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This handbook was created to teach you not only what numerology is but also how you can calculate your own numerology numbers for the advancement of your life journey. In this handbook, we will be using the names and birthdates of famous mathematicians, inventors, and scientists to help us calculate numerology numbers just for fun! Visit: https://www.numerologynamecalculator.com<br>
Numerology Name Calculator Handbook Discover Your Future, Life Purpose, and Destiny
1 © 2020 by Numerology Name Calculator All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Conceived, designed, and produced by Numerology Name Calculator Lithium Gold Ventures, LLC 1901 Avenue of the Stars, 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 United States of America www.numerologynamecalculator.com Numerology Name Calculator has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
2 Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction What Is Numerology? Where Did Numerology Originate? How To Use Numerology 5 5 6 6 Benefits of Numerology 7 Pythagorean Numerology Who Is Pythagoras? 8 8 Life Path Number How To Calculate Your Life Path Number 9 9 Destiny Number How To Calculate Your Destiny Number 11 11 Soul Number How To Calculate Your Soul Number 13 13 Personality Number How To Calculate Your Personality Number 15 15 Root Numbers How To Calculate Your Root Number Root Number Chart 17 17 17 Number 1 - Individuality Strengths Weaknesses Number 1 Career Forecast 18 18 18 18 Number 2 - Duality Strengths Weaknesses Number 2 Career Forecast 19 19 19 19 Number 3 - Exuberance Strengths 20 20
3 Weaknesses Number 3 Career Forecast 20 20 Number 4 - Stability Strengths Weaknesses Number 4 Career Forecast 21 21 21 21 Number 5 - Freedom Strengths Weaknesses Number 5 Career Forecast 22 22 22 22 Number 6 - Harmony Strengths Weaknesses Number 6 Career Forecast 23 23 23 23 Number 7 - Wisdom Strengths Weaknesses Number 7 Career Forecast 24 24 24 24 Number 8 - Authority Strengths Weaknesses Number 8 Career Forecast 25 25 25 25 Number 9 - Compassion Strengths Weaknesses Number 9 Career Forecast 26 26 26 26 Number 11 - The Inspirational Teacher Strengths Weaknesses Number 11 Career Forecast 27 27 27 27 Number 22 - The Master Builder Strengths Weaknesses Number 22 Career Forecast 28 28 28 28
4 Number 33 - The Master Healer Strengths Weaknesses Number 33 Career Forecast 29 29 29 29 Glossary 30 Useful Resources Numerology Numbers 31 31 Thanks For Reading! 32 References 33
5 Introduction This handbook was created to teach you not only what numerology is but also how you can calculate your own numerology numbers for the advancement of your life journey. In this handbook we will be using the names and birthdates of famous mathematicians, inventors and scientists to help us calculate numerology numbers just for fun! :) What Is Numerology? The science of Numerology involves the study of letters of names and numbers of birth dates, while astrology is focused on the position of planets and the stars. Numerology is an ancient metaphysical science that reveals the true meaning behind a human being’s life. Numerology is one of the most simple and powerful self-help tools for beginners today. The practice of Numerology reveals the blueprint of the soul and areas of growth that your soul has to master in order to take advantage of life’s journey. Numerology can be used to predict the ideal match between any person, partner, or name and can be used for planning and goal setting. Many people use numerology as a guide to forecast the future and gain a greater self-awareness.
6 In this handbook we will be covering the main numerology numbers and teaching you how to calculate each one by hand or with a calculator. Where Did Numerology Originate? There are several systems of numerology originating from various civilizations over time. Numerology dates back thousands of years to the ancient civilizations of Atlantis, Babylon, China, Egypt, Persia, India, and Greece. The Chaldean system of numerology is believed to be the oldest numerology system, however, most modern numerologists agree that it is outdated and isn’t as accurate as the Pythagorean system of numerology (described later). The likely reason for this being the fact that the Indo-Arabic system of numerals which has a base-ten place-value system wasn’t introduced until about 790 to 840 AD by Al-Kindi, Abu Kamil, Al-Karaji, and many other Arabic mathematicians. In 1202, Fibonacci introduced Arabic numerals to Europe. How To Use Numerology When combined with intuition, decision-making and common sense, Numerology should be used as a tool that can help you navigate all walks of your life. For an easy and free numerology reading, enter your birth name and date of birth into the official numerology calculator found on the numerology name calculator homepage to instantly calculate all of your numerology numbers.
