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Learn about event-driven programming in web development, including basic events and how to handle them. Explore mouse events, form elements, and more.
Computer and Communication Fundamental Basic web programming Lecture 8 Rina Zviel-Girshin
Overview • Event-driven programming • Basic Events
Event-driven programming • GUI contains elements • which can be presented in a window • which can react on events (mouse, keys) • All communication from user to computer occurs via events and the code that handles the events. • Event-driven programming - definition of actions to be performed upon events . • An event is an action that happens in the system • A mouse button pressed or released • A keyboard key is hit • Data is changed or entered • A window is moved, resized, closed, etc.
Events • When a user types characters or uses the mouse OS window manager sends a notification to the program that an event has occurred • the user presses a key on the keyboard, a key pressed event occurs • the user clicks a mouse, a mouse click event occurs • There are many, many kinds of events • Mouse events • Menu events • Keyboard events • Data Entry Events • Many are of no interest • Some are of great interest
HTML and Events • HTML applications should be largely event-driven. • Events are actions that occur usually as a result of something the user does. • HTML events examples: • clicking a button is an event, • changing a text field or • moving the mouse over a link. • For your script to react to an event, you define event handlers, such as onChange and onClick. • Events is an advanced HTML property.
Basic event handler syntax • Events syntax: <tag Event="EventHandler action value"> • where event value is actually JavaScript and not basic HTML. • Example: <body onClick="window.location='ex27.html'">
Mouse events • Basic mouse events are: • onclick- what to do on a mouse click • ondblclick - what to do on a mouse double-click • onmousedown - what to do when mouse button is pressed • onmousemove - what to do when mouse pointer moves • onmouseout - what to do when mouse pointer moves out of an element • onmouseover - what to do when mouse pointer moves over an element • onmouseup - what to do when mouse button is released
onClick example <html><head></head> <body onClick="window.location='ex27.html'"><center> <h3>Click event</h3> <p>Please click the mouse anywhere in the window to go to ex27.html </p></center> </body></html> where onClick event handler or action is to open ex27.html file instead of current file.
ondblClick example <html><head></head> <body><center> <h3>Double Click event</h3> <p ondblClick="window.location='ex28.html'">Please double click the mouse in current paragraph to go to prev example - ex28.html.</p> <img src="marble.gif"> </center> </body></html> where ondblClick event handler or action is to open ex28.html file instead of current file. window.location is a browser object that specifies the location of the current window.
onMouseOver and onMouseOut example <html><head></head><body><center> <h3>Mouse over and out events</h3><img src="marble.gif"> <p onMouseOver="document.bgColor='lightgreen'" onMouseOut="document.bgColor='white'"> On mouse over current paragraph - background color of the document will be changed to light blue <br> On mouse out - background color of the document will be changed to white </p> </center></body></html> where onMouseOut and onMouseOver are mouse events. document.bgColor is a background color of current html page, html document.
onMouseMove example <html><head></head> <body><center> <h3>Mouse Move event</h3> Please move the mouse over this picture to go to idc.ac.il<br><br> <img src="logo.gif" onMouseMove="window.location='http://www.idc.ac.il'"> </center></body></html> where onMouseMove is a mouse event.
Form • A form is an area that can contain form elements. • Forms are the primary input output device for web pages. • Form elements are elements that allow the user to enter information: • text fields, • textarea fields, • drop-down menus, • radio buttons, • checkboxes. • A form is defined with the <form> tag. • <form> tag should be properly closed.
Input • The most used form tag is the <input> tag. • The type of input is specified with the type attribute. <type input=“type”> • The most commonly used input types are: • text • password • button • checkbox • radio • file
Input type text • Form input type="text" has several attributes: • value - string written inside text box, initial value of the input field • size - the length of the input field, if the user enters more characters, the text will scroll • name - user defined name of the current form element. • Main name usage - event handling. • Example:<input type="text" value="blue" name=“i” onChange="document.fgColor=i.value"> • where onChange is event to be run when the element changes.
Input text example <html><head></head><body><center> <h3>Form Input examples</h3> <form>My favorite text color: <input type="text" value="blue" name="i"><br> Your favorite background color: <input type="text" name="bgc" onChange="document.bgColor=bgc.value;document.fgColor=i.value"> </form></body></html> If you want to perform several actions on some event you write action after action with ; semicolon separation mark.onChange="document.bgColor=bgc.value ; document.fgColor=i.value" document.bgColor and document.fgColor define current document background and foreground colors.
<input type="text" value="blue" name="i"> Input text example
Input file and password type • Input type="password" is the same as TYPE=text. • Syntax: <input type=“password”> • The only difference is the text will be hidden by "*" or similar characters. • Input type="file" allows the user to upload a file. • Syntax: <input type=“file”> • It is typically presented as an input box with a button to start browsing the local hard disk.
