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Applying the Rasch Model: Can be Professionalism be Assessed via MCQs?. Paul Tiffin Gabi Finn John McLachlan. Professionalism MCQs. Context: Medical Professionalism Methods Results Conclusions. Medical Professionalism. Difficult to define May be culture and temporarily bound
Applying the Rasch Model: Can be Professionalism be Assessed via MCQs? Paul Tiffin Gabi Finn John McLachlan
Professionalism MCQs • Context: Medical Professionalism • Methods • Results • Conclusions
Medical Professionalism • Difficult to define • May be culture and temporarily bound • Is it learned or innate? • No consensus how it should be measured in medical undergraduates • Deemed important and “testing” is widespread • SJTs to be introduced to Foundation Year Place selection
Durham Medical School • Biannual MCQ exam • wide range of topics • including • Immunology • Microbiology • Anatomy (pure and applied) • Medical ethics • Physiology. • Items are grouped to 3 main categories: • ‘Knowledge and Critical Thinking’ • ‘Skills’ • ‘Professional Behaviours’
Durham Medical School • Two types of MCQ • Extended Matching Questions (EMQs- 1 stem & list ) • MCQs (select best response from 5 choices) • “Professional Behaviour” Items based on GMC document Good Medical Practice: Duties of a Doctor • Responses from two cohorts analysed (2008/9 & 2009/2010). • 2 additional measures available • Consciousness index • Peer nominations for professionalism
Professionalism MCQs • Example: “you are on your Community Placement which offers bereavement counselling. In one session the placement worker, who you are shadowing, deals harshly with a crying client. This has never happened before. Do you: A. challenge the placement worker in front of the client? B. pretend it didn’t happen and say/do nothing? C. take over the counselling session yourself ? D. confront the placement worker afterwards in private? E. report the placement worker to his/her superior?” • Cohort I • 14 MCQs and 25 EMQs on Professionalism • Cohort II • eight MCQs and 20 EMQs on Professionalism
Conscientiousness Index • Relies on objective information • attendance at teaching sessions • Compliance with administrative tasks such as submission of immunisation documentation 10 • the CI percentages were converted to standardised z scores to allow comparisons across the 2 cohorts.
Peer ratings of professionalism -Information was available relating to peer nominations for professionalism. -This approach has been previously shown to detect “extremes” and those students who have received a high number of nominations for being perceived as “least professional” had, on average, lower Conscientiousness scores 9 • In the first cohort peer nominations were conducted within the peer group. • In order to increase participation, for the subsequent cohort, peer assessment was conducted within tutor groups.
Peer ratings of professionalism • This change was made because students had reported they felt it was easier to make accurate nominations within a tutor where there was more familiarity with peers, rather than within a year group. • Nominations were converted into an aggregate score of professionalism by subtracting nomination for least professional from those for most professional. • Cut-offs were generated in order to identify the top 10% and bottom 10% of aggregate scores within each year group. • Thus students were categorised as: • Professionalism ratings that were high • Low • Neither
Analysis • Rasch “factor analysis” conducted • Ability at anatomy and professionalism items were recovered using a Rasch analysis- analysed by cohort • Individual performance at MCQs and EMQs similar and so were analysed together • The relative item characteristics for each theme (professionalism, anatomy) were compared by pooling the characteristics of each item as they performed in each exam • Discrimination and guessing parameters were estimated via ‘simulation’ in WINSTEPS • Power to estimate the parameters was estimated post hoc using a MC simulation study
Analysis • Test equating between cohorts not possible (no shared items) • Ability at the MCQ therefore standardised to allow comparisons over cohorts • Software • Rasch analysis: WINSTEPS • MC simulation: Mplus v5.21 • Other analyses: STATA 11 • Ability at anatomy and professionalism items were recovered using a Rasch analysis • Individual performance at MCQs and EMQs similar and so were analysed together • Discrimination and guessing parameters were estimated via simulation in WINSTEPS
Results-Relationship between ability estimates and conscientiousness/professionalism • The “Rasch factor analysis” findings generally supported the assumption of unidimensionality • Contrasts within the residuals from the PCA consistently explained less than 5% of the unexplained variance in item responses 16 • Mild exceptions to this were observed for the pooled anatomy and professionalism item responses for the 2009-10 cohort where the 1st contrast in the residuals explained 6.3% and 5.8% of the unexplained variance respectively.