7 Benefits of Numerology Numerology provides a road map for your life and a tool to help you find your destination and arrive there safely. Here are just some of the most common benefits and uses for numerology: ● Awareness and self-understanding ● Goal-setting and planning ● Uncover your potential, pre-chosen destiny and life purpose ● Discover your strengths, challenges, and potential ● Reassurance that you are on the right path ● Prepare for potential challenges ● Seize opportunities as they come ● Improving relationships ● Forecasting the future ● Predicting cycles and patterns ● Choosing a career ● Choosing a business name, product name, brand name, or book title ● Deciphering the meaning of recurring numbers ● Choosing a name for marriage ● Naming a baby ● Naming a pet ● Choosing a wedding date ● Evaluating the energy of an address or property ● Evaluating the energy of a business or partnership ● Evaluating the energy of a town, city, or country
8 Pythagorean Numerology The western system of numerology (otherwise known as “modern” numerology), which we are using in this handbook, was created by the Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras, over 2,500 years ago. Who Is Pythagoras? Pythagoras was born on the island of Samos in the Aegean nearby Turkey in about 570 B.C. Not only is Pythagoras of Samos considered to be the father of modern numerology, but also he has had a profound influence on mathematics including the development of the pythagorean theorem. In about 520 B.C. Pythagoras founded his Pythagorean school at Croton. His group, which was called the Pythagoreans, was a cult that mixed religion and mathematics. The Pythagoreans consisted of two groups (1) mathematikoi, who lived with and were taught by Pythagoras himself, and (2) akousmatikoi, who lived in their own house and only attended the school during the day. The group was required to live an ethical, pacifist life and study the “true nature of reality”. You can learn more about the origins of Pythagorean Numerology here. “All things can be expressed in numerical terms, because all things are ultimately reduced to numbers” - Pythagoras
9 Life Path Number Your Life Path Number is calculated by adding all the numbers of your birth date together. The Life Path Number is the most significant of all the numerology numbers and provides information about your character and the type of life you will have. How To Calculate Your Life Path Number Step 1: Add together all of the numbers in your birth date by adding each of the numbers together including the birth month, birth day, and birth year. For example: Benjamin Franklin, American entrepreneur, politician, scientist, and diplomat (and the only non-President on the face of a dollar bill) was born on January 17th, 1706. Step 2: The numbers of his birth date are calculated as follows: January 17, 1706 = 0 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 7 + 0 + 6 This equates to (0 + 1) + (1 + 7) + (1 + 7 + 0 + 6) Step 3: This calculation can be further reduced to 1 + 8 + 14. (1 + 8 + 14) = 23 Step 4: If we add these numbers together we will end up with 23, which is not a master number 11, 22, or 33.
10 (2 + 3) = 5 Step 5: Finally, we can reduce the number one more time to 2 + 3, which gives us a Life Path Number of 5 for Benjamin Franklin. The life path number for Benjamin Franklin is 5. In addition, try out our life path number calculator to automatically calculate your own life path number.
11 Destiny Number Your Destiny Number, also known as your Name Number or Expression Number, is calculated using the complete name found on your birth certificate. The destiny number represents what you are destined to do in this life and who you will eventually become. The energy of your pre-chosen birth certificate name will always be a major influence on your life. Many people forget to include their middle name or have unknowingly used the wrong name all their lives. How To Calculate Your Destiny Number Step 1: Using a pythagorean numerology chart (shown above), calculate the numbers that correspond to the letters of your name in your birth certificate. For example: Alexander Graham Bell who is credited with inventing and patenting the first telephone was born on March 3rd, 1847. Step 2: The letters of his name are calculated as follows: A L E X A N D E R G R A H A M B E L L (1 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 9) + (7 + 9 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 4) + (2 + 5 + 3 + 3) Step 3: Add each name separately (39) + (30) + (13)
12 Step 4: Since none of these numbers equate to 11, 22, or 33 we can further reduce the numbers. 12 + 3 + 4 = 19 1 + 9 = 10 1 + 0 Step 5: Finally, we can reduce the number one more time to 1 + 0, which gives us a Destiny Number of 1 for Alexander Graham Bell. The destiny number for Alexander Graham Bell is 1. In addition, try out our destiny number calculator to automatically calculate your own destiny number.
13 Soul Number Your Soul Number, also known as your Soul Urge Number or Heart’s Desire Number, is calculated using the vowels in your birth certificate name. The Soul Urge Number reveals what your soul needs and desires are on a fundamental level. If you have a Y in your name, and it is used as a vowel sound, it is used to calculate your Soul Number. If the Y in your name is used as a consonant sound, it can be ignored in the calculation. How To Calculate Your Soul Number Step 1: Using a pythagorean numerology chart (shown above), calculate the numbers that correspond to the vowels of your name in your birth certificate. For example: Nikola Tesla, inventor, electrical engineer, physicist, and futurist is credited with inventing a wide variety of electronic devices and electric motors was born on July 10th, 1856. Step 2: The letters of his name are calculated as follows: N I K O L A T E S L A (9 + 6 + 1) + (5 + 1) Step 3: Add each name separately.
