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Interesting places in London. Zsl London Zoo. SEE OVER 750 ANIMAL SPECIES IN THE HEART OF THE CAPITAL. TICKETS AND PRICES. Peak Season 2011 For Adults : £ 20.50 For Children : £ 16.40 Children under 3 years : Free Concession – senior, student and disabled adult : £ 17.10. OPENING TIMES.
Zsl London Zoo SEE OVER 750 ANIMAL SPECIES IN THE HEART OF THE CAPITAL TICKETS AND PRICES Peak Season 2011 For Adults : £20.50 For Children : £16.40 Children under 3 years : Free Concession – senior, student and disabled adult : £17.10
OPENING TIMES Date: Until Friday 15 July 10.00-17.30 Date: Saturday 16 July - Sunday 4 Sept 10.00-18.00 Date: Monday 5 Sept - Saturday 29 Oct 10.00-17.30 Date:Sunday 30 October - Spring 2012 10.00-16.00
YOU CAN FIND US: By Underground (Tube) By National rail By bus By London Overground By bike By waterbus By car Address ZSL London ZooRegent's ParkLondon NW1 4RYUK Tel: 020 7722 3333Fax: 020 7586 5743
Arsenal London Museum Spans 115 years of Arsenal istory in exhibits from the big red bus that displays team trophies to life-like waxworks of star players. Read about the five greatest players of all time, key triumphs in club history and comparisons of club managers. Open Fri 9:30 - 16:00. Admission is £4 for adults and £2 for 16 and under and senior citizens. Location: Arsenal Sports Centre, Avenell Road, N5 1BU
Accommodation Clink 78 78 King Cross Road London Sixteen bedded room. Price for seven days 161 pounds St. Pancras and the Eurostar terminal are only 15 minutes walk from Clink Hostel 78th The hostel is situated 20 minutes walk from the British Museum and 15 minutes walk from trendy Islington.
Clink78 Hostel is located in a former courthouse of the nineteenth century. It offers stylish accommodation in small rooms, clock concierge and modern beds. Hostel is located less than 10 minutes from the railway station King's Cross. The rooms at the Clink 78 are equipped with reading lights and personal lockers and a card room. Clink78 Hostel provides breakfast, all-you-can-eat and a modern, fully equipped kitchen
Price of accommodation Overal cost is 11.720 pln-£ 2576 for group of sixteen students for seven days.
Brand • Full board for the entire group is the cost: £ 1,280 • The board includes breakfast and dinner. • The cost of meals daily per person: £ 80
Brand Brasserie Roux 8 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5NG, Great Britain +44 20 7968 2900 Opening hours: • Monday: 06:30-23:00 • Tuesday: 06:30-23:00 • Wednesday: 06:30-23:00 • Thursday: 06:30-23:00 • Friday: 06:30-23:00 • Saturday: 06:30-23:00 • Sunday07:00-22:30 Comunication: Piccadilly Circus (0.2 mil) Bakerloo, Piccadilly The atmosphere is of informal elegance, French inspired style infused with the essence of London.Inspired by celebrated Chef Albert Roux, the restaurant is set in an extraordinary double-height space
Transport to London Coach firm Eurolines departure from Czestochowa 05.03 at 16:20 arriving in London at 13:30 05.04 ticket price is 349 pln. per person
London buses Bus network in London is one of the largest and most used worldwide. Every day, over 6,800 buses carry around six million passengers over 700 different routes. Please note that a very common occurrence in London are the traffic jams. London buses may be late especially in the morning, when people go to work, and during peak hours.
Transport in London London Underground isserved by 12 lines and 275 stations. Trains run from London everycouple / fewminutes, depending on time of day. London metro operatesbetween 5:30 and 0:30 on weekdays and between 7:30 and 23:30 on Sundays and public holidays. On the London Underground stationsare not permitted smoking. Unfortunately, theticketpricesin London areexpensive. Metro ticketpricein London is £ 9 youcantravelthewholeday and buses
Overalcosts Food : 5828 PLN / £ 1280 Accommodation : 11720 PLN-£ 2576 Transport: 5584 PLN Visiting: £337,60, 1536,8PLN All: 24668,8 PLN for 16 person. For one student :1541,8 PLN
Dictionary • peron - platform- poczekalnia - waitingroom- podróż - journey, trip- podróż morska - seavoyage- podróżować morzem - to go by sea- pokład – deck • prom - ferry- przechowalnia - luggageroom- przedział - compartment- przejście - aisle- przelot - flight- przeprawa - crossing- przewodnik turystyczny - guidebook- przyjazd - arrival- punktualnie - on time- rozbić namiot - to pitch a tent- rozkład jazdy - timetable- rozmówki - phrasebook- rząd - row- sala odlotów - departurelounge- stacja kolejowa - railway station- startować - to takeoff (o samolocie)- ubezpieczenie - insurance- utopić się - to drown- walizka - suitcase- wpłynąć do portu - to enter theharbour- wyjście, brama - gate- zapiąć pasy - to fastenone's seat belt- zatonąć - to sink- zwiedzać - to sightsee Transport i podróże - bagaż ręczny - handluggage- bilet jednostronny - single ticket- bilet w obie strony - return ticket- billet cały - fullfare- billet ze zniżką - halffare- biuro podróży - travelagency- celnik - customsofficer- grzywna - fine- kabina pilota - cockpit- karta pokładowa - boardingcard- kasownik - ticketpunch- klasa turystyczna - economyclass- kolejka - queue- konduktor - ticketcollector- metro - underground- na wsi - inthe country- nad jeziorami - on thelakes- nad morzem - attheseaside- odjazd - departure- odprawa - check-in- odprawa celna - customs- pamiątka - souvenir- pas bezpieczeństwa - seat belt- pas startowy - runaway- passport - passport
Dictionary • - ocet - vinegar- patelnia - frying pan- pączek - doughnut- pestka - stone- piec - to bake- pieczony - roasted- piekarnik - oven- placki kartoflane - potatopancakes- posiekać - to chop- pożywny - nourishing- proszek do pieczenia - bakingpowder- przekąska - snap- przyprawy - spices- rodzynki - raisins- rosół z makaronem - brothwith pasta- rozmrażać - to melt- sałata - lettuce- sałatka - salad- schabowy - porkcutlet- smażony - fried- surowy - raw- szczypiorek - chives- sztućce - cutlery- śmietana - cream- tortownica - bakingtin- ubijać (jajka) - to whisk- ugniatać (ciasto) - to knead- wędzony - smoked- żółtko - eggyolk Jedzenie i picie - bez smaku - tasteless- białko - eggwhite- blacha do pieczenia - bakingtray- bułka słodka - bun- bułki - breadrolls- ciasto - sweet dessert- cukier puder - icingsugar- czajnik - kettle- drożdże - yeast- garnek, rondel - saucepan- jajecznica - scrambledeggs- jajka gotowane - boiledeggs- jajka sadzone - friedeggs- kapusta - cabbage- kroić w plastry - to slice- kwaśny - sour- łyżeczka - teaspoon- malina - raspberry- mandarynka - tangerine- mieszać - to stir- mięso mielone - mince- morela - apricot- niejadalny - inedible- obierak do ziemniaków - potatopeeler- obrus - tablecloth