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Leonardo da Vinci Partership Action: a new opportunity. Definition.
Definition A Leonardo da Vinci Partnership is a framework for small –scale cooperation activities between organisations working in the field of vocational education and training (VET), which will be cooperating on themes of mutual interest to the participating organisations.
Characteristics Projects can focus more on the active participation of trainees, while others will concentrate on the cooperation between teachers, trainers or VET professionals. The cooperation may not only include VET schools or institutions but also enterprises, social partners or other VET stakeholders. They can cooperate at national, regional or local level, but also at sectoral level, such as within VET-fields or economic sectors.
Who can benefit Partnerships are open for all organisations working in the field of VET: • Institutions or organisations providing learning opportunities in the fields covered by the Leonardo da Vinci sectoral programme; • Associations and representatives of those involved in vocational education and training, including trainees’, parents’ and teachers’ associations; • Enterprises, social partners and other representatives of working life, including chambers of commerce and other trade organisations; • Bodies providing guidance, counselling and information services relating to any aspect of lifelong learning; • Bodies responsible for systems and policies concerning any aspect of lifelong learning vocational education and training at local, regional and national level; • Research centres and bodies concerned with lifelong learning issues; • Higher education institutions; • Non-profit organisations, voluntary bodies, NGOs The content of the partnership activities has to be clearly VET related.
Activities supported • Exchange of experiences and good practice • Cooperation on specific subjects / sectors • Producing something in common • Exchange- of staff- of trainers and trainees (LdV)
Topics for cooperation In principle all topics in the VET field are suitable for a Leonardo daVinci Partnership. Some examples: • Development of guidance and advice on VET; • Opening VET to flexible pathways and create better conditions for transition to working life; • Reinforce or create closer links of VET with working life; • Promoting the recognition of non-formal and informal learning; • Responding to the needs of the labour market, particularly of SMEs, anticipation of skills needed in labour market; • Improve the qualification of teachers and trainers; • Support the implementation of Quality assurance in VET • Cooperate in the area of transparency of VET systems (i.e. ECVET, EQF, Europass…) • Support the development of national qualifications frameworks in relation to EQF • Cooperate to test and apply common concepts developed at European level with the aim to achieve a spreading at the level of the actors “on the ground”.
Duration 2 years No possibility to postpone the deadline
Eligible partnership Cooperation between at least 3 partners from 3 different countries participating in the lifelong learning programme (at least one EU Member State)
Selecting procedure 1 Eligibility • each member of the partnership send the application to its NA – common application for all the partners • each NA assess the eligibility of any applications received • not eligible application will be excluded – this may reduce the eligible number of partners causing the exclusion of the application from the quality assessment
Eligibility criteria (see the cheklist in the Application form) • Respect of the deadline • Use of the correct application form • Not hand written • Application completed in full • Application completed in the language of the Partnership • Cooperation between at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (at least one EU Member State) • Eligible institution according tot he guidelines • Partnership type and grant amout are included • Signe of the legal representative of the applicant institution or a person duly authorised • Respect of the national priorities/eligible criteria
Selecting procedure 2 Quality assessment • NA of Coordinating organisationassess the quality of the application • Two evaluator will assess the application (at least one internal to the AN and one external) • The assessment is based on the European quality assessment criteria which may include European and national priorities • The list of selected project is based of the quality assessment score and the financial capacity of the NA
Award criteria • Quality of the workplan • Quality of the partnership • European added value • Relevance • Impact • Quality of the valorisation plan
Quality of the workplan • Clear, realistic and relevant project aims • Coherence among workplan, project aims and partnership • Project tasks are well identified and distributed among partners • Project tasks are distributed in order to guarating the achievement of the project outcomes
Quality of the partnership • Partners involvement is adeguate and well balanced • Adeguate and coherent actions have been identified guaranting the necessary communication and cooperation among partners
European added value • Impact and benefits coming from the european cooperation to the project partners are clear and well identified Relevance • Application contains clear references to the priorities of the Call and the Leonardo da Vinci programme objectives
Impact • Expected impact on participating institutions is clear and well identified • Partners agreed on the adoption of a common and adeguate monitoring system in order to check the achievement of the project aims and the expected impact
Quality of the valorisation plan • Planned dissemination and valorisation actions are relevant and well identified • Planned dissemination and valorisation actions guaranting the correct involvement of the participating institution as well as the stakeholders
In summary A Partnership proposal has to contains • Clarity of aims and expected impact • Realistic and concrete workplan • Coherence of aims, activities and budget • Balanced partnership and distribution of tasks • Adeguate evaluation and dissemination actions
Budget issues • The grant is given as a lump sum • The amount depends on the number of mobilities (Partnership type: 4, 8, 12 or 24 mobilities in two years) • The amount given is different from country to country, Example for Italy: 4 mobilities - 6000 €; 8 mobilities - 12000€; 12 mobilities - 18000 €; 24 mobilities - 24.000 € contact your own NA
Definition of transnational mobility • A mobility is a trip abroad carried out in the framework of the Partnership either to a partner institution or to an event organised by a LLP (or predecessor programme) project or network. • One trip by one person is counted as one mobility. • The same person may carry out several mobilities during the Partnership duration. • There is no minimum or maximum requirement for the length of mobility. • Only transnational mobility (i.e. travel abroad) counts for the calculation of the minimum mobility numbers.
Report Progress Report Beneficiary is requested to send a progress report to the NA using the model provided by the EC services Final Report Within 60 calendar days after the final end date of the action the beneficiary must send a final report to the NA, using the model provided by the EC services. This report will be considered as the beneficiary's request for payment of the balance of the grant
Payment arrangements Pre-financing Within 45 calendar days of the entry into force of the agreement, the beneficiary shall receive a pre-financing payment representing 80% of the total maximum grant amount Payment of the Balance Within 45 calendar days of approval of the final report the NA shall issue the balance payment
EST Database- European Shared Treasure - WHAT IS EST? • European on-line documentary system for cooperation experiences within Comenius, Grundtvig and Leonardo da Vinci subprogramme • An interacting and distributed database of projects and products • A dissemination tool aiming at tranferring projects results WHAT ARE THE EST AIMS? • EST will allow, new project applicants, project coordinators, teachers and trainers, decision makers, researchers, … to have access to the experiences carried out by beneficiaries all over Europe • It will also provides visibility to the projects results
Deadline for submission of applications February 20th 2009