Introduction to Advertising Topic 5 TYPES AND FORMS OF ADVERTISement
4 Types of Advertising • Product and Brand Advertising • Institutional or Corporate Advertising • Co-operative Advertising • Public Service Advertising
Types of Advertising • Product and Brand Advertising • Product advertising: Concentrates on promoting the benefits and advantages of the product, such as the price, value and performance • Brand advertising: Emphasis on the brand name, with sometimes little or no reference to the product. The essence of brand advertising is usually image building for the total product offering-developing that feeling of goodwill between the branded product or brand name and the customer
Types of Advertising • Institutional or Corporate Advertising • Promotes the company not the individual products, focuses on establishing a corporate identity or winning the public over to the organization’s point of view. • Also used for financial advertising to re-assure existing shareholders, launch a company on the stock exchange or attract new investors
Types of Advertising • Co-operative Advertising • The message is relatively simple, this brand/product/model pack is available only at this outlet at a special offer price or with a gift • Usually in a limited period of time
Types of Advertising • Public Service Advertising (PSA) • A public service Advertising (PSA) or community service announcement (CSA) is a non-commercial advertisement, typically on radio or television, broadcast for the public • The main concept is to modify public attitudes by raising awareness about specific issues • Advertising and PR professionals usually create PSA as pro-bono (free of charge) and the media donate the space and time
Assignment / Coursework 1 • Make a group of … • Find 1 example of each types of advertisement • Present the examples in Power point