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Quarkonia above Deconfinement and Potential Models. Ágnes Mócsy. potential models vs lattice QCD some features of quarkonia spectral functions agree BUT there are unreconciled inconsistencies 1st analysis of correlators from potential models our attempts to understand the discrepancies.
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 Quarkonia above Deconfinementand Potential Models Ágnes Mócsy
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 potential models vs lattice QCD • some features of quarkonia spectral functions agree BUT there are unreconciled inconsistencies • 1st analysis of correlators from potential models • our attempts to understand the discrepancies summary
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 J/(1S) ’(2S) c(1P) 0.9fm 0.7fm 0.4fm T J/ suppression “unambiguous” signal of deconfinement T. Matsui, H. Satz 1986 • in quark-gluon plasma the color Coulomb-force between heavy Q and Q gets Debye-screened Rscreening < RQQquarkonium dissociates • sequential suppression F. Karsch, M. Mehr, H. Satz 1988 • modification of quarkonia properties with temperature could tell about deconfinement it all started in 1986
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 correlationfunctions of hadronic currents reliably calculated spectral function (,T) M E M c0 P. Petreczky et al 2006 also: T. Umeda T. Hatsuda, M. Asakawa S. Datta et al 2004 1P charmonium is gone at 1.16Tc since 2004 from QCD
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 c contradiction with early potential model predictions S. Datta et al 2004 1S charmonium survives up to 1.5Tc correlatorspectral function does not change spectral function properties do not change from
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 • At what temperature do heavy quark bound states disappear? • Can modification of quarkonia properties be understood via a temperature-dependent screened potential? • If yes, what is the potential? • If not, how can we explain quarkonium dissociation? What is the mechanism behind quarkonia melting?
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 heavy Q-Q interactions are mediated by a potential T = 0 V(r) confined • success for spectroscopy • lattice confirmed • obtainable from QCD deconfined J/ T > Tc we don’t know r assume a temperature-dependent potential V(r,T) & solve Schrödinger’s equation to obtain properties of QQ potential MODEL
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 F. Karsch, M. Mehr, H. Satz, 1988 E. Shuryak, I. Zahed, 2004 W. Alberico et al 2005 • screened Cornell potential: • fitted lattice internal energy: • Wong potential: mixture of lattice internal & free energy Common: all could keep the J/ up to 1.5 Tc Is this enough to be consistent with lattice? O. Kaczmarek et al 2004 C. Y. Wong 2005 screened potentials
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 bound states/resonances + continuum ÁM, P. Petreczky, hep-ph/0411262 hep-ph/0512156 hep-ph/0606053 = + Schrödinger eq with V(r,T) Mi(T) bound state mass Fi(T) amplitude asymptotic value of V(r,T) s0(T) threshold I. model spectral function
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 the c0 is gone just above Tc increase in correlator due to continuum qualitative agreement with lattice ÁM, P. Petreczky 2005 S. Datta et al 2004 c0correlator
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 • c correlator does not agree with lattice increase due to continuum, decrease due to amplitude reduction • correlator implies change in spectral function • disagrees with lattice feature for all screened potentials ÁM, P. Petreczky 2005 S. Datta et al 2004 ccorrelator
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 • no assumption for spectral function needed • drastic change in 1S mass & amplitude • inconsistent with lattice • even though 1S survives the spectral function is strongly modified S-wave lattice internal energy A. Jakovác et al 2006 ÁM, P. Petreczky, J. Casalderrey-Solana, in prep. II. nonrelativistic Green’s function
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 • inconsistency with lattice data is even worse how could we - can we - produce agreement with lattice? Wong potential A. Jakovác et al 2006 ÁM, P. Petreczky hep-ph/0606053 Green’s fct. cont.
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 ÁM hep-ph/0606124 no temperature-dependent screening • no modification of the 1S properties - use PDG • melting of 2S and 3S states • melting of the 1P state • continuum threshold s0 reduction T = 0 T Tc s0 1P s0 1S s0 s0 2S 3S instead consider a toy model
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 c0 c ÁM 2006 • choice of s0 can reproduce lattice correlators • c unchanged & c0 increased • compensate for the melting of higher excited states above Tc with the decrease of the threshold the toy model
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 • maybe works BUT note: “screened” not screened • screening might not be the mechanism governing quarkonia melting tscreening>tQQ “screened” Cornell potential ÁM, P. Petreczky, J. Casalderrey-Solana, in prep. with nonrelativistic Green’s fct.
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 • temperature-dependent screened potentials have problems even though 1S can survive and 1P melts • two different analysis of spectral functions and correlators not consistent with lattice QCD • medium modification cannot be described by a simple Debye screening picture • gluo-dissociation effect finite width Green’s fct current investigation conclusion
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 Péter Petreczky Jorge Casalderrey-Solana Dima Kharzeev Helmut Satz my thanks to
QWG Meeting BNL June 27-30 06 Rate of J/ escape into the continuum D. Kharzeev, L. McLerran, H. Satz 1995 binding energy • T >> EQQ screening • continuum dominates • all states get modified • T << EQQ gluo-dissociation effect discrete states dominate • ground state unaffected T >Tc gluon sector relevant F. Karsch et al 1996 E. Shuryak 1978 G. Bhanot, M.Peskin 1979