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Patterns of Introduction and Prevention

Patterns of Introduction and Prevention. John Chapman Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center 2030 S. Marine Science Dr. Newport, Oregon ,,,...- 97365-5296 ((((((((}=== '````- John.Chapman@HMSC.ORST.EDU

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Patterns of Introduction and Prevention

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  1. Patterns of Introduction and Prevention John Chapman Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center 2030 S. Marine Science Dr. Newport, Oregon ,,,...- 97365-5296 ((((((((}=== '````- John.Chapman@HMSC.ORST.EDU Ph. 541 867-0235; Fax 541 867-0105`

  2. Increasing invasion rates = increasing impacts

  3. Critical Needs • Prevent NIS Invasions • Limit dispersal • Detect Invaders • Manage invaders

  4. Critical Research • Detect NIS • 2.Measure impacts - Spatial, temporal and ecological patterns of NIS distributions • 3.Limit invasions - Discover processes limiting NIS invasions • Predict the future

  5. Global SST Summer 2000 http://psbsgi1.nesdis.noaa.gov:8080/PSB/EPS/SST/data/FS_km5000.gif

  6. Critical Research • Prevent NIS dispersal • 1. Detect NIS • 2.Measure spatial, temporal and ecological patterns of NIS distributions • 3.Discover processes limiting NIS invasions • Predict the future

  7. North Pacific Climate

  8. Global SST Summer 2000 http://psbsgi1.nesdis.noaa.gov:8080/PSB/EPS/SST/data/FS_km5000.gif

  9. Common Introduced Nonindigenous Estuarine Peracaridan Crustaceans of the Northern Hemisphere PACIFIC ATLANTIC NW NE NW NE Exports - Natives 15 0 14 2 Imports - NIS 1-3 23-25 2-3 10-12

  10. Global SST Summer 2000 http://psbsgi1.nesdis.noaa.gov:8080/PSB/EPS/SST/data/FS_km5000.gif

  11. NIS Diversity with Latitude

  12. Are estimates of NIS in Prince William Sound biased? Phaeophyta Asperococcus compressus Fucus cottoni Rhodopyta Ceramium sinicola Chroodactylon ramosum Foraminifera Trochammina hadai Porifera Cliona sp. Polychaeta Heteromastis filiformis Amphipoda Not Corophium insidiosum Not Corophium acherusicum Maybe Jassa marmorata Mollusca **Mya arenaria/japonica ?Macoma balthica/petalum ?Mytilus trossulus/galloprovincialis Bryozoa Schizoporella unicornis Chordata Botrylloides violaceus

  13. Critical Research • Prevent NIS dispersal • 1. Detect NIS • 2.Measure spatial, temporal and ecological patterns of NIS distributions • 3.Discover processes limiting NIS invasions • Predict the future

  14. Global SST Summer 2000 http://psbsgi1.nesdis.noaa.gov:8080/PSB/EPS/SST/data/FS_km5000.gif

  15. New Carissa visits Lincoln County

  16. Western Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (WEMAP) 1999-2000 sampling results: • Native 346 66% • Cryptogenic 119 23% • Introduced 56 11% • Total 521

  17. Estimated cumulative rainfall (solid), cumulative time/temperature (broken) & cumulative rainfall per temperature 1999-2000 (diamonds), Hatfield Marine Science Center

  18. Peracarida: Crustacea

  19. Corophium alienense

  20. Corophium denticulata

  21. Maximum /minimum monthly SST – North Atlantic and Pacific

  22. Maximum / minimum monthly SST – North Atlantic and Pacific

  23. Maximum / minimum monthly SST – North Atlantic and Pacific

  24. Maximum / minimum monthly SST – North Atlantic and Pacific

  25. Maximum / minimum monthly SST – North Atlantic and Pacific

  26. salinity temperature Corophium multisetosum/japonica Corophium multisetosum in Europe salinity temperature salinity temperature

  27. Jassa spp.?

  28. Controlling Invasions 1. Survey, early detection and rapid response 2. Limit Dispersal: Education, legislation regulation 3. Reduce vulnerability: Conservation, management 4. Mitigate impacts: Planning, management 5. Extirpate

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