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IT Planning and Managment

IT Planning and Managment. Lecture 7: Information System for a Volunteer Center: System Design for Not-For-Profit Organizations with Limited Resources Part 4: CASE DESCRIPTION(1). Collage of Information Technology University of Palestine, Gaza. Prepared by: Mahmoud Rafeek Alfarra.

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IT Planning and Managment

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  1. IT Planning and Managment Lecture 7: Information System for a Volunteer Center: System Design for Not-For-Profit Organizations with Limited Resources Part 4: CASE DESCRIPTION(1) Collage of Information Technology University of Palestine, Gaza Prepared by: Mahmoud Rafeek Alfarra

  2. بين النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم و سعد رضي الله عنه ... إذن المحنة بهذا تصبح منحة  سعد:قلت يا رسول الله أي الناس أشد بلاء قال النبي: الأنبياء ثم الأمثل فالأمثل ؛ يبتلى الرجل على حسب دينه ، فإن كان في دينه صلبا اشتد بلاؤه ، وإن كان في دينه رقة ابتلي على قدر دينه ، فما يبرح البلاء بالعبد حتى يتركه يمشي على الأرض وما عليه خطيئة . حسن صحيح - الترمذي

  3. Outlines • Introduction • System Requirements • Special Requirements • Discuss the students’ system requests (cont.)

  4. CASE DESCRIPTION • During the analysis and early design phases of the SDLC several standard documents were produced, including: • use cases, • a data model, and • a project schedule.

  5. CASE DESCRIPTION • Early on, all parties agreed that the standard way to document the requirements was via use-case diagrams, and by providing details of each use case. • In addition, the project team noted other requirements, such as budget requirements, that would impact the choice of alternatives and the ultimate success of the project.

  6. System Requirements • After numerous meetings with the VCR team, led by Marilynn, Jeff McCoy, with the help of the IS team, arrived at the following use-case diagram. • All processes, regardless of how they will be implemented, were documented as part of the use-case diagram

  7. includes Volunteer VCR Employee Donor Station Coordinator extends

  8. Relationships • For example, when a station coordinator reports hours, it triggers the “Update Volunteer Activity,” and hence there is an <<includes>> relationship between the two activities. • Similarly, updating information on a volunteer may cause a VCR employee to search for volunteer opportunities. Hence, there is an <<extends>> relationship between the “Update Volunteer” and “Search for Volunteer Opportunity” use cases.

  9. System Requirements • Different members of the IS team documented the details of each use case. • It includes key aspects such as the stakeholders, relationships to other use cases, normal flow of events, and alternate flows. • Read and understand the tables 1 and 2 in pages 15 and 16 in the text book.

  10. Details of table 1 • Table 1 includes key aspects such as • the stakeholders, • relationships to other use cases, • normal flow of events, and • alternate flows. • This use case has three different alternate flows which model three different business scenarios in which a volunteer may join VCR including • enrolling by telephone, • finding an enrollment form on the Web, and • enrolling at an external recruiting event.

  11. More requirements • In addition to the use cases, the project team documented the following high-level requirements for the VCR information system. • (R1) Need to maintain volunteers and their information. • (R2) Need to maintain stations at which volunteers volunteer their time and the activities of the volunteers. • (R3) Need to maintain information on the donors to the RVC and the donations.

  12. More requirements • (R4) Need to generate reports for volunteer center management, and donors, which may include government agencies, private foundations. • (R5) Need to maintain and track expenses and budget. • (R6) Need to convert/transform current data into the new system, once the new system is built.

  13. Highlight the data requirements • In addition to the use cases, the IS team developed a data model to highlight the data requirements of the system. • The initial data model was developed by Judy. • The entities and the data fields contained in a few example entities are described in Table 3, page 18.

  14. Discuss the students’ system requestsContinue • Each student has 5 to 7 min. to present his/her system request: • Give us a brief about • the enterprise • The current system • Problems • Solutions • and more …

  15. Next Lecture isa Data model and Special Requirements

  16. Thank You… Question ?!

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