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EIE Surveyor: Reference Point for Electrical and Information Engineering in Europe. 2005-2008. Objectifs.
EIE Surveyor: Reference Point for Electrical and Information Engineering in Europe 2005-2008
Objectifs • Réflexion sur les compétences génériques et les compétences disciplinaires en "Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE)" (que l'on peut traduire par Génie Electrique et Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication), • Mise en place de méthodologies de qualité sur certaines ressources en EIE accessibles par l'internet, • Réflexion, état de l'art et proposition d'une méthodologie pour l'accréditation des cursus et des diplômes, dans un cadre européen, avec pour but d'améliorer la comparabilité des cursus et diplômes, • Proposition d'un recensement des curriculum existant en Europe en EIE, les cursus multinationaux et la situation de la mise en place du processus de Bologne en EIE, aux niveaux licence, master et doctorat
Utilisateurs finaux • Organisations professionnelles, formation continue • Etudiants et apprenants, enseignants, • Organismes d'accréditation
Principales activités • Application de la méthodologie TUNING (projet européen transversal aux disciplines) à nos domaines (EIE) afin d'identifier et de formaliser les notions de compétences (génériques et spécifiques), • Mise en place d'un observatoire des cursus et diplômes en EIE en Europe, et état de la mise en place du processus de Bologne, • Mise en place d'une approche qualité sur des ressources pédagogiques accessibles par l'internet, • Analyse des procédures d‘habilitation (accréditation) existantes, proposition d'une méthodologie
Résultats attendus • Mise à jour de la monographie sur les cursus et cursus internationaux, • Cadre de référence pour les compétences génériques et disciplinaires en EIE, • Cadre de proposition d'une méthodologie d'accréditation, accompagné d'un recensement des organismes et procédures d'accréditation, • Médiathèque de ressources pédagogiques en EIE, avec un processus d'évaluation de la qualité
EIE-Surveyor • Nancy (co-ordinating institution) & Grenoble (coordinator institution) • 2 European organisations • AT (2), BE (5), BG (4), CY (1), CZ (5), DE (6 or 7), DK (1), EE (1), ES (9), FI (2), FR (20 or 22), GR (3), HU (1), IE (1), IS (1), IT (5), LV (1), LT (1), MT (1), NL (1 ?), NO (1), PL (6), PT (7), RO (5 or 6), SE (1), SI (2), SK (1 or 2), TR (4), UK (1 or 2) • 108 members • 3 companies (CZ, DE and PL) • 3 national associations: IEEE educ. Chapter DE and FR, Club EEA • Missing: LU, FL
Actions • T1: Competences, jobs, accreditation • T1.1(1). "Tuning" approach in EIE (A.4) • General competences • Specific competences • T1.2(3). Jobs in EIE (A.6) • T1.3(4). Methodology for accreditation (A.7) • T2(2). Internet as educational resource for EIE education (A.5) • T3: Survey, BMD-process in Europe • T3.1(8). Bologna process in EIE at the bachelor, master and PhD levels (A.1) • T3.2(6). Multinational multilingual curricula in Europe (A.2) • T4(5). Advertise EIE European curricula (A.8) • T5(7). "Excellence" regions in EIE and applications (A.3)
Aims of the project • Put the curricula in conformity with the Bologna-process scheme • Mobility of students and staffs • Recognition of diploma • Accreditation procedures • Development and evaluation of internet-based pedagogic resources • Multitinational curricula Inside and outside Europe
MANAGING BOARD general co-ordinator + account manager strategic board, composed of 6 people 8 tasks coordinators (tasks A.1 to A.8) Organisation Strategic Board O. Bonnaud (FR) M. Hoffmann (DE) J. Ligus (SK) MJ Martins (PT) R. Ubar (EE) A. Ward (UK) national coordinators thematiccoordinators (Electronics, computers,…)
Organisation • The general co-ordinator level,that is the general co-ordinator, which will be helped by an account manager. • The strategic board, composed of 6 people (active people, for the management of the project, these people may represent also the EAEEIE or other partner associations…). The managing board will be also responsible for contacts with other projects we will be related with, notably for the actions in connection with other thematic networks, for instance the "archipelago" or "tuning" transversal actions. • The tasks will be managed, each with a task coordinator. • The general co-ordinator, the strategic board and the task coordinators will form the Managing Board. • Another point : "thematic" organisation of the project. The partners will be splitted into subgroups, dealing with some sub-specialities of Electrical and Information Engineering. Each thematic sub-group will be managed by a thematiccoordinator. • Last point: for some operations or actions which are organised on a national basis, there will be national coordinators, which could be different as a function of the tasks.