14 16 + 6 Step 4: Since neither of these numbers equate to 11, 22, or 33 we can further reduce the numbers. 16 + 6 = 22 Step 5: Finally, since 22 is a master number, we get a Soul Number of 22/4 for Nikola Tesla. The soul number for Nikola Tesla is 22/4. In addition, try out our soul number calculator to automatically calculate your own soul number.
15 Personality Number Your Personality Number is calculated using the consonants in your birth certificate name. The Personality Number reveals how others perceive you and represents the “outer you”. How To Calculate Your Personality Number Step 1: Using a pythagorean numerology chart (shown above), calculate the numbers that correspond to the consonants of your name in your birth certificate. For example: Henry Ford, founder of the Ford motor company and pioneer of the mass-production assembly line was born on July 30th, 1863. H E N R Y F O R D (8 + 5 + 9) + (6 + 9 + 4) Step 3: Add each name separately. 22 + 19 Step 4: Since neither of these numbers equate to 11, 22, or 33 we can further reduce the numbers. 22 + 19 = 41
16 Step 5: This number can be further reduced by adding the digits of the number. 4 + 1 = 5 Step 6: Finally, we get a Personality Number of 5 for Henry Ford. The personality number for Henry Ford is 5. In addition, try out our personality number calculator to automatically calculate your own personality number.
17 Root Numbers There are a total of nine basic or root numbers, and each of them is associated with you and your birthday. How To Calculate Your Root Number Your root number is the sum of the digits of the day of the month on which you were born, reduced to a single digit. For example, if you were born on the 31st day of any month, simply add the two digits together: 3 + 1 = 4. Therefore the root number for any birthday on the thirty-first day of any month is four. If you are born on the 4th day of the month your root number would be four. Root Number Chart Number 1 Born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month Number 2 Born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month Number 3 Born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month Number 4 Born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month Number 5 Born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month Number 6 Born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month Number 7 Born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month Number 8 Born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month Number 9 Born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month
18 Number 1 - Individuality Born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month Number 1’s are confident and self-reliant natural born leaders. Strengths ● Innovator ● Lionhearted ● Ingenious ● Inspired ● Committed Weaknesses ● Desirous ● Unforgiving ● Authoritative ● Contentious ● Confrontational Number 1 Career Forecast Number 1’s make great: business owners, managers, supervisors, executives, and team leaders.
19 Number 2 - Duality Born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month Number 2’s are tranquil and pleasing by nature and will circumvent having an argument at any cost, often sacrificing their own necessities in the process. Strengths ● Amicable ● Instinctual ● Caring ● Reassuring ● Compassionate Weaknesses ● Mercurial ● Oversensitive ● Unforthcoming ● Envious ● Ambivalent Number 2 Career Forecast Number 2’s make great: counselors, mediators, negotiators, and therapists.
20 Number 3 - Exuberance Born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month Number 3’s are natural performers who love to express power and cleverness. Strengths ● Entertaining ● Visionary ● Innovative ● Amiable ● Charming Weaknesses ● Scattered ● Condemning ● Extravagant ● Needy ● Muckrake Number 3 Career Forecast Number 3’s make great: artists, actors, and entertainers.
21 Number 4 - Stability Born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month Number 4’s are diligent workers who commit themselves to their goals and like to propound a high quality of workmanship. Strengths ● Diligent ● Efficient ● Grounded ● Accountable ● Attentive Weaknesses ● Stubborn ● Bigoted ● Obstinate ● Intolerant ● Gloomy Number 4 Career Forecast Number 4’s make great: CEOs and managers; accountants, auditors, editors, surveyors and analysts.
22 Number 5 - Freedom Born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month Number 5’s are movers and shakers who thirst for freedom from limitations and thrive on diversity and change. Strengths ● Ingenious ● Gifted ● Connector ● Versatile ● Fascinating Weaknesses ● Compulsive ● Sensational ● Unforgiving ● Distracted ● Inconsistent Number 5 Career Forecast Number 5’s make great: salespeople, advisors, and consultants; project managers; event planners, promoters, and publicists.
23 Number 6 - Harmony Born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month Number 6’s are natural teachers and coaches, who enjoy advising other individuals. Strengths ● Cultivative ● Reassuring ● Commiserating ● Compassionate ● Dependable Weaknesses ● Domineering ● Condemnatory ● Meddlesome ● Sanctimonious ● Purist Number 6 Career Forecast Number 6’s make great: teachers, counselors, and therapists.
24 Number 7 - Wisdom Born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month Number 7’s are talented problem-solvers and strategists who excel in a wide variety of subjects including psychology, metaphysics, science, engineering, analytics, research, accounting, health, education, philosophy, or technology. Strengths ● Clever ● Scientific ● Scrutinizing ● Instinctive ● Systematic Weaknesses ● Liberal ● Taciturn ● Despondent ● Pessimistic ● Doubtful Number 7 Career Forecast Number 7’s make great: psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and therapists.
