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Reciprocal Teaching. Reciprocal Teaching. Palincsar Palincsar , A. S. and Brown, A., (1984) Reciprocal teaching of comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities. Cognition and Instruction, 1984, I (2) 117-175 NZAMT 2011
Reciprocal Teaching • Palincsar • Palincsar, A. S. and Brown, A., (1984) Reciprocal teaching of comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities. Cognition and Instruction, 1984, I (2) 117-175 • NZAMT 2011 • Yvonne Reilly, Jodie Parsons and Elizabeth BortolotSunshine College, Victoria. • ESOL Online • http://esolonline.tki.org.nz/ESOL-Online/Teacher-needs/Pedagogy/ESOL-teaching-strategies/Oral-language/Teaching-approaches-and-strategies/Reading/Co-operative-reading-Reciprocal-teaching
Reciprocal Teaching • Reciprocal teaching is a strategy used to help students develop a better understanding of what is presented in any given text. • It encourages interactive dialogue or discussion between teacher and learners. • A benefit of reciprocal teaching includes helping students to decipher text. • The developmental stages and ages of students determine the role that the teacher plays in modelling the strategy or actively facilitating the interactive dialogue or discussion.
The Four Principles of Reciprocal Teaching • PredictingStudents discuss the text and make predictions. Students attempt to make connections to what they already know. • ClarifyingAny concepts or vocabulary that are difficult to understand are discussed. Attempts are made to clarify the concepts or words. • Question Generating [Solving]After reading and summarizing the selection in the text, questions are formulated related to the information. • SummarizingStudents explain what they have read from a text. Students summarize and highlight the important information in the text.
The Four Principles of Reciprocal Teaching • PredictingI think … I predict … My guess is that …This reminds me of … I remember a similar problem was… • Clarifying • Is there anything that isn’t clear or that is confusing? Are there any tricky words? Does anyone know the meaning of …? How could we check what ….means? • Question Generating [Solving] • I wonder what would happen if ……I wonder if … • Summarizing • I really like the way …Another point that could have been made is … Another question could have been …As a group, we could improve …
Reciprocal Teaching http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications-standards/qualifications/ncea/subjects/mathematics/levels/
Reciprocal Teaching You have a rectangle with a perimeter of 10 blirts and area 4 square blirts. When measured in gorks the perimeter of the rectangle is numerically equal to its area in square gorks. How many gorks in 1 blirt? http://balancedassessment.concord.org/
Reciprocal Teaching http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications-standards/qualifications/ncea/subjects/mathematics/levels/
Reciprocal Teaching Last weekend Mrs Jenkins shared $25 with her five children.She gave her first child $1 plus 1/6 of the money remaining.She gave her second child $2 plus 1/6 of the money remaining.She gave her third child $3 plus 1/6 of the money remaining, and so on...Work out how much each child received. Could she do this with 9 children? http://nrich.maths.org/
Reciprocal Teaching F'arc'tions At the corner of the cube, vertex A, circular arcs are drawn as shown. What fraction of the surface area of the cube is shaded? http://nrich.maths.org/