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Test your knowledge on historical events and figures from the Great Depression era and 1920s America in this engaging Jeopardy-style quiz! Learn about key reasons for the Great Depression and prominent historical figures.
Tie Breaker… • Why did the Great Depression begin? (list at least 3 reasons) • 10 extra points • Who was the worst president of the early 1900s? Justify your answer
Rules of Jeopardy • Everyone will work in pairs or groups of 3, with one recording paper for each group. • Your recording paper should have your names at the top and a table that contains , the category of the question, the point value, the answer and the total point for the team. (see example) This table must be turned in at the end of class… • The team with the most points wins…. A homework pass • If anyone should shout out an answer then everyone in the class will not be eligible to receive the points for the question And your group will lose 50 points • How the points add up • Correct answers add the assigned point value to your total score, incorrect answer subtract that point value from your score…
This famous ship helped spark American involvement in WW1 when it was sunk, with American passengers aboard, was sunk by a German u-boat? Category 1 – 10 points The Lusitania
What side did the US fight on in WW1? Name at least 3 reasons why the US formed an alliance with this side. - The Allies (Great Britain, Italy & France). Category 1 – 20 points
What two organizations were created to help organize public support and material needs for the war? -The CPI and WIB Category 1 – 30 points
What was the League of Nations and how did the US government respond to it’s creation? - Category 1 – 40 points The League was part of Wilson’s 14 points for how peace should be achieved after the war. The League was a mutual defense agreement that the US never joined, mostly due to a large group of senators called the Irreconcilables.
Directly after WW1 this specific event was a result of rising fears of a Bolshevik or Anarchist Revolution in the US? • The Palmer Raids • Category 1 – 50 points
After WW1 the US gave loans to a number of nations making the US a _____________? - Creditor Nation Category 2 – 10 points
GROUP QUESTION!!!! Category 2 – 20 points
How did Henry Ford’s invention of the assembly line change America? • Increased production, more jobs in factories, Great Migration due to labor demand, Consumer Revolution…. • Category 2 – 30 points
What American Presidential candidate promised a ‘return to normalcy’ if he was elected? • 10 extra points if you can identify one of the scandals his presidency was known for. • - Warren G. Harding • Category 2 – 40 points
1. What was the name of the old fashion/ order morality that ‘new’ women of the 1920s rejected? What were these new women called? • - Victorian style/ morality • Flappers • Category 2 – 50 points
What is a Bull Market and how was it created in the 1920s? • Continuously rising stock prices, these were based on speculation Category 3 – 10 points
What organization was created as a result of Prohibition? What did a bootlegger do? - Organized crime ---- illegally produced and sold alcohol Category 3 – 20 points
GROUP QUESTION Category 3 – 30 points
How did the Immigration Act of 1924 limit immigration to the US? • Quota System • Category 3 – 40 points
Define Fundamentalism and identify the event that challenged this idea? • People who believed in old traditions and ideas and fought against Modernism in the 20s. • The Scopes Trial • Category 3 – 50 points
When investors rush to sell all of their shares this can create a _____________ • Stock Market Crash • Category 4 – 10 points
How did Farmers contribute to the creation of the Dust Bowl? - By continuing to plow up top soil and remove the protective prairie grass during a Dought. Category 4 – 20 points
What tariff practically stopped all international trade into and out of the US during the 1930s? -The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Category 4 – 30 points
How was living in Rural America different from living in Urban America during the Great Depression? - Various answers Category 4 – 40 points
GROUP QUESTION!!! - Category 4 – 50 points
Define Trickle Down Economics - The idea that investing in big business and wealthy people would reach the people at the bottom of the economic ladder. Category 5 – 10 points
Define Inflation - The decline in the value of $ Category 5 – 20 points
GROUP QUESTION!!!! Category 5 – 30 points
What were the names of the three groups of Senators regarding the Treaty of Versailles? And what did each stand for? • - Internationalist, Irreconcibles and Reservationsist • Category 5 – 40 points
What terrorist organization promoted violence and grew in membership during the 1920s? • KKK • Category 5 – 50 points