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Power Monitoring and Control System for NEPTUNE Ting Chan Advisor: Chen-Ching Liu. The Goal
Power Monitoring and Control System for NEPTUNETing ChanAdvisor: Chen-Ching Liu The Goal The goal of the NEPTUNE project is to establish a regional ocean observatory in the northeast Pacific Ocean. The Project’s 3,000-km network of fiber-optic/power cables will encircle and cross the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate in the northeast Pacific Ocean, an area roughly 500 km by 1,000 km in size. NEPTUNE POWER The engineering power system prototype is a parallel power system utilizing flexible DC/DC power supplies that auto adjust to changing load conditions with a multi-layered, reliable protection system. The backbone voltage is 10kV DC, and at each node (30+ locations) power is delivered to the science users at 400 V and 48 V DC. Power Monitoring and Control System (PMACS) The NEPTUNE equivalent of a SCADA and EMS system is called the Power Monitoring and Control System (PMACS) which gathers system data and performs functions such as State Estimation, Topology Identification, and Fault Location. MARS The Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS) is a cabled-based observatory system, incorporating a benthic instrument node, AUVs, and various benthic and moored instrumentation. The MARS infrastructure will provide the capability to place and power instruments in areas of scientific interest in various geographical sites. MARS will be located in Monterey Bay offshore the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) that will serve as the test bed. • MARS PMACS Components • PMACS Server – communicates with Node Power Controller and Shore Power Supply Controller • PMACS Console – communicates with PMACS server for system data and performs operations • PMACS Clients – remote users for monitoring and limited operations • MARS PMACS Console Functionalities • Monitored Values • 10KV level voltages and currents (Shore Station and Science Node) • Voltage and current outputs at each of the low voltage bus (400V, 48V, 12V, 5V) • Converter status • Load currents of external and internal loads at different voltages • Load status of external and internal loads • Ground fault current of 400V and 48V buses • Engineering sensors measurements (temperature, pressure, etc.) • Operations • Energy Management System (EMS) functions • State Estimation • Topology Identification • Fault Location • Load Management • Load Switching (external and internal) • Set load current limits • Ground fault detection and isolation MARS Power System Computer Block Diagram