Results-Relationship between ability estimates and conscientiousness/professionalism • Ability estimates for anatomy &professionalismwere normally distributed. • Conscientiousness Index Scores were significantly skew therefore Spearman’s rank correlation test was used when comparing this variable with others. • Anatomy ability not significantly correlated with professionalismitems (r=.12, p=.1).
Results-Relationship between ability estimates and conscientiousness/professionalism • Professionalism item ability was uncorrelated with the standardised CI scores (r=0.009, p=0.90). • In contrast (modest but ) significant correlations between standardised CI scores and ability at anatomy items (r=0.22, p=0.003)
Results • ANOVA was also used to test whether any of the abilities were associated with peer votes for high professionalism. • Those students who were within the top 10 % of votes for their cohort had significantly higher standardised ability estimates in terms of anatomyability (F=7.20, p=0.008) when compared to their peers. • However, no association between ability at professionalism items and a high number of professionalism nominations (F=1.48, p=0.23). • Similarly an ANOVA was used to evaluate whether any of the abilities were associated with a high number of aggregated peer votes for low levels of perceived professionalism. • There was no significant association between peer votes of unprofessionalism and ability at either anatomy(F=1.52, p=0.22) or professionalism items (F=2.02, p=0.16).
Exam Item Characteristics • 21 items were all answered correctly- providing no information • However, when comparing the professionalism items with those of other themes these items were included when analysing the comparative difficulty of the questions. • Such items were assumed to be very easy and assigned an arbitrary difficulty of -5 logits to reflect this. • The value of -5 was selected as it was consistent with the lowest difficulty scores for those items where information was available. • ANOVA was used to assess for intergroup differences. • Discrimination estimates were significantly skew and therefore intergroup differences were compared using a Kruskal-Wallis test.
Item characteristics • On average, candidates performed significantly better on Professionalism items compared to anatomy (F=13.44, p<0.001). • The estimates of the professionalism item discrimination parameters were significantly lower compared to both the anatomy (F=19.55, p=<0.001) • In terms of standardised (information weighted) infit in relation to measuring ability at the exams anatomy items were mildly skewed towards overfitting the model: the average z score for infit for anatomy items was -.20 reflecting a tendency to less variation in responses than the Rasch model would have predicted. • In contrast, the professionalism items were skewed towards underfit with a mean z score of .39. This reflected a trend to a slightly more erratic response pattern than predicted. • Reliability indices were relatively high for estimation of ability at anatomy items: for the 2008-9 cohort the person separation value was 2.15 (for the 2009-10 cohort 1.64 ). • In contrast the reliability indices for professionalism item were much lower: separation was 0.69 for the 2008-9 cohort. And .87 for the 2009-10
Findings from the Monte Carlo simulations • Both the anatomy and the professionalismitem difficulty estimates had bias of around 1-2%, even when using the smaller cohort of 98 students. • However this was not true for a number of very easy “mistargeted” items with difficulty values of -3.0 logits or less (as scaled according to person ability) where bias was 8.6 to 110%. • For professionalism items the average bias between the actual population and simulated values was 10.9%. • However when the seven very easy items with were excluded an average bias of 1.2% was observed.
Summary & Discussion • The results show that there is a relationship between Conscientiousness Index, peer nominations for professionalism and performance at anatomy MCQs. • There is no observed relationship between the CI and performance on the subject of professionalism. • Moreover, according to the Rasch analysis, the psychometric properties of the professionalism SRQs were inferior to the anatomy items • Relatively poor at discriminating between candidates. • This suggests that SRQs are not an appropriate measure or predicator of professionalism, at least for undergraduate medical students. This in turn may cast doubt on the proposed use of SJTs for selection to Foundation, as proposed by the Medical Schools Council.
Discussion: Strengths and Limitations • Discriminating and guessing parameters estimated via simulations NOT 2 and 3-PL models • How reliable is this approach? • Relatively small numbers of people (<200 in total) • Would a 2-PL model have been more suitable for estimation of Professionalism performance as variability in discrimination relatively high for MCQs (SD=.5) • Raised issue with test-equating- have advised future exams to share at least 5 items across difficulty range
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