25 Number 8 - Authority Born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month Number 8’s have the ability to attract abundance and success, but it all depends on their way of looking at things. Strengths ● Methodical ● Stimulate ● Motivated ● Powerful ● Studious Weaknesses ● Masterful ● Wealthy ● Threatening ● Shallow ● Scheming Number 8 Career Forecast Number 8’s make great: business owners, CEOs, supervisors, and managers.
26 Number 9 - Compassion Born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month Number 9’s are sympathetic, cognizant, kind hearted, and creatively gifted. Strengths ● Pitying ● Magnanimous ● Intense ● Indulgent ● Encouraging Weaknesses ● Merciless ● Vindictive ● Protective ● Exaggerated ● Hostile Number 9 Career Forecast Number 9’s make great: teachers, counselors, and therapists.
27 Number 11 - The Inspirational Teacher Master Number 11/2 is a higher vibration of Number 2, so it incorporates everything that Number 2 represents. Number 11/2’s are intuitive, charismatic, sensitive, enthusiastic, and learn to master their own nervous energy. Strengths ● Natural ● Freethinking ● Creative ● Profound ● Negotiator Weaknesses ● Timorous ● Cunning ● Profound ● Self-deceptive ● Vulnerable Number 11 Career Forecast Number 11/2’s make great: counselors and therapists.
28 Number 22 - The Master Builder Master Number 22/4 is a higher vibration of Number 4, so it incorporates everything that Number 4 represents. Number 22/4’s are driven to build, develop or create something of benefit to all others by being able to bridge both the spiritual and temporal worlds. Strengths ● Far-sighted ● Dynamic ● Loyal ● Engrossed ● Quixotic Weaknesses ● Immovable ● Plodding ● Headstrong ● Hegemonic ● Idealist Number 22 Career Forecast Number 22/4’s make great: business owners, CEOs and managers.
29 Number 33 - The Master Healer Master Number 33/6 is a higher vibration of Number 6, so it incorporates everything that Number 6 represents. Number 33/6’s possess natural artistic abilities and exude positive forms of self-expression. Strengths ● Artistic ● Healthful ● Gentle ● Affectionate ● Nourishing Weaknesses ● Precisionist ● Consummate ● Scathing ● Sanctimonious ● Analytical Number 33 Career Forecast Number 33/6’s make great: counselors, therapists, and health professionals.
30 Glossary Birth Day Number: The Birthday number indicates personality traits, talents, and abilities that will assist you on your life path toward fulfilling your destiny. Destiny Number: The destiny number is calculated from the full original birth-certificate name and reveals your mission in this life, who and what you’re destined to be. Life Path Number: The life path number is calculated from your birth date and reveals the path you’ve chosen to walk in this life and the lessons you’ve chosen to master on your journey. Master Number: The master numbers are 11/2, 22/4, and 33/6. They are a higher-octave vibrations of the lower base numbers, 2, 4, and 6 and indicate great potential to attain self-mastery during the course of this life. Numerology: The ancient practice of Numerology is a science of numbers, where each number contributes a unique vibration to the story of your life. Numerology Name Calculator: The numerology name calculator is a tool for calculating your numerology numbers using only the name on your birth certificate and your birth date. Personality Number: The personality number is calculated using the consonants in your birth-certificate name and represents the “outer you” or how others perceive you. Soul Number: The soul number is calculated using the vowels in the birth-certificate name and reveals what motivates you and who your soul needs you to be to feel complete.
31 Useful Resources Numerology Numbers ● Life Path Number ● Destiny Number ● Personality Number ● Heart’s Desire Number ● Expression Number ● Soul Number
32 Thanks For Reading! To learn more about Numerology Name Calculator check out our social media channels and website found below. We welcome any questions, concerns or questions that you may have, so feel free to reach out to us and we will do our best to answer them. :) NumerologyNameCalculator @CalcNumerology @NumerologyNameCalculator Numerology Name Calculator www.numerologynamecalculator.com
33 References Buchanan, Michelle (2015). Numerology Made Easy: Discover Your Future, Life Purpose and Destiny from Your Birth Date and Name. Hay House, Inc. ISBN 978-1-78817-258-5. Vega, Phyllis (2007). What Your Birthday Reveals About You: 366 Days of Astonishingly Accurate Revelations About Your Future, Your Secrets, and Your Strengths. United States: Castle Books. ISBN 978-0-7858-2238-7. Willers, Michael (2009). Algebra: The X and Y of Everyday Math. United Kingdom: Quid Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4351-1400-5.