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Indicators achieved in agriculture (EAGGF) and fisheries (FIFG) measures and their analysis Ministry of Agriculture Rural Support Service. Measure 4.1 “Investments in agricultural holdings”. Largest part of companies used the maximum amount of permitted eligible costs
Indicators achieved in agriculture (EAGGF) and fisheries (FIFG) measures and their analysisMinistry of AgricultureRural Support Service
Measure 4.1 “Investments in agricultural holdings” • Largest part of companies used the maximum amount of permitted eligible costs • Action: in 2007-13 higher intensity of support for construction compared to machinery and additional advantages
Measure 4.2 “Setting up of young farmers” • Action: in 2007-13 the Measure will be continued
Measure 4.3 “Improvement of Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products” • Chose mainly to invest funds in other investments, but the quality control and management systems were set up using own resources or chose not to have them at all, therefore • In 2007-13 – purposeful prioritisation, concentration, quality...
Measure 4.4 “Promotion of Adaptation and Development of Rural Areas” - planned and achieved indicators
Measure 4.5 “Forestry development” - planned and achieved indicators
Measure 4.6 “Development of local action” - planned and achieved indicators • 17 development startegy proposals have been approved for support of local action groups, as a result of which 17 local action groups can implement the drafted integrated rural development experimental strategies, although later than planned but still a good start for implementation of Axis 4 of the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013.
Measure 4.7 “Training” - planned and achieved indicators • The Measure is still being implemented therefore the planned outcome indicators are not yet known
Measure 4.8 “Adjustment of fishing effort” - planned and achieved indicators
Measure 4.8 “Adjustment of fishing effort” • The number of projects supported under this Measure substantially exceeds the planned amounts, which could be explained by additionally allocated funding for the Measure • The Measure is implemented in line with the “National plan for balancing of fishing fleet capacity of Latvia” Impact on the programming period 2007- 2013 • As the capacity of the Latvian fishing fleet still substantially exceeds the fishing possibilities available to it, in the programming period 2007-2013 its reduction will be continued by scrapping of fishery vessels or permanent reassigning of them for purposes other than fishery
Measure 4.9 “Fleet renewal and modernisation of fishing vessels” - planned and achieved indicators • The eligible expenditure categories of activities co-funded under this Measure are of limiting nature, they are set in line with EU legislation, thus the response level is lower than planned • Impact on the programming period 2007 - 2013 • As the Latvian fishing fleet is outdated and its technical equipment above and below deck is deteriorated, therefore in the programming period 2007-2013 support will be continued to modernisation of the remaining fishing fleet.
Measure 4.10 “Development of processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products, fishing port facilities and aquaculture”
Measure 4.11 “Development of coastal fishery, socio-economic measures, aid for temporary cessation of fishing activities and other financial compensation, promotion of new market outlets and support to producer organisations” * No applicants have so far applied for the activity “Temporary cessation of fishing activities”
Number of applications submitted to EAGGF, approved, and paid
Number of applications submitted to EAGGF, breakdown by structural units (16/05/2007) 398 CA 265 34 190 217 188 248 109 207 185
Funding available from EAGGF in proportion to applications submitted, approved and paid, M LVL (01/01/2007) Refused Under review Funding available Applications Approved (incl. <10% overcommitment) Paiments disbursed
Funding available from EAGGF in proportion to applications submitted, approved and paid, M LVL (16/05/2007) Refused Applications Funding available Approved (incl. <10% overcommitment) Paiments disbursed
Funding available from EAGGF and amounts of applications paid, breakdown by measures, M LVL (01/01/2007)
Applications paid by EAGGF 16/05/2007, in % from available funding
Number of applications paid by FIFG, breakdown by structural units (16/05/2007) 22 CA 68 108 0 30 3 113 2 1 2
Funding available from FIFG in proportion to applications submitted, approved and paid, M LVL (01/01/2007) Refused Under review Funding available Applications Approved (incl. overcommitment) Paiments disbursed
Funding available from FIFG in proportion to applications submitted, approved and paid, M LVL (16/05/2007) Funding available Applications Approved (incl. overcommitment) Paiments disbursed
Funding available from FIFG and amounts of applications paid, breakdown by measures, M LVL (01/01/2007)
Applications paid by FIFG 16/05/2007, in % from available funding
4.5.2. Investments in forests aimed at improving the economic, ecological or social value thereof, M LVL (16/05/2007)
4.5.3 Establishment of forest owners associations, M LVL (16/05/2007)
4.11.4. Support to producer organisations, M LVL (16/05/2007)
Financial progress in respect of n+2(advance payments and expenditure declared to EC 01/01/2004 – 31/03/2007)