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Understanding Evaluation in Learning: Formative vs. Summative Methods

Learn about the types of evaluation in education - formative and summative. Formative evaluation focuses on continuous feedback and improvement during instruction, while summative evaluation assesses learning outcomes at the end of a course. Explore the characteristics and examples of both evaluation methods.

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Understanding Evaluation in Learning: Formative vs. Summative Methods

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  2. LEARNING OBJECTIVE • At the end of the class the student will be able to- • Explain the types of evaluation

  3. Types of evaluation • Based on time during which the evaluation is done • Formative evaluation • Summative evaluation • Based on the purpose • Criterion referenced evaluation • Norm referenced evaluation • Based on person who does evaluation • Internal evaluation • External evaluation

  4. FORMATIVE EVALUATION Definition • It is concerned with judgment made during the design and development of a program which are directed towards modifying, forming, or otherwise improving the program before it is completed. A.J.Nitke 1983

  5. Formative evaluation • It is used to monitor the learning process of students during the period of instruction. • It provides continuous feedback to both teacher and student concerning learning successes and failure while instruction is in process. • Feedback to students provides reinforcement of successful learning and identifies the specific learning errors that need correction.

  6. Feedback to teacher provides information for modifying instruction and for prescribing individual and group remedial work. • It aims at improvement of instruction • It is concerned with the process of development of learning • It is a positive evaluation because it attempts to create desirable learning goals and tools for achieving such goals

  7. Characteristics of Formativeevaluation • It is an integral part of learning process. • It occurs frequently during the course of instruction. • Its results are made immediately known to the learners. • It may sometimes take teacher’s observation only.

  8. It reinforces learning of the students • Its result can not be used for grading or placement purposes. • It helps in modification of instructional strategies including method of teaching immediately.

  9. It motivates learners; as it provides them with knowledge of progress made by them. • It sees the role of evaluation as a process. • It is generally teacher made test • It does not take much time to construct

  10. Examples of formativeevaluation • Monthly test • Class test • Periodical assessment • Teacher’s observation etc.

  11. SUMMATIVE EVALUATION • Definition • Summative evaluation describes judgment about merits of an already completed program. Or • Term summative refers to assigning a grade for student’s achievement at the end of a term, course or instructional program

  12. Summative Evaluation • It is done at the end of the course of instruction to know to what extent the objectives previously fixed have been accomplished. • Its main objective is to assign grades to the pupils. • It indicates the degree to which the students have mastered the course content.

  13. It helps to judge the appropriateness of instructional objectives • It has danger of making negative effects. This evaluation may brand a student as a failed candidate, and thus causes frustration and setback in the learning process of the candidate. • The tests for summative evaluation are given at the end of a course .

  14. Characteristics of summativeevaluation • It is terminal in nature as it comes at the end of the course of instruction. • It is judgmental in character in the sense that it judges the achievement of pupils. • It views evaluation ‘as a product’, because its chief concern is to point out the levels of attainment. • It can not based on teacher’s observation only.

  15. It does not pin point difficulties faced by the learner. • Its result can be used for placement and grading purposes. • It reinforces learning of the students who has learnt an area. • It may or may not motivate the learners. • Sometimes it may have negative effects

  16. Examples of summativeevaluation • Traditional school and university examinations. • Standardized tests. • Teacher made tests. • Practical and oral tests.

  17. Norm referenced evaluation • It assesses the students’ performance relative to other pupils of the group • Ranks/ grades are given • E.g. Public examination like NET, CAT , MAT etc

  18. C. REFERENCED TESTS • Performance of pupils is assessed in terms of specific performance standards or criteria. • It tells about the standard of the attained knowledge of the individual






  24. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT • INTERNAL ASSESSMENT is continuous, periodic and internal, in which assessment is done in relation to certain abilities and skills of the students periodically and continuously. • INTERNAL ASSESSMENT has to be planned at the time of curriculum development and syllabus interpretation.

  25. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT will be assessed by the teacher/ instructor of the college or school and no external teacher or instructor involved in this. • INTERNAL ASSESSMENT demands the outcome of students than the abilities and skills of the students.

  26. PURPOSES OF INTERNAL ASSESSMENT • The main purpose of introducing internal assessment is to integrate teaching and evaluation and to test the skills and abilities

  27. NEED FOR INTERNAL ASSESSMENT • Helpful for the student to assess their qualitative and quantitative evaluation. 2. Teacher may use different method of teaching –learning process. 3. Internal assessment improves the teaching learning process, it gives a comprehensive picture of the students learning.

  28. 4. The objectives of affective domain(attitude, interest, and appreciation) and its technique can be assessed by internal assessment. 5. Internal assessment motivate the students to study. 6. Diagnostic and remedial teaching are possible and more scientific. 7.Internal assessment motivate the student to give more weightage to the annual examination.

  29. SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNAL ASSESSMENT • Internal assessment should be ----------- 1. Comprehensive (eg) academic achievement personality traits achievement objects.(cognitive affective and psychomotor) 2. Follow the education commission(1964-66) recommendation

  30. 3. Built in to the total educational program and should be used for improvement rather than certifying the level of student. 4. not to follow scoring procedure,(some of the items needs description.) 5.keep separate record, not to be combined with other records. 6. help the student in changing their attitudes towards the day-to day program.

  31. 7. supplement the final examination 8. very objective, unbiased on all the items— - unit test -oral test - practical test - home work - class work - observational scale - participation in social and cultural - group activities etc.

  32. COMPONENTS OF INTERNAL ASSESSMENT • Items to be observed. • Periodic test (unit test/term test) • Oral test • Laboratory work • Terms paper(written • Study habit • Participation • Co-curricular activities • personality tests • Visits

  33. WEIGHTAGE TO ITEMS OF INTERNAL ASSESSMENT. 1. Subjective assessment • Unit test --------------------25 • Term test--------------------25 • Performed test----------------10 • Performance test -------–-----10 • Home work------------------10 • Assignments-----------------20 • Total -----------------100

  34. 2. Assessment of co-curricular activities. • library work 20 • Special games 20 • Debates, drawing music 20 • Study circle 20 • Visits 20 TOTAL 100

  35. 3. Assessment of personality traits. • Traits, co operation, initiation, honest, leadership, fellowship, perseverance, confidence etc. • Note; grade will be A, B, C, D, E.

  36. ADVANTAGE / MERITS OF INTERNAL ASSESSMENT. 1. This is logical and psychological 2. Proper study habits are likely to be developed. 3. Students will be more regular, alert, sincere in their study. 4. 11th hour preparation will be reduced.

  37. 5.Students will pay equal attention to all the activities 6. Helps the students to minimize their anxiety and nervous breakdown. 7. Gives comprehensive picture to the teacher. 8. It is a good device for motivating. 9. It helps to diagnose the weakness and strength of the student.

  38. 10. It brings changes in their attitude, interest, and appreciation. 11. Gives ample opportunity to assess the student.”The teacher who teaches should assess.” 12. Parents feel more comfortable in knowing about their children.

  39. DEMERITS OF INTERNAL ASSESSMENT. 1. It may be misused by teacher 2. It can cause a great harm in the hands of an Inexperienced, insincere, inefficient and dishonest teacher. 3. It lose it validity if a teacher shows favoritism personal prejudices and subjectivity in assessment.

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