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II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008. System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia - SICIEA -. II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008. Index Background Project Theoretical Framework
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia - SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 • Index • Background • Project • Theoretical Framework • Quality Assesment Framework • Indicator evaluation & selection • Implementation & Next Steps System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 1. Background Planification of Public Statistics in Andalusia • The Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia is the basic regulation for the regional self-government. In its article 76.3 the Statute states the following “....the exclusive competence related to statistics for the Community objectives, the planification of statistics, the development, management and organization of its own statistical system corresponds to the Autonomous Comunity...” 2. The 4/1989 Law of statistics for the self-governing Community creates the Regional Institute of Statistics (IEA) and establishes that an Andalusian Statistics Plan will systemize the statistical activity exclusive to Andalusia as a compulsory framework for the development of such activity. The Law also states: “...one of the functions of the Regional Institute (IEA) will be to urge and encourage statistical research in order to increase the awareness of the social and economic situation in Andalusia. System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 Planification of Public Statistics in Andalusia • Law 6/1993 of the 1993-1996 Plan • Law 4/1998 of the 1998-2001 Plan • Law 8/2002 of the 2003-2006 Plan • Law 4/2007 of the 2007-2010 Plan • Each Plan lasts four years • Developed by annual statistical programmes System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 Planification of Public Statistics in Andalusia Statistical Plan of Andalusia 2007-2010 Preferential lines of action Statistics related to: Immigration Innovation and businesses Quality of education Recent evolution of economic indicators Culture • Productive structure • Social changes • Entrepreneurial network • Labour market • Information society and R+D • Environment and territory • Planification and assesment of politics and public services General statistical objectives Specific statistical objectives Statistical information needs To create resource and capacity indicators that influence the competitiveness of the businesses that shape the Andalusian entrepreneurial network System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 Planification of Public Statistics in Andalusia Statistical Plan of Andalusia 2007-2010 Types of statistical activities • Statistical projects: all activities which aim to develop the initial phase of the process leading to a statistical operation • Statistical operations: they are the typical activities of the Statistical System. They respond to a need for information, with a suitably documented methodology (through a technical project) and they have a diffusion product associated with a fixed calendar • Diffusion activities: all the actions of which the objectives are the design and introduction of strategies and products for the circulation of statistics • Instrumental activities: their purpose is to develop and introduce statistical infrastructures, tools and methodologies System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 2. Project Introduction The System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA – (first published today in the IEA internet website) has been carried out in two phases during the last three years by the Andalusian Statistics Institute in collaboration with a group of researchers from different universities, coordinated by the Department of Economics and Statistics at the University of Huelva. The main objective of the project was to encompass the viability, content and scope of a system of regional entrepreneurial competitiveness indicators, followed by the implementation of the system as an IEA statistical operation and also the proposal of its improvement through the exploitation of existing statistics and surveys or the design of new ones. With the current project, the IEA shares aims with a small group of pioneering institutions which are also creating systems of entrepreneurial indicators. We have to stress that this is one of the first attempts with these features both within a self-governing region and even at the regional level throughout Europe. This results in an additional challenge, since territorial disintegration of indicators implies an added obstacle. System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
Entrepreneurial network Tejido empresarial andaluz II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 Statistical Plan of Andalusia 2007-2010 Preferential lines of action Project IEA- University of Huelva System of indicators on Competitiveness & entrepreneurship 2005/06 + Implementation of SICIEA & new statistical operations 2007/08 Innovation & businesses Innovación y Empresa Productivity and competitiveness System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
