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936081 Airport Road, Mansfield ,Ontario, L0N 1M0 Tel: (705) 435-2041 / Fax: (705) 435-1467. president@legalsuites.com. Welcome…. CURRENT & EMERGING CANADIAN FOOD TOPICS. A brief tour of some current and emerging Federal food regulations and initiatives. .

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  1. 936081 Airport Road, Mansfield ,Ontario, L0N 1M0 Tel: (705) 435-2041 / Fax: (705) 435-1467 president@legalsuites.com Welcome… CURRENT & EMERGING CANADIAN FOOD TOPICS A brief tour of some current and emerging Federal food regulations and initiatives. • Presented by Gary Gnirss / Legal Suites Inc.

  2. Objectives… • Food Allergens • Sodium Reduction • Trans Fat Ban • Product of Canada continued…

  3. Overview… Trans Fat Ban • Sodium Reduction • Product of Canada • Food Allergens • Federal • Jurisdiction

  4. Amazing Dairy Facts… • Ranks 3rd in Canada Agricultural Sector… • Just after grains and red meat. • Represents 15%of the Canadian food and beverage sector. • Generates sales of about $13.6 billion. • Foot Print… • 452 dairy processing plants, (272 being federally inspected). • Provided 22,730 jobs. • 1.4 million head. Resource Canada’s Dairy Industry at a Glance. Agriculture Agri-Food Canada continued…

  5. Amazing Dairy Facts… • Processing Significance… • Fluid milk represents 38.5% of milk production. • Manufactured dairy products represents 61.5% of milk production (e.g. butter, cheese, yogurt and ice cream) • 667varieties of cheese (goat, ewe, and cow). • Organic milk is at 1% of totaloutput. Resource Canada’s Dairy Industry at a Glance. Agriculture Agri-Food Canada continued…

  6. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Mark Twain End…

  7. Allergen Labelling… • New Federal Allergen Regulations… • Coming into force August 4, 2012. • The Canadian Food Inspection Agency, (CFIA), will expect all food in stream of commence by then to be compliant with new regulations. • Made under the Federal Food and Drug Regulations. • Priority food allergen, gluten sources and sulphites, (includes milk), are formally defined. • Applies to all prepackaged foods with very few exemptions, (e.g. beer). Note A food allergen is considered a protein or fraction thereof from a name allergen or gluten source. continued…

  8. Allergen Labelling… • New Federal Allergen Regulations… • Common allergen, gluten and sulphite names to be delcared in list of ingredients or in an allergen contains statement. • Cautionary allergen statements, (a.k.a. “may contain” allergens), are not in included in new regulations. • The use of such cautionary statements should be made within current CFIA and Health Canada Guidelines. It is anticipated that HC will in the near future formalize further guidance on cautionary allergen statements. continued…

  9. Food Allergens… • Food Allergen Definition [B.01.010(6) - FDR]: “food allergen” means any protein from any of the following foods, or any modified protein, including any protein fraction, that is derived from any of the following foods: Reference FDR = Food and Drug Regulations continued…

  10. Food Allergen (Gluten Sources)… Question Is barley flour when present in wheat flour a gluten source? Answer YES. By FDR definition. • Gluten Source Definition [B.01.010(6) - FDR] : “gluten” means any gluten protein from the grain of any of the following cereals, or from the grain of a hybridized strain that is created from at least one of the following cereals: It includes any modified gluten protein, including any gluten protein fraction, that is derived from the grain of any of the cereals referred to above or from the grain of a hybridized strain referred to above. continued…

  11. Sulphites… • Sulphite Definition: “sulphites” means one or more food additives that are listed exclusively in column I of item 21 of the table to paragraph B.01.010(3)(b), see below, and are present in a prepackaged product. continued…

  12. Allergen Labelling… Focus The new regulations require that food allergens, gluten sources and sulphites be declared in the list of ingredients or a contains statement by their common name. • or

  13. “If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.Thomas Jefferson

  14. Sodium Reduction… • “Sodium Reduction Strategy for Canada - Recommendations of the Sodium Working Group” • Recommendations came out in 2010, after review period of about 2 years. • Targets were revised in January 2011, after stakeholder consultations. • The strategy is broad based, calling on provincial and territorial governments as well to participate with public health and nutrition, responsibilities. • Targets can be adjusted as may be needed. • Touted as a “structured voluntary approach”. Sodium Reference Standard The current FDR reference standard for sodium is 2,400 mg per day. continued…

