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Conference Management System for Information Technology Academic Conference: A SaaS Approach. Kantima Onlaor , Prawit Boonmee , Prajaks Jitngernmadan Faculty of Informatics, Burapha University, Thailand E-mail: kantima @buu.ac.th. OUTLINE. Objectives of the Research Introduction
Conference Management System for Information Technology Academic Conference: A SaaS Approach. KantimaOnlaor, PrawitBoonmee, PrajaksJitngernmadan Faculty of Informatics, BuraphaUniversity, Thailand E-mail: kantima@buu.ac.th
OUTLINE • Objectives of the Research • Introduction • Materials and Methods • Information Technology Academic ConferenceManagement Design Approach • Process Design • Implementation • Conclusion and Discussion • Acknowledgements
OBJECTIVES • Objectives of the Research are- To Analyze and design the Conference Management System for Information Technology Academic Conference.- To set up information technology system architecture for Information Technology Academic Conference Management System by using SaaS Approach.- To implement the prototype of Information Technology Academic Conference Management System by using open source software for further development
INTRODUCTION • An informal survey of the markets showed that there is some software that manages conferences that is both free of charge and open source. • Some services have subscription charges which have a quite high cost, and others require installation on the server without charge but the process of doing so is complicated. • Information technology, in particular, is emerging as a challenging new field.
INTRODUCTION • For the problems mentioned above, this research offers a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) concept in the design and development of information systems for managing conferences nationally in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS). • Users can register for an account and set up an information system to meet the needs of their own easily without having to worry about configuration of the system.
INTRODUCTION • Users do not even have to know where hardware, software and databases are kept. • Just through the Internet, users can access software any time, anywhere. • This research implements an open source information system for an information technology national conference management. • It can be a prototype for the further development and promotion of open source software in the future.
Related Work National Conference Management System • This research studies a national conference management system by Tongpool Heepthaisong who has analyzed and designed an information system for supporting national conference management through the Internet by dividing users into 4 groups, namely, committees, accountants, article reviewers, and researchers. • The system has been evaluated for usability and security. • Users accept the system and suggest that the system should be accessible using mobile devices and an ability to broadcast the conference should exist.
Related Work MyReview • This research also looks at MyReview which is open source software on the WWW used to submit papers online and to evaluate the papers by experts. • This software is flexible and allows selection for several languages. • It can handle small and medium conferences (about 150 papers) effectively.
Information Technology Academic ConferenceManagementDesign Approach
Five Actors in the Conference: • Administratorswho can do the following: - create and manage categorized menu - create and manage the website - set up the necessary infrastructure of the system - create users such as Program Committee, Reviewer, Session chair - create and manage topics of the conference (Topics Area) - create and manage news post
Five Actors in the Conference: 2. Program committees who can : - manage and filter the documents uploaded by the authors - assign who will be reviewers - assign authors’ documents to reviewers - create and manage topics of the conference (Topics Area) - accept / reject reviewed papers after scoring - create a tentative program
Five Actors in the Conference: 3. Reviewers who can edit their own profile and read papers and rate them. 4. Authors who can upload documents into the system and edit their own profile. 5. Session Chair who can give score online during authors’ presentation and vote for the best papers.
HOW OUR CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CAN BE USED (1) Conference Management System Creates Creates Creates Creates Account A for Conference System Account C for Conference System Account … for Conference System … Account B for Conference System
IMPLEMENTATION • The system has been implemented according to the process design. • The system can handle conference organization in complete steps and is easy to use. • The system was developed using • the PHP Framework named YII which is supported by modern web browsers • MySQL is used for the DBMS.
IMPLEMENTATION Menu for Administrator
IMPLEMENTATION Paper Management by Program Committee
IMPLEMENTATION Assign Papers to Reviewers by Program Committee
IMPLEMENTATION Check Paper Status by Program Committee
IMPLEMENTATION Rating Papers by Reviewer
IMPLEMENTATION Vote for the best paper award by Session Chair
CONCLUSION and DISCUSSION • A national conference management system has been developed based on SaaS which can benefit users a lot. • The system works in systematic steps from • subscription for papers submission, • sending the papers for the committee to screen and to give scores before deciding whether to accept the papers or not, • and notifying members about how to proceed further.
CONCLUSION and DISCUSSION • These are benefits from the system: • The system can reduce cost of using paper. • Papers can easily be collected as proceedings as well. • Generally, further improvements are still required such as accepting online payment, for example, PayPal , True Money and Credit Card. • It is also essential to have modules that can generate reports based on the needs of the users. • The system is yet in experimental phase so this is not online yet.
FUTURE WORK • For our future work • Users’ evaluation of the systems and user-friendly interfaces are needed. • Also, system performance should be better compared to other systems.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • We would like to thank • The faculty of Informatics, Burapha University for supporting the funding for this research. • The Computer Graphics and Multimedia lab at the faculty of Informatics, Burapha University.
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