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This validation board ensures matching of Hcal and Ecal detector addresses, covering various cases, bus handling, and logic validation. Programmable registers and memory cater to detector topology requirements.
Matching Address Validation board Ecal_Add value input Area Hcal_Add (because sums2x2 in FE) Validation Board Hcal_Add value input Matching: 1 Area Hcal_Add is corresponding with several Area Ecal_Add. 3 cases are possible according to detector structure geometry (topology). Case 1-1 Case 4-1 Case 9-1 Corresponding with 1 Ecal_Add Corresponding with 3x3 Ecal_Add Corresponding with 5x5 Ecal_Add
Hcal address bus Validation Board Hcal_Add value input Hcal_Add bus (5bits) • Hcal_Add3 (5bits) • Hcal_Add2 (5bits) • Hcal_Add1 (5bits) • Hcal_Add0 (5bits) One validation board receive 4 Hcal_Add bus
Ecal address bus Validation Board Hcal_Add value input Area matching (case 4-1) with Hcal_Add • Ecal_Add7 (5bits) • Ecal_Add6 (5bits) • Ecal_Add5 (5bits) • Ecal_Add4 (5bits) • Ecal_Add3 (5bits) • Ecal_Add2 (5bits) • Ecal_Add1 (5bits) • Ecal_Add0 (5bits) Ecal_Add bus (5bits) One validation board receive 8 Ecal_Add bus Validation Board Ecal_Add value input
(Hcal+Ecal) logic in Validation board Max Hcal_Add3 matching_address 5 Sum ETRANS3 Hcal_Add2 mux 1 LUT 1 Kbits Hcal_Et3 Hcal_Add1 Hcal_Add0 Ecal_Add7 Clear 5 Max demux Sum ETRANS2 Ecal_Et7 8 Hcal_Et2 2bits Register Max Sum ETRANS1 routing_select (large matching) Hcal_Et1 ECAL Routing Max Sum ETRANS0 Hcal_Et0 8 box: One for each couple (Ecal_Et7, Ecal_Add7)(Ecal_Et6, Ecal_Add6)(Ecal_Et5, Ecal_Add5)(Ecal_Et4, Ecal_Add4) (Ecal_Et3, Ecal_Add3)(Ecal_Et2, Ecal_Add2)(Ecal_Et1, Ecal_Add1) (Ecal_Et0, Ecal_Add0) Each Register and LUT memory are programmable by ECS according to the detector topology.
LUT implementation 1K4 Memory block 5 + 1 Hcal_Add3 matching_address NC 5 Hcal_Add2 mux 5 NC 1 LUT 1 Kbits Hcal_Add1 Hcal_Add0 Ecal_Add7 Clear 5 demux Ecal_Et7 8 2bits Register routing_select (large matching) ECAL Routing Triple Voting In AX250 (Actel)
ECAL/HCAL logic implementation FPGA AX250 Input 168 Output 64 ECS (4)