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Explore how urban public spaces are regulated in terms of noise activities, authorizations, and control measures. Learn about the framework and procedures followed by the Municipality of Florence to maintain a quiet environment.
The soundscape as a tool for regulating urban public space Arnaldo Melloni Direzione Ambiente Comune di Firenze A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
A General framework • Planning – Noise Mapping and Action Plan • Regulation of noisy activities • Control • Authorizations for permanent and temporary economic activities • SanctionIn summary, the activities of the Municipality of Florence useful for the knowledge of the territory and its problem A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
The Authorizations notwithstanding the current regulation for temporary activities • The Law 26 October 1995 No. 447 "Framework law on noise pollution", Article 4, paragraph 1 letter g) establishes that it is the responsibility of the Regions to define "the methods of issuing municipal authorizations for the performance of temporary activities and events in a public place or open to the public» A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
The Authorizations notwithstanding the current regulation for temporary activities conformitàpresxc The same rule establishes that the Municipalities are responsible for the issue of authorizations for the performance of "temporary activities and events in a public place or open to the public and for temporary shows", notwithstanding the limit values in compliance with the prescriptions indicated by the Municipality A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
The Authorizations notwithstanding the current regulation for temporary activities Activities: • construction sites for works of private and public interest, including major works (tramway); • sporting activities in general; • accompaniment local festivals, religious and patronized by institutions or in any case connected to the tradition of the places; • tourist-commercial activities, to be carried out outdoors and indoors, to enhance the area such as public festivals, musical entertainment or similar promoted by public and private institutions (festival of parties, concerts , musical accompaniment of catering activities, nightlife). A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
The georeferencing • All authorization and control activities must be managed with a backoffice application that georeferences the practices. Fundamental for the authorization procedures (the authorizations notwithstanding the current regulation)to establish the maximum number per days of exposure for each receptor. A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
The Georeferencing Informations (also to be published): 1)authorization request date; 2)applicant subject (with clarification in the case of public, local or private entity); 3)number of days of the activity in notwithstanding the current regulation; 4) authorized times; 5)authorized noise limits; 6)list of receptors; 7)number and date of the authorization act. A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
The Authorizations notwithstanding the current regulation for temporary activities Number of authorizations: Year 2016: n. 230 Year 2017: n. 280 Year 2018: n. 315 The practices concern construction sitesand events. About 2/3 are manifestations A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
Beyond the authorization A procedure that evaluates the architectural, urban and acoustic characteristics of the places where temporary activities take place. For the events: choose the places suitable for different types of events. A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
A new procedure: how to choose the places To start a new procedure, the places chosen for the events must be characterized from an acoustic point of view: Quantity: phonometric measurements Qualitative: sound walks with interviews with residents and visitors A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
A new procedure The structure is given by a detailed Technical Report containing: • Place • Rehearsals times, exhibition, assembly and dismantling • Mixer emission regime and values resulting from the receptors • Power supply (station and generator emissions) • Type of electro-acoustic system and its positioning • Number of spectators A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
A new procedure:summary sheet of the places A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
A new procedure A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
A New procedure Il sottoscritto_____________________________________________________________________ in qualità di: legale rapp.te o titolare o altro (specificare)__________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ (nome ente, ditta) sede legale_______________________________________________________________________ (via, n. civico, telefono)_________________________________________________________________________ C O M U N I C A che nei giorni dal________________ al _____________________ in_______________________________via____________________________________n._______ con il seguente orario dalle _________________ alle _____________________________________ e nel rispetto dei limiti di …….. db(A) come limite di immissione dell’attività nel suo complesso misurato in facciata ai recettori più disturbati e dei contenuti della Relazione Tecnica approvata con determinazione dirigenziale n. ………. si svolgerà l’attività rumorosa a carattere temporaneo consistente in ______________________________________________________________________________________ A tal fine il sottoscritto dichiara di aver preso visione della normativa nazionale e regionale in materia, del PCCA e di rispettare quanto indicato nel Regolamento per le attività rumorose del Comune di Firenze. In fede. Data____________________firma________________________________ A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
A new procedure In summary: 1)Detailed technical report; 2) Plan with the conditions of use; 3) Simplified forms; 4) Preventive opinion of ASL (healthcare company) and ARPAT (regional environmental protection agency) already granted on the general conditions of use A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
A new procedure ADVANTAGES: 1)Better organization of public spaces; 2)Simplification in procedures; 3)Simplification in the control (correspondence between documents and fittings - not necessarily measures!); 4)Decrease in conflict between events and residents: respect for the environmental vocation and the predominant use destination of each place A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019
Thanks for your attention Arnaldo Melloni arnaldo.melloni@comune.fi.it A Quiet Place- 14/03/2019