Monitoring • Inner monitoring: each semester a new inner monitoring board will be defined, in order to be dynamic, to make constructive critics on the advance of the project. This inner monitoring group will interact with the general coordinator, the strategic board and the task coordinators (that is, the Managing Board). • External monitoring: Associations such as SEFI, IEEE education, BEST (student association) could participate in an external monitoring. BEST is a member of the project, as well as the French and German "education" chapters of IEEE. To be more concrete, we have invited five people to act as external monitor of the project. • J. GONZALES (Tuning project), who will be represented by Hendrik FERDINANDE • V. De KOSINSKY • Virginia CANO • Eduardo CORREIO (CENELEC) • Jorge ESTEVES (Entidade Reguladora do Sector Eléctrico" (ERSE)) All these persons accepted to be external monitor of our project. Other institutions will be contacted, mainly at the end of the project, such as ESN (Erasmus Student Network), FIEE…
T1.1. "Tuning" approach in EIE (A4) • Complementing the work done in other disciplines by other thematic networks • Competences (broader concept than skills) • General competences (Line 1 of the tuning approach) • Specific competences (Line 2 of the Tuning approach) • Pedagogical approaches • Problem Based Learning • Project Based Learning approaches • Preliminary works done during the THEIERE project: • a frame for a bachelor in Electrical and Information Engineering • System of credits, both for initial degrees and LLL (Life Long Learning) • Diploma Supplement (DS). In the field of EIE and for the various levels (BMD), a template could be designed • Contact with the Tuning Project: Pr. Hendrik Ferdinande (Tuning project) will be our "conseiller" • outputs will be some frames and guidelines for the development of contents, at the bachelor and master level
T1.1. "Tuning" approach in EIE: Preliminary work (THEIERE) • Frame for a bachelor in EIE
T1.2. what are the jobs in Electrical and Information Engineering? (A6) • Constatation: there is certain disaffection of students for scientific studies in many European countries. • In order to enhance the attractiveness of our disciplines, we propose communication tools to advertise on our disciplines and their interests • to identify what are the concrete links (and what are the kinds of links) existing between industry and the EIE curricula in the various European countries • concrete links such as participation of employers into the curricula or participation of students in professional periods in industry • indirect links such as the participation of representative of the industrial field into the definition or accreditation of curricula… • This work could be achieved with other thematic networks in the same field* ARCHIPELAGOS( and also scientific and engineering associations (for instance some activities are presently on the way within the French Club EEA, an EIE Association at the national level, EAEEIE, IEEE education chapter (region 8) at the European level).
T1.2. what are the jobs in Electrical and Information Engineering? Calendar
T1.2. what are the jobs in Electrical and Information Engineering? Preliminary work • Not relevant
T1.3. Methodology for accreditation (A7) • Preliminary study of the existing accreditation procedures done during the THEIERE project. • Completion of the study • Study the American Board functions • Output: • Guidelines of good practices of accreditation based on the required competences and industry needs.
T2. Internet as educational resource for EIE education (A5) • to incorporate Internet-based educational resources (e-learning) for EIE education • web available specific materials, covering the required EIE topics, • computer supported tools to use these materials in a suitable way for attaining specific learning objectives • Two actions • to set up a mediatheque of pedagogical resources available through internet in EIE • census of existing resources. • implement Quality in education to pedagogical resources in EIE available via Internet. This means to select and classify educational materials for EIE in the basis of: • the quality of content in relation with the concepts, models and competences required in EIE. • the potential effectiveness as teaching-learning tools for EIE education, • AND to make them available to the EIE community. The work will be a continuation of the activities related in Task 2 of the THEIERE project and completed with the selected resources. • to design tools implemented in web-based environments • Individual tools, in order to allow the user to evaluate their learning process • group work tools in order to foster the collaboration among different users. • Some learning activities will be designed to be implemented during the last year in the dissemination phase of the project. Students connected from different countries will use the material available in virtual classes throughout Europe. They will be guided by one tutor that can be a professor member of the TN. The use of these materials in the context of specific learning activities will be monitored in order to evaluate their quality as educational materials as well as learning fostering resources (validation with end users: teachers, learners).
