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A better Recycling Process

A better Recycling Process. Brett Altman Joe Bodisch Rocco Cabrera. Table of Contents. Where the need comes from Definition of the problem Project Background Objectives and specs The Premise Our designs – the details Chosen Design D ecision matrix Details and conclusion Flow chart.

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A better Recycling Process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A better Recycling Process Brett Altman Joe Bodisch Rocco Cabrera

  2. Table of Contents • Where the need comes from • Definition of the problem • Project Background • Objectives and specs • The Premise • Our designs – the details • Chosen Design • Decision matrix • Details and conclusion • Flow chart

  3. It seems we are running low on steel… • Large growth in the use of steel • But iron ore is a limited resource • In 35 years… • Could we be out? • Recycling steel will reduce iron ore consumption • So then perfect, we just recycle more. No problem there.

  4. But there is a problem…. • Alloys are the main source of the problem • Especially advanced high strength steel alloys • Unknown compositions of these alloys are being fed into the furnaces • This is a rising problem since cars are largely being produced from this steel now • When these alloys are mixed in with other products it causes off chemistry heats • Essentially, AHSS gets mixed in with “normal” steel in the recycling process, and throws the final product off.

  5. The way we see it… • The different alloy makeups of AHSS need to be identified at some point, and separated according to that makeup AHHS – Unidentified alloy makeup. Test sample identifies composition Alloy makeup 3 Alloy makeup 1 Alloy makeup 2

  6. The way we see it… • A managerial solution • Different alloy makeups enter shredder separately • ArcelorMittal receives separated scrap by alloy composition • This is important since ArcelorMittal has made it evident that they do not want to be the ones doing the separating • Our main goal became designing a fluid process to identify and separate the scrap well before it enters the furnace The entire process must occur Outside of ArcelorMittal's plant!

  7. So then what are the incentives? • Third parties outside of ArcelorMittal are crucial in this process • It is in the hands of these parties to actually execute the steps involved • But why would they want to do all this….??? http://www.francescovalpa.com

  8. But actually… • While money is a possible incentive, it has more to do with saving the planet and our way of life. Minor stuff. http://api.ning.com Because without implementing such a process, our recycling process for steel may not be efficient enough to support our growing demand. And did we mention iron ore is running out?

  9. What does this process have to accomplish? Run on a large scale Cannot be too costly for parties involved Must accurately identify alloy makeups of scrap Must allow for scrap to be efficiently separated and labeled before reaching ArcelorMittal Must allow for scrap to be easily transported and stored

  10. The Premise We need a backbone to our process • A report will be generated outlining the alloy makeups of different steels • This report will be made public and will follow the steel’s life cycle • No more unidentified steel alloys

  11. The premise So where should it start? • The car manufacturers can test and report alloy makeups • Scrapyard reports alloy makeups of incoming scrap • The shredder compiles a report on what alloys were shredded • ArcelorMittal does all testing on site The process must also include the separation and labeling of the scrap by the alloy makeup outlined in such a report

  12. Different steps occur in different places • With that premise in mind, we decided that our designs would actually be the different locations and details behind each step in our basic outlined process. • Where should each step occur? • 1. Who identifies the alloy makeup of samples? • 2. Who labels the steel accordingly? • 3. Who actually separates it? • 4. Where will it be stored and how will it be labeled?

  13. So we did some decision matrices… Car manufacturer compiles the report

  14. Shredder separates the scrap by alloy makeup identified in reports

  15. The shredder also labels the scrap accordingly so ArcelorMittal knows what is what

  16. ArcelorMittal stores the scrap

  17. Now we have a more defined process • We want a report to be compiled by the car manufacturers, based on information provided by the steel manufacturer (ArcelorMittal) about what the steel is composed of. • That report must follow the steel (now in car form) to the shredder once its life cycle has gone on. • The shredder uses that report to separate the scrap. • It is shredded separately and then labeled accordingly • ArcelorMittal gets their product and stores it. We now have our Backbone!

  18. But what about the details? • To generate some ideas about the details of this process, we did a morphological chart. This is where our four different processes come from

  19. Our designs With the backbone in place, and some ideas generated, we came up with four different processes. The details are what distinguish these very similar designs. • Shredded into bales of steel, with a color coded cap or band as identification. ArcelorMittal retests with spectroscopy to confirm makeup. • Shredded and formed into discs, stored in a color coded drum. ArcelorMittal retests with x-ray. • Melted down and cooled into blocks, identified by colored stickers. ArcelorMittal retests with spectroscopy. • Melted down and kept in labeled vats, ArcelorMittal retests with x-ray.

  20. Which one wins?

  21. The Design • 1. Car manufacturer compiles a report detailing the composition of all the steels they purchase from companies like ArcelorMittal. The report is made public for use by the scrapyards and shredders. • 2. The reports correspond to the components of the make and model of each car they produce. • 3. Each car frame and major steel component is stamped according to that make and model, and therefore according to steel composition. This can be done during the fabrication process. • 4. When the car’s life cycle ends, it can now be easily identified in the scrapyard by the stamp on it. • 5. AM purchases the scrap from the yard, and sends it to the scrapper who separates it all according to the make and model. The scrap is then shredded separately. • 6. Scrap is baled up in strips. Large caps on the ends of these bales are labeled according to the stamp in the steel and the corresponding report outlining composition. • 7. Before storing or using the scrap, AM should retest samples of the scrap using spectroscopy in order to ensure quality. • 8. It can then be stored in the bales at the AM factory, the composition entirely known.

  22. Questions????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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