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New Insights and Therapies for the Metabolic Syndrome

New Insights and Therapies for the Metabolic Syndrome. Thomas Alexander, M.D. New Features of ATP III. Identification of metabolic syndrome Abdominal obesity; men more than 40 inches; women more than 35 inches Triglycerides; >150 mg HDL cholesterol for men <40 mg; women <50 mg

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New Insights and Therapies for the Metabolic Syndrome

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  1. New Insights and Therapies for the Metabolic Syndrome Thomas Alexander, M.D.

  2. New Features of ATP III • Identification of metabolic syndrome • Abdominal obesity; men more than 40 inches; women more than 35 inches • Triglycerides; >150 mg • HDL cholesterol for men <40 mg; women <50 mg • Blood pressure >130/85 • Fasting glucose >110

  3. Definition of Metabolic Syndrome • Insulin resistance • Life style especially obesity • Sub clinical inflammation • Diabetes and prior myocardial infarction carry the same mortality risk

  4. Risk Factors – Not routinely measured • Insulin resistance • Small dense LDL • Endothelial dysfunction • Abnormal sympathetic nervous activity • Prothrombotic markers – fibrinogen • Proinflamatory markers

  5. Features of Diabetes Mellitus • Hyperglycemia - Secondary to defect in insulin secretion or insulin action or both • Diagnosis – Fasting plasma glucose of 110 to 126 – pre diabetes • Blood sugar > 126 or plasma glucose > 200 on a GTT.

  6. Etiology • Type 1 Diabetes – β-cell destruction due to immune mediated or idiopathic • Type 2 Diabetes – with relative insulin deficiency to a predominant secretory defect with insulin resistance • Gestational • Genetic defects in β–cell function • Drug induced • Infections

  7. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus • Insulin deficiency – secondary to β-cell destruction • Markers – islet cell auto antibodies, auto antibodies to insulin, auto antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase

  8. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus • Has strong genetic predisposition • Obesity can cause some insulin resistance • Ketoacidosis seldom occurs • Hyperglycemia may develop gradually • At increase risk for micro & macro vascular complications • Increase levels of tumor necrosis factor-α and free fatty acids produce insulin resistance

  9. Progress of Pathogenic Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Initiation Factors Progression Factors -Insulin resistance -Obesity -Insulin secretion -β-cell Toxins -β-cell capacity genes -Diet/toxins -Obesity genes -Activity/age Type 2 Diabetes Failing insulin secretion, glucose desensitization of β-cell, decreased glucose sensitivity

  10. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 • Oral anti diabetic agents 1. Sulfonylureas and meglitinides – augment insulin levels 2. Metformin – inhibit hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, improve insulin sensitivity 3. Thiazolydinediones – suppress expression of specific genes & lower triglycerides 4. Acarbose – reduces absorption of CHO 5. Combination Therapy preferred 6. Insulin Therapy

  11. Complications • Acute -Diabetic ketoacidosis, dehydration, K depletion, cerebral edema, non ketotic hyperosmolar coma • Long Term -Cardiovascular disease causes 75% of disabilities and deaths in diabetes caused by insulin resistance, hypertrigl: HTN, low HDL. Target LDL < 100, triglycerides < 150, HDL >50, BP < 130/80 -PVD -Micro vascular – diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, cardiovascular autonomic neuro: GI neuro: -Diabetic foot > 50% of all non traumatic complications in U.S. is secondary to diabetes

  12. Macro Vascular Complications • Mortality from CVD 2 fold > in men 4 fold > in women • 7 yr incidence of MI = non DM with MI • Reduction in BP, reduced MI by 21% and stroke by 44% • Cholesterol lowering, reduced CVD by 24% • In secondary prevention reducing cholesterol, reduced CVD by 42%

  13. Hyperlypoproteinemia Exo Endo LDL -Dietary fat LDL LDL Receptor Intestine Extra, Tissue Capillary FFA Remnants VLDL HDL Adipose tissue IDL and muscle Capillary Plasma FFA Adip: Tissue Liver Endo: Chol: Diet: Chol:

  14. ATP III Guidelines • Step 1 -Determine lipoprotein levels after 9 to 12 hour fast -LDL Cholesterol – Primary target, <100 optimal, 100-129 near optimal, 130-159 borderline high, 160-189 high, >190 very high -Total Cholesterol - <200 desirable, 200-239 borderline high, >240 High -HDL Cholesterol - <40 low

  15. Step 2 -Identify presence of atherosclerotic disease -Clinical CHD -Carotid artery disease -PVD -AAA

  16. Step 3 -Determine major risk factors other than LDL -Cigarette smoking -Hypertension, BP >140/90 -Low HDL -Family history of premature CHD -Age, Men >45 & women >55 -HDL Cholesterol >60 – count as a negative risk factor

  17. Step 4 - If 2+ risk factors (other than LDL) present without CHD assess 10 year CHD risk (see Framingham tables) -Three levels of 10 year risk - >20% - CHD risk equivalent - 10 to 20% - <10%

  18. Step 5 -Determine risk category -Establish LDL goal of therapy -Determine need for therapeutic lifestyle changes -Determine level for drug consideration

  19. LDL Cholesterol Goals and Cut points for TLC and Drug Therapy in different Risk Categories

  20. Step 6 -Initiate TLC in LDL is above goal -TLC Diet: -Saturated fat <7% of calories, cholesterol <200 mg/day -Weight management -Increased physical activity

  21. Step 7 -Consider drug simultaneously with TLC for CHD -Consider adding drug to TLC after 3 months for other risk categories

  22. Drugs Affecting Lipoprotein Metabolism

  23. Step 8 -Identify metabolic syndrome and treat after 3 months of TLC Risk Factor Defining Level Abdominal obesity Waist Circumference Men >102 cm Women >88 cm Triglycerides > 150 mg/dL HDL cholesterol Men < 40 mg/dL Women < 50 mg/dL Blood Pressure > 130/ >85 mmHg Fasting Glucose > 110mg/dL

  24. Step 9 -Treat elevated triglycerides ATP III Classification of Serum triglycerides <150 Normal 150-199 Borderline 200-499 High >500 Very high Treatment of elevated triglycerides -Reach LDL goal -Intensify weight management -Increase physical activity Comparison of LDL Cholesterol & Non-HDL Cholesterol Goals for 3 risk Categories

  25. If triglycerides 200-449 mg/dL after LDL goal is reached, consider adding drug if needed to reach non-HDL goal: -intensify therapy with LDL-lowering drug -add nicotinic acid of fibrate to further lower VLDL If triglycerides >500 mg/dL, first lower triglycerides to prevent pancreatitis: -very low-fat diet -weight management and physical activity -fibrate or nicotinic acid When trigly. <500 mg/dL, turn to LDL-lowering therapy Treatment of low HDL cholesterol -First reach LDL goal -Intensify weigh management and increase physical activity -If trigly. 200-449 mg/dL, achieve non-HDL goal -If trigly. <200 mg/dL in CHD or CHD equiv. consider nicotinic acid or fibrate.

  26. Estimate of 10 yr Risk for Men (Framingham Point Scores)

  27. Diet for the Metabolic Syndrome • Primary emphasis is to reduce saturated fats • Total fat should range 25-30% for most cases • Those with metabolic syndrome avoid very high fat intake also avoid very low fat intake (low HDL & high TG) • Total fat intake can range from 30-35% if extra fat in unsaturated • May reduce some lipid and non lipid risk factors • Clinical judgment required

  28. QUESTIONS????

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