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Lecture 2

Lecture 2. RF fundamentals. Objectives. Explain the principals of radio wave transmissions Describe the basic types of modulation. Radio Wave Transmission Principles. Understanding principles of radio wave transmission is important for: Troubleshooting wireless LANs

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Lecture 2

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  1. Lecture 2 RF fundamentals

  2. Objectives • Explain the principals of radio wave transmissions • Describe the basic types of modulation

  3. Radio Wave Transmission Principles • Understanding principles of radio wave transmission is important for: • Troubleshooting wireless LANs • Creating a context for understanding wireless terminology

  4. What Are Radio Waves? • Electromagnetic wave: Travels freely through space in all directions at speed of light • Radio wave: When electric current passes through a wire it creates a magnetic field around the wire • As magnetic field radiates, creates an electromagnetic radio wave • Spreads out through space in all directions • Can travel long distances • Can penetrate non-metallic objects

  5. What Are Radio Waves? (continued) Table 3-1: Comparison of wave characteristics

  6. Analog vs. Digital Transmissions Figure 3-2: Analog signal Figure 3-4: Digital signal

  7. Analog vs. Digital Transmissions (continued) • Analog signals are continuous • Digital signals are discrete • Modem (MOdulator/DEModulator): Used when digital signals must be transmitted over analog medium • On originating end, converts distinct digital signals into continuous analog signal for transmission • On receiving end, reverse process performed • WLANs use digital transmissions

  8. Frequency Figure 3-5: Long waves Figure 3-6: Short Waves

  9. Frequency (continued) • Frequency: Rate at which an event occurs • Cycle: Changing event that creates different radio frequencies • When wave completes trip and returns back to starting point it has finished one cycle • Hertz (Hz): Cycles per second • Kilohertz (KHz) = thousand hertz • Megahertz (MHz) = million hertz • Gigahertz (GHz) = billion hertz

  10. Frequency (continued) Figure 3-7: Sine wave

  11. Frequency (continued) Table 3-2: Electrical terminology

  12. Frequency (continued) • Frequency of radio wave can be changed by modifying voltage • Radio transmissions send a carrier signal • Increasing voltage will change frequency of carrier signal

  13. Frequency (continued) Figure 3-8: Lower and higher frequencies

  14. Modulation • Carrier signal is a continuous electrical signal • Carries no information • Three types of modulations enable carrier signals to carry information • Height of signal • Frequency of signal • Relative starting point • Modulation can be done on analog or digital transmissions

  15. Analog Modulation • Amplitude: Height of carrier wave • Amplitude modulation (AM): Changes amplitude so that highest peaks of carrier wave represent 1 bit while lower waves represent 0 bit • Frequency modulation (FM): Changes number of waves representing one cycle • Number of waves to represent 1 bit more than number of waves to represent 0 bit • Phase modulation (PM): Changes starting point of cycle • When bits change from 1 to 0 bit or vice versa

  16. Carrier frequency • A carrier frequency is an electronic wave that is combined with the information signal and carries it across the communications channel.

  17. Modulation

  18. Frequency (continued) • Radio transmissions send a carrier signal

  19. Analog Modulation (continued) Figure 3-9: Amplitude

  20. Analog Modulation (continued) Figure 3-10: Amplitude modulation (AM)

  21. Analog Modulation (continued) Figure 3-11: Frequency modulation (FM)

  22. Analog Modulation (continued) Figure 3-12: Phase modulation (PM)

  23. Digital Modulation • Advantages over analog modulation: • Better use of bandwidth • Requires less power • Better handling of interference from other signals • Error-correcting techniques more compatible with other digital systems • Unlike analog modulation, changes occur in discrete steps using binary signals • Uses same three basic types of modulation as analog

  24. Digital Modulation (continued) Figure 3-13: Amplitude shift keying (ASK)

  25. Digital Modulation (continued) Figure 3-14: Frequency shift keying (FSK)

  26. Digital Modulation (continued) Figure 3-15: Phase shift keying (PSK)

  27. Radio Frequency Behavior: Gain • Gain: Positive difference in amplitude between two signals • Achieved by amplification of signal • Technically, gain is measure of amplification • Can occur intentionally from external power source that amplifies signal • Can occur unintentionally when RF signal bounces off an object and combines with original signal to amplify it

  28. Online simulation • http://williams.comp.ncat.edu/Networks/modulate.htm

  29. Online simulation • http://digitalmodulation.net/fsk.html

  30. Simulation • http://digitalmodulation.net/psk.html

  31. More simulations • http://sem.mosaic-service.com/electron2/amplitude_shift_keying.htm

  32. Radio Frequency Behavior: Gain (continued) Figure 3-16: Gain

  33. Radio Frequency Behavior: Loss • Loss: Negative difference in amplitude between signals • Attenuation • Can be intentional or unintentional • Intentional loss may be necessary to decrease signal strength to comply with standards or to prevent interference • Unintentional loss can be cause by many factors

  34. Radio Frequency Behavior: Loss (continued) Figure 3-18: Absorption

  35. Radio Frequency Behavior: Loss (continued) Figure 3-19: Reflection

  36. Radio Frequency Behavior: Loss (continued) Figure 3-20: Scattering

  37. Radio Frequency Behavior: Loss (continued) Figure 3-21: Refraction

  38. Radio Frequency Behavior: Loss (continued) Figure 3-22: Diffraction

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