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Nowadays, the very first thing customers want to know about your online status, so use popup notification to boost your sales profit and traffic by 20% more.ttttt
02 Pop up on the desktop and mobilescreens Toasts Notification Bubbles DesktopNotifications Snackbars Passive-Popups NOTIFYVISITORS 02
03 Why Do You Need to UseThe Notifications AtAll? Notificationsonwebsitesandappsinteractwiththeuserandgivethemfeedback Information Indicators Warning Error Theuserscanplanbetteroravailofthecurrentorprospectiveopportunity. NOTIFYVISITORS
How CanPopup Notifications Helpyou? NOTIFYVISITORS Theyarespecificallyusedinmarketingtechniquesto- Gather The Feedback FromCustomers Convert AbandoningVisitors Collect BlogSubscribers MakeAnnouncementsOfSpecialDeals Conduct MarketingResearch Sell More ServiceSubscriptions
05 Different Types ofPOPUP Notification MODALNOTIFICATIONS: Some notifications need prompt actionandtheyfreezeyourentire webpage.Theywillinterruptyou andpop-upinthemiddleofyour webscreen TOAST POP-UP NOTIFICATIONS Opt for toast messages to communicate the successful interactionoftheuserwithyourapp or webinterface. EMBEDDEDPOP-UPS Theyarequietpop-upsthatdonot disrupt the visitor or reader. They carryouttheirfunctionandconvert your visitors to customers or subscribers. SLIDERPOP-UPS Slider Pop-up notifications take little space to communicate an importantmessage. They contain rich HTMLcontent.
STICKY BARPOP-UPS Sticky bars are the subtle and both mobile and desktop-friendlypop-ups which“stick”toeitherthetoporthe bottom ofa page. FLOATINGBUTTONS AfloatingactionbuttonorFAB stays placed on the side or appropriate area on the web page. FULL-SCREENPOPUP You must use the full-screens carefully.Theymustbeengaging onewayoranother.Ifyouare IMAGEPOP-UPS Imagepop-upswithusefulinfo are most effective when they showuponpageswithintense reading. puttingup an offer 0
DesktopAlerts 1 DesktopAlertsarepop-upnotificationsusedincorporate officestonotifytheemployees. 2 Theyappearontheemployee’sscreenaftertheemployer creates, configures,and sends it. 3 ThedesktopAlertsareeffectiveastheycanappearonthe mobilescreenordesktopscreenoftheemployee.
08 Time andEvent-Based Pop-ups SCROLLPOP-UPS As the user scrolls a page, it triggers the scrolling pop-up whichslidesinimmediately.It isveryhelpfulincreatingyour readers tosubscribers. DELAYEDPOP-UPS Delayed pop-ups appearafter a preset time delay once the visitor has entered the page. When the visitor has spent a certainamountoftimeonthe page, the delayed pop-up appears. INTERACTIONBASED POPUPS Interaction based pop-ups create personalized experiences. They only pop- upwhenavisitorclicksona linkorplacesthemouseover specificcontentorimageon thepage.
09 APPLY THEM TO ENHANCE THE USER EXPERIENCE AND ENGAGEYOUR VISITORS. SO GOAHEAD! Nomatterifyousellservices,orarecompletelyinsalesoranownerofane-commercecompany,you canincreaseyoursaleswitheffectiveuseofpop-ups NOTIFYVISITORS
Contactus FOR INQUIRIES ANDCONCERNS MAILINGADDRESS MahavirEnclave,MainDabriPalamRoad,New DelhiIndia -110045 EMAILADDRESS support@tagnpin.com PHONENUMBER +919015316316 NOTIFYVISITORS