Input file and password example <html><head></head> <body><center> <h3>Form Input Password and File</h3> <form>Write your password: <input type="password" size=9 maxlength=8 value="Rina"><br> Enter file name: <input type="file" size=30 > </form></center></body></html>
<input type="password" size=9 maxlength=8 value="Rina"> <input type="file" size=30 > Input file and password example
Input type file and onChange event <html><head></head> <body><center> <h3>Form Input Password and File</h3> <form>Enter file name: <input type="file" name="f" size=30 onChange="window.location=f.value" > </form></center> </body></html> where f.value is a value written in file input box.
Input type radio • Form input type="radio" produces a radio button. • A radio button always exists in a group. • Syntax: <input type="radio" value="red" checked name="r">RED <input type="radio" value="blue" name="r">BLUE • All members of this group should have the same name attribute, and different values. • You must specify CHECKED on exactly one radio button, which then will come up selected initially.
Input type radio example <html><head></head> <body><center> <h3>Form Input Radio Example</h3> <form>This is a radio control: <input type="radio" value="red" checked name="r">RED <input type="radio" value="blue" name="r">BLUE </form></center></body></html> where name of input radio button is the same and only one button is checked.
Input type checkbox • Form input type="checkbox" produces a checkbox. • Syntax: <input type=checkbox name=toolbar checked>Toolbars <input type=checkbox name=menubar>Menubars <input type=checkbox name=scrollbar checked>Scrollbars • It has two states: • on and • off. • When it is on when the form is submitted, it will be sent as "name=on", otherwise it is ignored altogether. • If you use CHECKED, it will come up checked (selected) initially.
Input type checkbox example <html><head></head> <body><center> <h3>Form Input CheckBox Example</h3> <form> <input type=checkbox name=toolbar checked>Toolbars <input type=checkbox name=menubar>Menubars <input type=checkbox name=scrollbar checked>Scrollbars </form></center></body></html> where names of checkbox can be different. Checkbox may have several checked values.
<input type=checkbox name=toolbar checked>Toolbars <input type=checkbox name=menubar>Menubars <input type=checkbox name=scrollbar checked>Scrollbars Input type checkbox example
Input type button • Form input type="button" produces a button. • Button value is a text written on button. • Syntax: <input type=button value=“button name”> <html><head></head><body><center> <h3>Form Input Button Example</h3> <form> <input type=button value="RED" onclick="document.bgColor='red'"> <input type=button value="BLUE" onclick="document.bgColor='blue'"> <input type=button value="GREEN" onclick="document.bgColor='green'"> </form></center></body></html>
Input type checkbox example <html><head></head> <body><center> <h3>Form Input CheckBox Example</h3> <form> <input type=checkbox name=toolbar checked>Toolbars <input type=checkbox name=menubar>Menubars <input type=checkbox name=scrollbar checked>Scrollbars </form></center></body></html> where names of checkbox can be different. Checkbox may have several checked values.
Select list • Form select list uses <select> tag with inner <option> tags. • <select> tag should be properly closed. • One of the options has to be selected. • Text written after <option> tag is actually the text user sees as a select option. • Syntax: <select><option value='RED'>red<option value='WHITE' selected>white</select>
Select list example <html><head></head><body><center> <h3>Form Select List Example</h3> <form> <select name="s" onChange="document.bgColor=s.options[s.selectedIndex].value"> <option value='RED'>red <option value='WHITE' selected>white <option value='BLACK'>black <option value='GREEN'>green <option value='BLUE'>blue </select></form> </center></body></html> where Selected list item is - s.options[s.selectedIndex]
Frames • Instead of one document in the window, we can divide the window into parts. • Each part is a FRAME. • In each frame a different document can be loaded. • The set of frames is called a FRAMESET. • FRAMESETs can be nested, i.e. one FRAMESET can include another. • One FRAMESET draws a straight line (either vertical or horizontal) and thus divides the window into two. • Combining a set of FRAMESETs and FRAMEs, we can divide and sub-divide as we wish. • Vertical division is achieved using the COLS attribute in the FRAMESET tag. • Horizontal division is achieved using the ROWS attribute in the FRAMESET tag.
Frames Example <FRAMESET COLS="15%,85%"> <FRAME SRC="ex41c.html" NAME="3" frameborder=1 scrolling=yes> <FRAMESET ROWS="90%,10%"> <FRAME SRC="ex41a.html" NAME="1" frameborder=0> <FRAME SRC="ex41b.html" NAME="2" frameborder=0 > </FRAMESET> </FRAMESET>