Objectives • To fix the state of economic analysis on entrepreneurship • To determine information needs • To design a theoretical/conceptual framework • To identify the existing statistical information • To make an inventory of the available indicators which could potentially capture the considered dimensions • To assess the quality of the potential indicators and select those resulting from a set of minimum requirements • To summarize, configurate and implement SICIEA as an IEA statistical operation • To design strategies to cover the gaps and improve the System • To facilitate the participation of the IEA in international projects System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 Phases and outputs Gaps Implementation Selection Assesment Inventory of indicators Dimensions Conceptual framework System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 • Theoretical Framework (Background) • Facts • Increasing demand on Entrepreneurship Statistics • Current status of Statistics related to • entrepreneurship • No consolidated theory nor research paradigm on • this topic System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 • Theoretical Framework (Background) • System of indicators vs Set of indicators • Statistical Information System • Need a theoretical framework • Identifies dimensions and aspects relevant to • entreprenurship activity • Determines avilability/deficit of indicators to • measure those dimensions • Organized & Targeted Statistical Operations System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 3. Theoretical Framework (Background) • Competitiveness vs entrepreneurship • Widespread indicator systems focus on • competitiveness as central/key element. • Systems focused on entrepreneurship present its • contribution to employment, competitiveness, • growth or innovation level as a result or • consequence from entrepreneurship interaction • with other markets • The latter system includes both perspectives, and • highlighting the word entrepreneurship or • competitiveness would be more a terminological • issue System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 3. Theoretical Framework • A framework which is nourished by current studies and • international ongoing experiences. • Combining academic progress and practical requirements • Based on the analysis of the Entrepreneurial factor as with • other productive factors Entrepreneurial factor market where demand and supply matches resulting in a Entrepreneurial activity level, a specific productive structure, employment & innovation level, economic results... System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 3. Theoretical Framework • Entrepreneurial function deals with: • Decreasing inefficiencies in the firm. • Identifying profit opportunities continuously appearing/ • rising in the market • Facing uncertainty • Innovating Those agents developing any of the entrepreneurial functions above mentioned areconsidered entrepreneurial factors, regardless of the success achieved or the link to business property System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 3. Theoretical Framework Demand Factors Entrepreneurial Activity Supply Factors System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 3. Theoretical Framework Demand Factors Domestic Economic Environment & regulation Profit Opportunities International Economic Environment &Market Openness System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
Institutions Opportunity Costs Enterpreneurial Human Capital Socio & Psychological Factors Demographics II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 3. Theoretical Framework Supply Factors Productive Factors Mobility System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 3. Theoretical Framework Entrepreneurial Activity Stock Flow Success Results System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
Employment Innovation Competitiveness Financial Results II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 3. Theoretical Framework Entrepreneurial Activity Business Stock Individuals Entry/Births Flow Exit/Deaths Survival Success Growth Results System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
Demanda Actividad Empresarial Oportun . Bº Entorno (33) Regulación (5) Apertura (10) Difusión 347 indicators tecnológica (19) II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 4. Quality Assesment Framework Availability level/Deficit of indicators by dimension Demand Demand Supply Factors Factores de oferta Entrepreneurial Activity Actividad Empresarial Profit Opport Oportun . Capital Factors Mobility Movilidad Factores Stock Stock Flujo Flow Éxito Output Costs Incenti Costes e Human Capital Demo graphics Psycho& Socio Factors Institu tions Succes Output Característ . Instituciones individuales socio / incentivos Bº Humano factores sicológicos Econ Enviro. Employ ment Entorno Stock Stock Capital Impuestos Empleo Indivi dual Característ . Factores Capital Market Mercado de Indivi duas Empresarios Indivi dual Empresarios Indivi dual Empresarios Capital Taxes Psycho logy personales sociológicos Capital (7) (6) (2) (14) (33) (10) (6) (18) (4) (1) Formal Educ ation Labour Socio logy Innov ation Regulación Regula tion