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Synthesis Reactions

Synthesis Reactions. Synthesis Reactions: At the conclusion of our time together, you should be able to:. Recognize a synthesis chemical reaction Balance this reaction type. When Your Back is Up Against It…. Simple Reactions. Synthesis (Combination). Decomposition. Single Replacement.

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Synthesis Reactions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Synthesis Reactions

  2. Synthesis Reactions:At the conclusion of our time together, you should be able to: Recognize a synthesis chemical reaction Balance this reaction type

  3. When Your Back is Up Against It….

  4. Simple Reactions Synthesis (Combination) Decomposition Single Replacement Double Replacement

  5. Synthesis A + B A B Decomposition A + B A B Single Replacement + + A B C A C B Double Replacement + + A B C D A D C B

  6. Synthesis A + B A B Decomposition A + B A B Single Replacement + + A B C A C B Double Replacement + + A B C D A D C B

  7. What Do You Call Four Bullfighters In Quicksand? Quatro Cinco

  8. Synthesis reactions • Synthesis reactions occur when two substances (generallyelements) combine and form a compound. (Sometimes these are called combination or addition reactions.) reactant + reactant  1 product • Basically: A + B  AB • Example: 2H2 + O2  2H2O • Example: Mg+ O2  MgO 2 Mg + O2  2 MgO

  9. Synthesis Reactions • Here is another example of a synthesis reaction

  10. Synthesis Reaction • Predict the products and balance the following reaction: Fe + S  FeS +2 Na + Cl2  NaCl 2 Na + Cl2  2 NaCl

  11. Joining Compounds • 6, 6, 1, 6 • One main purpose: • To make a more complex compound!!

  12. Septic Tank Humor

  13. Synthesis Reactions:Let’s see if you can: Recognize a synthesis chemical reaction Balance this reaction type

  14. All You Really Need To Know You Can Learn From Noah's Ark • Speed isn't always an advantage; the snails were on board with the cheetahs. • When you're stressed, float awhile.

  15. Practice • Predict the products. Write and balance the following synthesis reaction equations. • #7: Potassium metal reacts with fluorine gas K(s) + F2(g)  • #3: Iron (III) reacts with iodine Fe(s) + I2(g)  • #6: Lead (IV) metal reacts with oxygen gas Pb(s) + O2(g)  KF 2, 1, 2 2, 3, 2 FeI3 PbO2

  16. I don’t feel so stupid now…

  17. Synthesis Reactions:Let’s see if you can: Recognize a synthesis chemical reaction Balance this reaction type

  18. Entrance Quiz • State the type, predict the products and balance the following reactions: Cesium reacts with bromine gas  Synthesis Cs + Br2  CsBr 2 Cs + Br2  2 CsBr

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