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An e-commerce website needs to bring in many more conversions and also boost revenue. E-commerce push notifications give value to your online shopping portals.ttttt
Push notifications have been no.1choice. Accordingtoasurvey,users have made an online purchaseviamobiledevices inthepastfewyears.
A Targeting Medium To EngageCustomers. E-commercewebsitesareconstantlylookingfora medium that has manifold advantages that must easeouttheprocessoftargetingcustomers.
Retargeting customers becomeeasierthroughpush notifications. Benefits of Web push notificationsin Marketing. Audience segmentation easesnotonlytheprocessof targeting customers but it also boostssales.
Targetcustomers through push notifications. Audiencesegmentationmakesiteasytosend customerswhattheywanttosee.Itwillnotonly evoke theirinterest.
Occasion based triggered notifications. Cash-out the festive season. Encourageusers to indulge in the festive season sale throughweb pushmessages.
Flash sales offer is the best way to evokeinterest inusers. Theyaretime-bound.Theylastfora fewhours.Astheyincludelucrative offers. Customers will tend to buy thembeforetheofferends.
Announcements. Inform the users regardingthesalesyou are conducting by specifying thedetails.
Reminders. Remindingthemtimeand again, will appeal to the userstobuytheproduct.
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