Trabajo Enterp rises Empresas Enterp rises Empresas Enterp rises Empresas Inversión Family Característ . Social Security Seguridad Factores Labour Market Mercado de Innovación voluntaria familiares Social sicológicos Trabajo (16) (5) (8) (12) (10) (29) (11) (8) (5) (21) Trabas Open ness Apertura Infra structure Infraestructura Competitividad Competi tiveness Inversión Non form. Invest ment Admin. Barriers administrativas involuntaria (4) (4) (10) (11) (18) Tech. diffusion Financ. Results Resultado Difusión tecnológica (55) (19) System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 4. Quality Assesment Framework • To evaluate & select systematically the most adecuate • indicators to build the system, the quality assesment • Framework needs to: • be suitable for a wide range of indicators • focus on characteristics easily measurable • from available information • evaluate key features of the system such as • geographical comparability System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 4. Quality Assesment Framework Quality Assesment Framework Criteria Relevance Accuracy Availability System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 4. Quality Assesment Framework Quality Assesment Framework Criteria Qualitative Assesment Proxy vs Direct indicator Relevance Accuracy Availability System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 4. Quality Assesment Framework Quality Assesment Framework Criteria Data Collection Method Cross Country Comparability Relevance Accuracy Availability System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 4. Quality Assesment Framework Quality Assesment Framework Criteria Availability across OECD countries Availability at regional level Availability over time Regularity Relevance Accuracy Availability System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 5. Indicator evaluation & selection Quality Assesment Report System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
Demanda Actividad Empresarial Oportun . Bº II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 5. Indicator evaluation & selection Indicators selection by dimension and aspect Demand Demand Factores de oferta Supply Factors Entrepreneurial Activity Actividad Empresarial Success Profit Opport. Oportun . Capital Movilidad Factors Mobility Factores Stock Stock Flujo Flow Éxito Output Costes e Costs Incentive Human Capital Demo graphics Psycho& Socio Factors Institu tions Output Característ . Instituciones individuales socio / incentivos Bº Humano factores sicológicos Econ. Enviro. Employ ment Stock Stock Indivi dual Capital Market Indivi dual Indivi dual Indivi dual Taxes Capital Psycho logy Capital (7) (6) (2) (14) (33) (10) (6) (18) (4) (1) Family Social Security Labour Market Formal Educ ation Labour Socio logy Innov ation Regula tion Enterp rises Enterp rises Enterp rises . Social Trabajo (16) (5) (8) (12) (10) (29) (11) (8) (5) (21) Non form Invest- ment Infra structure Trabas Competi tiveness Open ness Admin. Barriers (4) (4) (10) (11) (18) Tech. diffusion Financ. Results (55) (19) System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 6. Implementation & Next Steps Implementation of the system synthesis: • Need to solve empty dimensions Entrepreneur family characteristics, family size, marital status, family relatives being enterpreneur... Flow from individuals/entrepreneur perspective Success from individuals/entrepreneur perspective • Design & make it accesible through internet System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
Demanda Actividad Empresarial II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 6. Implementation & Next Steps Indicators selection by dimension and aspect Demand (www) Demand Supply Factors (www) Factores de oferta Entrepreneurial Activity (www) Actividad Empresarial Human Capital Factors Mobility Demo graphics Costs Incentiv Psycho& Socio Factors Stock Flow Success Output Profit Opport Oportu . . Capital Movilidad Factores Stock Flujo Éxito Output Costes e Institu tions Característ . Instituciones individuales socio / incentivos Bº Bº Humano factores sicológicos Econ. Enviro. Stock Capital Market Indivi dual Indivi dual Indivi dual Employ ment Stock Capital Indivi dual Taxes Psycho logy Capital (7) (6) (2) (14) (33) (10) (6) (18) (4) (1) Family Social Security Formal Educ ation Labour Socio logy Innov ation Regula tion Enterp rises Enterp rises Enterp rises . Labour Market Social Trabajo (16) (5) (8) (12) (10) (29) (11) (8) (5) (21) Trabas Competi tiveness Open ness Infra structure Admin Barriers Non form Invest ment (4) (4) (10) (11) (18) Tech. diffusion Financ. Results 101 indicators (55) (19) System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -
II Workshop on Entrepreneurship Statistics. 17-18 November 2008 6. Implementation & Next Steps Next Steps for an extended and improved indicator System: • Investigate those dimmensions showing info deficits Enterprises stock, success & flow Individual/ Entrepreneur profile, flow & success Capital Market & Access to finance Regulation & Admin Barriers from a regional view • Work on comparability Issues Economic Sentiment/Business Surveys System of indicators on competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Andalusia – SICIEA -