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Integriertes Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsmanagement Region Frankfurt RheinMain Lyoner Straße 22

ivm GmbH. EPOMM 2011 Toulouse Broking Mobility Safeguarding and Enhancing Mobility Options in Rural Areas Jens Vogel (ivm), Peter Krämer (OREG) May 19 th , 2011. Integriertes Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsmanagement Region Frankfurt RheinMain Lyoner Straße 22 60528 Frankfurt am Main Germany

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Integriertes Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsmanagement Region Frankfurt RheinMain Lyoner Straße 22

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  1. ivm GmbH EPOMM 2011 Toulouse Broking Mobility Safeguarding and Enhancing Mobility Options in Rural Areas Jens Vogel (ivm), Peter Krämer (OREG) May 19th, 2011 Integriertes Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsmanagement Region Frankfurt RheinMain Lyoner Straße 22 60528 Frankfurt am MainGermany www.ivm-rheinmain.de

  2. Ridesharing becomes more and more popularfor commuting...... with private cars, on a regular basis, in an urban context How to make use of (already existing) resources in rural areas?...with private /non-private vehicles , on a irregular basis, on shorter/also non-commuting trips? integrating private transport options and public transportation , developing a public mobility brokerage making the system flexible better addresses future mobility needs, helps saving costs and supports local economy , fulfilling public interest Beyond ridesharing: integration and flexibility

  3. voluntary association of two federal states (Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate) plus 16 counties and cities establishing and operating a regional traffic and mobility management maintaining a future, sustainable mobility adviser and supporter of political and public bodies moderating processes, implementing projects, providing services and information  promoting ridesharing as an essential part of an intermodal mobility system www.ivm–rheinmain.deIntegrated Traffic and Mobility Management Frankfurt RheinMain Region Berlin Frankfurt RhineMainRegion

  4. The Frankfurt RhineMain Region - an important European centre for industry, finance and services, international traffic hub – is very heterogeneous and faces contradictory developments. Demographic changestable development in the regions core, but  shrinking and ageing society at the fringe  PT predominantly adapted to the needs of pupil, already service gaps Budget restrictionsThe region has quickly overcome the financial and economic crisis, but: public households still suffer from the massive spending of tax money to spoil the economy public authorities face a strict dept brake becoming effective in 2020  less, older, poorer but more demanding passengers  circumstances form a major thread to the status-quo of ruralpublic transport The end of (rural) public transportation as we know it?

  5. Together with the OREG, the local transport authority in the Odenwaldcounty, we work exemplarily at developing and implementing a more sustainable mobility system exceeding the current boarders of classic public transport services . Aims and objectives: creating a pool of available mobility options extended service (service time and area) better availability and flexibility of service accessibility, design for all sustainability  OREG should be recognised as the mobility broker, a one-stop-shop for organising mobility without using a private car! Evolution, not revolution:Making a new approach in the Odenwald county Odenwaldkreis

  6. Integration: fields of action and core elements Organisation Integration • Core elements: mobility guarantee broking mobility options including ridesharing and taxi rides mobility platformcross-linking communication and passenger information incentive-oriented fare system Information & Marketing Faremanagement Financing Business models Technology

  7. If you take us: mobility guaranteed... • valid 7 days a week, from 4 a.m. to 1 a.m. • trips from all towns and villages to the next local or county centre (based on existing transit network) • trips within built-up areas • within 30 minutes after calling • between (central) stops and door-to-door (optional) • to the next transfer stop(if classic transit connection available) OREG Mobilty Guarantee

  8. Creating a poolofpublicand private mobilityoptions Mobility Centre Taxi ride Rideshare (private) Hotelservices Welfare/healthcare/assistettransport … Pick-up & deliveryservices Light runningtaxis etc. Costs/Flexibility Rideshare(thirdparty) Classic publictransport(fixed route, demandresponsive) Spectrumofoperation/ Numberofcarriedpassengers Third parties • using private rideshare to promote volunteership • ‘taxi ride’ only if no other option is available, as a synonym for providing capacities for the guaranteed right of transportation

  9. A platform for broking mobility • combining all activities concerning the access to “public mobility” • close cooperation of all stakeholders

  10. optimised user financing by bonus oriented incentive scheme regional zonal fare system as a basis for all transport options if a ‘taxi ride’ has to be provided, a supplement must be paid everybody offering or demanding mobility will be rewarded cheaper tickets, petrol vouchers rating drivers provision for every trip successfully arranged beyond the standard PT service MobiCard as a key to the mobility system carrier medium of RMV e-ticketing obligatory, paying small amounts for all transport options  Encourages use of mobility system and ensures social security Fare and incentive scheme

  11. Mobiltycentre: OREG asthelocalmobilitybroker • Appearance of a local transport authority as “mobility broker” • publicly guaranteed mobility standard • one central platform for organising personal mobility without the use of an own private car • integrated approach of combining classic public transport, taxi service and private cars to create one flexible and accessible mobility system • encouraging volunteership • using modern communication technology for planning and paying a journey connected with an incentive scheme to encourage supply and use of especially private transport options • on the long run: relief of public household Bus (classic local PT) Rideshare(private) customer OREG Taxi RMV (regional PT) Rideshare(thirdparty)

  12. participation: most relevant stakeholders including politics are convinced by the need to adapt the current public mobility system to future requirements drafting a roadmap for implementation we still need a deeper understanding of legal, organisational and financial aspects  approach requires significant investment during the start phase  starting with workshop in June/July 2011 drafting the requirement specification of the whole system, technical issues How far so we need to/should we go?  adaptable system architecture needed no fixed schedule for implementation (yet) aiming in a sound and permanent realisation despite its pilot character expect to start first phase of operation in mid 2012 maybe at next ECOMM in Frankfurt... What’s next?

  13. Thankyouforyourattention! Merci pourvotreattention!

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