  15. Sodium Reduction… • Recommended Intake Levels… • An interim target of 2,300 mg per day, (Tolerable Upper Intake Level), on average is set to be reached by 2016. • The ultimate goal is that Canadians intake no more than the current Adequate Intake level of 1,500 mg per day, or as may be appropriate for age and gender. • Goals beyond 2016 to be set based on monitoring to be done towards the first interim goal. • Health Canada is working on establishing targets for specific foods. Draft interim milestones have been set for 2012 and 2014. Current Average Sodium Intake 3,400 mg per day continued…

  16. Sodium Reduction… • Dairy Food Reductions (sodium)… SWA Sales Weighted Average continued…

  17. Sodium Reduction… • Consequential Changes (recommended)… • The current 2,400 mg Reference Standard to be amended to 1,500 mg. • The flexibility to determine a serving size, may be reviewed with the idea of greater conformity to regulated Reference Amounts for comparative purposes. • The idea of standardized nutrition labelling for menu items in restaurants is recommended. continued…

  18. “If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law.” Winston Churchill Federal Legislation…

  19. Trans Fat Ban (Federal)… Note: Health Canada is monitoring the voluntary compliance of the Trans Fat Task Force recommendations which have been adopted by Parliament. Possible legislation could result. • Trans Fat Ban… • This is not law yet! • It is “voluntary” unless food industry does not meet targets. It could then be formalized as law. • Trans fat restrictions apply to all foods sold in Canada, regardless of the level of trade. The objective on compliance is on finished food, but effective control via inputs is necessary. • Trans fat reduction in foods sold in Canada have been observed by Health Canada. continued…

  20. Trans Fat Ban (Federal)… • Trans Fat Ban… • Trans fat limitation based on nature of food… • Limitation applies to foods containing man-made trans fat whether used with or without other foods that naturally contain trans fat, (e.g. dairy foods). • Limitation does not apply to naturally occurring trans fat (e.g. milk, butter, etc.), if not processed with man-made trans fat. • 2% of total fat for vegetable oils and soft, spreadable margarines • 5% of total fat for other foods Note: BC has trans far ban for foodservice relate foods. continued…

  21. Trans Fat Ban (Federal)… • Why declare 0.2 f trans fat? • Because of nutrition labelling rounding rules, (FDR). • When food is not trans fat free, amount of trans fat is delcared to nearest 0.1 g increment. Trans Fat Free (FDR): Less than 0.2 g trans fat, less than 2 g trans fat and saturated combined and no more than 15% of energy from saturated and trans fat combined. continued…

  22. Trans Fat Ban (Federal)… 0.5 g Trans • Mixed dairy and man-made trans fat. • Trans fat is 4.5% of total fat. •  Meets trans fat 5% restriction. continued…

  23. “Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” Mark Twain • Resources (starting points) …

  24. Product of Canada… • Federal Guidelines: • Canada’s guidelines, as administered by Industry Canada and adopted by CFIA, has been updated in 2008 to include greater Canadian content than the previous 51% value added rule. • “Product of Canada” claims is now based on the food, “all or virtually all”, being Canadian content. • minor or very little amounts that would not influence the claim is generally considered 2% or less the of total weight of the food continued…

  25. Product of Canada… • Federal Guidelines: • “Made in Canada” claims will be permitted for products “substantially transformed” in Canada, but will need to include a qualifier with the claim such as “from imported ingredients” or “from domestic and imported ingredients” as case may be. • “Roasted in Canada”, “Packaged in Canada”, “Distilled in Canada” and “Processed in Canada”, are examples of claims that are viewed as being district from “Product of Canada” and qualified “Made in Canada”, that may be used if factual. Enforce-ment CFIA would enforce these guidelines under Section 5 of the FDA or Section 5 of the CPLA. continued…

  26. Product of Canada… continued…

  27. Product of Canada… • Questions? • Can this product be claimed “Product of Canada”? • Can this product be claimed “Made in Canada”? • Can this product be claimed “Processedin Canada”? continued…

  28. “The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it” Mark TwainSamuel Langhorne Clemens Basic Canadian Labelling…

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