T2. Internet as educational resource for EIE education: Calendar
T2. Internet as educational resource for EIE education: Preliminary work • Mediatheque • http://www.eaeeie.org/theiere/pedagogical_resources.html
T3.1. Bologna process in EIE at the bachelor, master and PhD levels (A1) • to implement a survey of the Bologna process in EIE at the bachelor level, at the master level but also at the PhD level (relations with the TNP "Teaching and Research in Engineering in Europe TREE" for example). • The activities will be the finalisation and update of the maps of European undergraduate and postgraduate studies: a monograph[1] has been achieved during the THEIERE project (2000-2003), but some countries remain to be completed, some information needs to be updated because the situation is always evolving and the PhD studies should be added, together with the identification of the existing links between masters and PhDs, taking into account the master courses which will prepare the students for PhD studies. The completion and updating of the data of the portal (see prototype at www.eaeeie.org/theiereyp) will be achieved at the same time. The main outputs will be the update and completion of the monograph (1st version available end 2003) and of the portal. • We are in contact with TREE thematic network within the frame of the "Archipelago" working group (participation of four persons from our previous Thematic Network THEIERE in the techno-TN 2004, in Brussels, even if THEIERE was not granted in 2003-2004…). • [1] THEIERE project: "Monograph: Towards the harmonisation of Electrical and Information Engineering Education in Europe" - Ed. EAEEIE, August 2003, 350 pages, (ISBN, book version: ISBN 972-97738-2-3, ISBN: CD-ROM version: ISBN 972-97738-3-1)
T3.1. Bologna process in EIE at the bachelor, master and PhD levels: Calendar
T3.1. Bologna process in EIE at the bachelor, master and PhD levels: Preliminary work • Monograph • http://www.eaeeie.org/theiere/THEIERE_monograph_CD.htm • Portal • http://www.eaeeie.org/theiereyp/ • For the moment, THEIERE YP works with the following countries: • Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece,Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Ukraine
T3.2. Multinational multilingual curricula in Europe (A2) • The aim is : • to identify how are organised the studies • how are managed the lingual and cultural aspects • what is the part dedicated to distant learning. • The main outputs will be available in the monograph and the portal described • We propose to contribute as the proposition of a guideline of good practices in the development of multinational curricula in EIE
T3.2. Multinational multilingual curricula in Europe: Calendar
T3.2. Multinational multilingual curricula in Europe: Preliminary work • Not relevant
T4. Advertise EIE European curricula (A8) • Objective: to attract students coming from outside Europe. The monograph and the portal proposed in TASK T3.1 should be a good tool for this purpose; • To identify various organisations which can be helpful for this "advertisement". • Related to this task, some countries are suffering due to the unbalanced flow of students in the framework of international exchange projects (e.g. Erasmus): the number of students going out is >> than coming in. We should identify reasons for such a situation and devise means to improve the balance. • So the main aim of this action is to increase the attractiveness of European higher education area, both for students from outside Europe to come in and for students inside Europe to be mobile
T4. Advertise EIE European curricula: Preliminary work • Not relevant • work to be done in conjunction with Club EEA commission for teaching
T5. "Excellence" regions in EIE and applications (A3) • to identify and let know "Excellence regions" in some specialities of EIE and applications thanks to a focus on master and PhD specialities. • Another interesting point for us in this action will be the way PhD studies are organised in EIE and their adaptation to industry needs. In this action, we will discute on what are the criteria to define Excellence
T5. "Excellence" regions in EIE and applications: Preliminary work • Not relevant
Other action (?): Incubator of proposals for developing international European (master) programmes • the thematic network partnership has also to be considered as an incubator of proposals for developing international European master programmes, within the frame of Curricula Development programmes or for tending to some Excellence masters in EIE (ERASMUS MUNDUS programme). • It is planned to implement some curricula parallely to the life of this thematic network proposition
General actions: reflection on dissemination • Contacts other TNs • Other TNs • TREE • Tuning • Archipelago • Contact with European or World association • Contact with national associations
Overview on the outputs (1/3) • (a) guidelines for EIE in the Tuning spirit (TASKS A1, A4), • (b) an updated monograph, on the existing curricula in EIE in Europe, with new parts dedicated to "international" degrees (international masters and bachelors) and to PhD (TASKS A1, A2, A3), • (c) a mediatheque on pedagogical resources in EIE available through internet, with quality evaluation (TASK A5), • (d) a portal presenting the curricula available in EIE in Europe (TASK A1) • (e) report contaning a census of the existing accreditation boards and procedures and proposition of a common European procedures guideline in EIE (TASK A7), • (f) communication tools presenting EIE in Europe (TASK A8) • (g) communication tools to attract scholars in EIE in particular and in scientific studies in general (task A6). • Outputs b,c,d are completions and updates (continuing activity) of some works and results developed during the THEIERE project, whereas outputs a,e,f,g are completely new. • The other outputs of our TN will be: • - (h) an information system to help in the functioning of the project (mailing list, chat rooms, chat, on-line voting tool, forum, repository of documents…) based on the EAEEIE server, with a private part and a public part (internet website). • - (i) meetings and seminars to be proposed relative to these various points, it is planed to meet once at the beginning of the project as general meeting and then to meet twice a year as general meetings and seminars, for the whole partnership, to deal with the general functioning of the projects and activities, and to propose results (there will be also strategic meetings, see also 4.). Each year, one of the general annual meetings will be organised in conjunction with the annual EAEEIE conference. It is planned that a last meeting will present the results of the project: we could imagine in final meeting could be organised together with other TNs, particularly in Engineering. • - (j) conferences, once a year the EAEEIE organises its annual conference, this conference is open to everybody and is a good tool for dissemination of activities and results (the next conference will be held in Lappeenranta, Finland, June 2005, www.eaeeie.org). Several presentations are generally concerned by the Thematic network activity. The results of the Thematic network are generally presented also in other conferences dedicated to teaching or to research, in order to have a wide dissemination. • - (k) participation to other actions, dealing with thematic network activity as a whole, such as "Archipelago" or "Tuning" actions. • For this point we are in contact with H. Ferdinande from TUNING and M. Maffioli for TREE and the "Archipelago" action (in 2004 four people for our previous THEIERE thematic network participated in the Techno-TN meeting in Brussels).
Contacts with industry • Jan Ligus • 2 people are from Slovak Power Plant enterprise1 from US Steel company1 from car-tire industry
Financial aspects • 40 % amount 45 days after initial contract (about December2005) • 40 % 45 days after approval of the progress report by the commission • Under the condition 70 % of the previous pre-financing payment has been used up • The remaining received within 45 days following approval by the Commission of the final report