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Enterprise Architecture SURVEY RESULTS

Enterprise Architecture SURVEY RESULTS. Common Solutions Group @UCSD January 9, 2014. Responder Type. Does your Institution have Architecture Review?. Does your Institution have an Architecture Review Board?. Does Architecture Review Board make decisions, gate function or is it advisory?.

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Enterprise Architecture SURVEY RESULTS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Enterprise ArchitectureSURVEY RESULTS Common Solutions Group @UCSD January 9, 2014

  2. Responder Type

  3. Does your Institution have Architecture Review?

  4. Does your Institution have an Architecture Review Board?

  5. Does Architecture Review Board make decisions, gate function or is it advisory?

  6. Other Functions of the Review Board

  7. What is the Scope of your Institution's Architecture Review Board? (Mark all that apply)

  8. What is the Scope of your Institution's Architecture Review Board? (Other)

  9. What is the diversity of your Institution's Architecture Review Board? (Mark all that apply)

  10. What is the diversity of your Institution's Architecture Review Board? (Other)

  11. Does your Institution have Architecture Review without other formal governance?

  12. Does your Institution have Architecture Review without other formal governance? (Descriptions)

  13. Does your Institution have an Enterprise Architecture Practice/Program?

  14. Level of Enterprise Architecture Maturity at Your Institution (Best Guess)

  15. How is your Enterprise Architecture effort organized?

  16. How is your Enterprise Architecture effort organized?

  17. What is the staffing size for your Enterprise Architecture effort, i.e. number for FTEs?

  18. Who does the Enterprise Architecture effort report to?

  19. How is the Enterprise Architecture effort funded?

  20. Main Purpose of EA (Ranked by all respondents from MOST to Least important) 1 Aligning Business and IT Strategy and Vision 2 Working with Business to better define IT strategy 3 Exploring / pushing future-state technology 4 Streamlining the IT Part of the Business 5 Reduction of Investment Duplication 6 Creating Positive Disruption

  21. Main Purpose of EA (Ranked by all respondents from MOST to Least important) 7 Reducing Variability 8 Reduction of Costs 9 Gathering and Managing Requirements 10 Consulting 11 Driving Automation 12 Other

  22. Main Purpose of EA(Comments)

  23. What tools are used by your Enterprise Architecture effort? (Mark all that apply)

  24. What tools are used by your Enterprise Architecture effort? (Text)

  25. What Architectural Standard(s) do you follow or leverage to (Mark All That Apply)

  26. What Architectural Standard(s) do you follow or leverage to (Text)

  27. To what extent is your Enterprise Architecture effort involved with Purchasing?

  28. To what extent is your Enterprise Architecture effort involved with Purchasing? (Text)

  29. If you have a website for your Enterprise Architecture effort, please provide the URL. • http://cio.umich.edu/strategic-planning/architecture.php • http://enterprisearchitect.blogs.ilrt.org/ • http://www.rochester.edu/it/acs/architecture/ • https://wiki.doit.wisc.edu/confluence/display/ARCH/Home

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