 5 French Class numbers

  37. AGRICULTURE S AGRICULTURE (GENERAL) S Periodicals. By language of publication For works about societies and serial publications of societies, see S21+ For general yearbooks, see S414 1 English (American) 3 English 5 French Captions

  38. AGRICULTURE S AGRICULTURE (GENERAL) S Periodicals. By language of publication For works about societies and serial publications of societies, see S21+ For general yearbooks, see S414 1 English (American) 3 English 5 French S1 Agricultural digest

  39. AGRICULTURE QD CHEMISTRY QD Inorganic chemistry 181.A-Z Special elements. By chemical symbol, A-Z (Table Q1) Class here works on the origin, properties, preparation, reactions, isotopes, and analytical chemistry of individual elements and their inorganic compounds. Scope note

  40. AGRICULTURE S AGRICULTURE (GENERAL) S Periodicals. By language of publication For works about societies and serial publications of societies, see S21+ For general yearbooks, see S414 1 English (American) 3 English 5 French See references

  41. AGRICULTURE SB PLANT CULTURE SB Parks and public reservations Including works on theory, management, history, etc. Cf. QH75-77 Nature reserves, wilderness areas Cf. QH91.75.A1-Z Marine parks and reserves [H R] Confer notes

  42. AGRICULTURE INDEX A Abalone: SH371.5+ Abandoned farm lands (Improvement, reclamation, etc.): S606 Aberdeen-Angus cattle: SF199.A14 Abies alba (Sylviculture): SD3974.A18 . . .

  43. Divisions within a class • Preliminary section • General form subdivision • Philosophy • History • Biography • General works • Study and teaching • Logical breakdown of discipline into subtopics

  44. AGRICULTURE S AGRICULTURE (GENERAL) S Periodicals. By language of publication For works about societies and serial publications of societies, see S21+ For general yearbooks, see S414 1 English (American) 3 English 5 French

  45. AGRICULTURE SB PLANT CULTURE SB Periodicals and societies 1 American For societies under state auspices see SB21 4 English 7 French 10 German 13 Other American farmer's monthly SB1

  46. AGRICULTURE SB PLANT CULTURE SB 45 Encyclopedias and dictionaries 45.5 Nomenclature Communication in crop science 45.6 General works 45.65 Crop science in literature 46 Receipts and rule books. Calendars 50 Vocational guidance Study and teaching. Research 51 General works 51.8.A-Z International institutions. By name, A-Z The encyclopedia of horticulture SB45

  47. AGRICULTURE SB PLANT CULTURE SB Study and teaching. Research 51 General works 51.8.A-Z International institutions. By name, A-Z 52.A-Z By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z Special schools or institutions. By name, A-Z Teaching field crops and horticulture SB51

  48. AGRICULTURE SB PLANT CULTURE SB 324.85 Care and preparation of vegetables for market Including cold storage Cf. TX612.V4 Home storage of vegetables or types of vegetables Culture of individual vegetables or types of vegetables 325 Asparagus 327 Beans. Common bean Subtopic

  49. AGRICULTURE SB PLANT CULTURE SB 324.85 Care and preparation of vegetables for market Including cold storage Cf. TX612.V4 Home storage of vegetables or types of vegetables Culture of individual vegetables or types of vegetables 325 Asparagus 327 Beans. Common bean How to grow asparagus SB325

  50. AGRICULTURE SB PLANT CULTURE SB Culture of individual vegetables or types of vegetables 325 Asparagus 327 Beans. Common bean Cf. SB203-205 Feed and forage legumes 329 Beets Cf. SB207.M35 Mangel-wurzel Cf. SB218-221 Sugar beets 331 Cabbage Including cabbage and cauliflower Beans in your garden SB327

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